
The Greenhorn and the Seasoned Veteran

Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 6:10am by Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara & Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart

812 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Location: Security Complex

Following Commander Patton's departure, Tazuko proceeded to check the security assignments to the Oceanus, and sure enough, an Assistant Chief of Security had already been selected for her. To complicate matters, the assistant selected was a wet behind-the-scenes Lieutenant JG fresh off the USS Poseidon. Tazuko knew of Commodore Paladin, as he had commissioned the Oceanus, and had a working knowledge of his relationship with the Poseidon, but to put what was essentially a greenhorn in an assistant position to a veteran of her status seemed like a recipe for trouble...

=A="Miyahara to Stewart:"=A= Tazuko tapped her combadge. =A="Report to my office at your earliest opportunity."=A=

Jessica was making it feel like home in her quarters and removing items from her duffle bag and the case on her new bed containing her Bat'leth when her combadge had chirped. She tapped it and responded =/\= I'm on my way Sir,=/\= as she straightened up her tunic and headed out the door and towards the nearest turbolift.

Tazuko was humming the tune of a song by that 20th-century rock band that Konata was into when Jessica walked in.

"Ah, Lieutenant Stewart," Tazuko remarked flatly. "Have a seat."

"Why thank you, Sir," she replied taking the offered seat and looking at her boss as it had come as such a surprise that she had attained the rank of Lieutenant Jg so quickly and that both her parents were so proud of her, she also hoped that her aunt and uncle would get sent word. she asked So, Sir you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Lieutenant:" Tazuko said. "I understand you have been assigned here as my assistant Chief of Security, and I wanted to lay down my expectations of you."

"Sir," replied Jessica looking back at the Security chief, She continued "Whatever your expectations are, are not as high as My godfather's" She knew that her family also had high hopes for her as well.

"Lieutenant; whatever your godfather expects of you is irrelevant," Tazuko responded sharply. "Now, let me preface this by saying that I have been in Starfleet for far longer than you have. And as such, I expect things to be done in a certain way: You remember all those books you read in the Academy?"

"Yes sir," replied Jessica as she knew that things were going to be different here as she knew things were going to be similar, she said, "Is that all Sir?"

"I'm not finished, Stewart." Tazuko said sternly, making note of the junior Lieutenant's impatience. "I want to ensure all that information is burned into your head. Because if you're going to call yourself my assistant, I expect procedures to be done to a T: I expect the proper chain of command to be followed: If I give you an order, you carry it out. If anyone comes to you with a problem or issue, you bring it to me. If I pull you aside to offer criticism on how you can do your job better, it's not personal; it's my job."

" Aye Sir" replied Jessica as she replied to her senior officer knowing that he was going to be tough on her and she expected it to be being the second in command in the Security department, She stated," I understand everything, Sir," as she hoped to prove her worth to him and not disgrace him.

"That's aye Ma'am to you, Lieutenant." Tazuko corrected. She had been called Sir before, as it was customary to call a superior officer Sir regardless of the officer's sex, but Tazuko made it a habit to make her preference known for junior officers. A good key to telling if they would be right for the job was if they remembered her preference, and called her Ma'am from the moment of correction on.

"Sorry Ma'am" replied Jessica looking back at her senior officer as she knew that she had made an error and would not make the same mistake ever again, She knew that the Armoury had to be checked and made sure that it was stocked correctly and hoped that she could get going.

"Very well, dismissed." Tazuko nodded. She could tell that her assistant had one foot out the door. Perhaps not physically, but mentally. She wouldn't make further issue of it for now, but one of the things that would need to be worked on in the future was Jessica's inattentiveness. After all, no task outside of direct orders from the captain was so important that it could not wait until the Chief was finished speaking.

Only time would tell if Jessica really would remember everything that was told of her, or if the greenhorn syndrome would get the better of the other woman.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara
Chief of Security

Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart
Assistant Chief of Security



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