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Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 6:28pm

Lieutenant Commander David Forbes

Name David Forbes

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft 8inch
Weight 100kg
Hair Color Light brown
Eye Color Dark green
Physical Description David has short hair.He has blue eyes and thin eyebrows. A slender nose sits in the centre of his face. He has a muscular frame and good muscle tone.David coming from England speaks with a refined British accent.

David likes to be well dressed at all times while on duty.He prefers to wear casual clothing. Light cotton shirts and trousers. His footwear is usually simple. He prefers shoes to boots. Night attire is mostly shorts and a T-shirt.


Father Peter Howard Forbes ( Senior Lecturer Starfleet Academy science)
Mother Sarah Forbes nee Perkins
Other Family Mother related to Perkins family.

Personality & Traits

General Overview As a Cadet David was described as a strutting peacock. Until he was taken to one side and warned , that was just because his father was a senior lecturer. It did not mean he could behave as if he owned the place. David listened and changed his ways.

A good team player who always goes that extra mile to help if he can.Although sometimes things seem to end up as he says “ in a bit of a kerfuffle “ David tries to be helpful.

Very likable personality.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:- Easy going is always helpful. Photographic memory. A good friend to all. Helps those who do not always find it easy to make friends.He is fluent in all Earth Languages plus Klingon and early Vulcan.Good sense of humour. Great cook as well. He is a very good pianist.

Weaknesses:- Tends to push himself way past his abilities. Because of his father’s reputation as ‘ The Beast of Starfleet Academy’. David feels some people are taking out their anger on him. Over what his father did to them as Cadets.
Ambitions To get into the center seat one day.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies & Interests He can play the piano quite well. Loves to read 20th century classics.


The life stories of Charles Dickens , Mark Twain and Sir Terry Pratchett.Also Vulcan and Bajoran literature.Music of the 20th century. Such as the Beatles and David Bowie.

Personal History Early years:-

David’s parents moved to Earth after his father landed the post of Science Lecturer at Starfleet Academy. His mother drew and painted many of her pictures did very well. It’s rumored one is on the wall of the Federation President's office wall.

Little David arrived a few years later. His parents decided that fresh air was good for the little one. Some they chose to live out in the countryside in the small town of Bugay. David’s father would commute everyday. Leaving little David to run a little wild.As a youngster he seemed to make friends easily. His little gang were known as the Norwhich Naughtys. Until the apple incident.

School & Higher Education Years:-


While at kindergarten there was an incident. A group of the little tikes led by David. Invaded a local orchard and stole some Apples. When they got back an Apple fight started and a window got smashed. Parents were called.

David’s father was livid at how wild his son had become and decided to take a firmer hand in his son’s education. He was sent to one of the strictest boarding schools in Southern England. David hated it at first but slowly he began to do well. Showing like his father an aptitude for science.

College and University:-

David went onto college to study science. But did not stay long as he was fast tracked to university. He mixed in with the other students by veered away from any distractions like girls. He wanted to get good grades so his father , now a senior lecturer would be proud.

Starfleet career


His father was very keen that he should join Starfleet although his mother not so much. David was very excited to go so she kept her thoughts to herself.

At first David’s behavior was not great. Because his father was senior lecturer at the academy. It kind of went to his head and he acted like a strutting peacock. Until he was taken to one side and given a stern talking to. After that he behaved much better.

He showed a great aptitude for science and medicine. He was twice awarded Science Cadet of the year. David fell in love with a fellow student but it did not last very long. He graduated with full honors and his pick offers.
Service Record Starfleet Career

USS Hood: From academy stationed for five years
USS Pike: As Assitant Chief Science Officer