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Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 9:51pm

Commander Forest Patton

Name Forest Edward Patton

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 190 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel Blue
Physical Description Commander Forest Patton stands at a modest 5'10", with a lean build that reflects his disciplined lifestyle. At 190 lbs, he maintains a healthy weight, preferring a balance between mental acuity and physical well-being. Forest's appearance is characterized by a clean-cut demeanor, from his well-groomed brown hair to his neatly pressed Starfleet uniform. While not overtly muscular, his physique exudes a capable and composed aura, embodying the poise befitting a commanding officer in Starfleet.


Spouse Emily Patton
Children Aria Patton (daughter, 8); Caleb Patton (son, 5)
Father Richard Edward Patton
Mother Sophia Margaret Patton
Brother(s) Adrian David Patton
Sister(s) Elara Samantha Patton
Other Family Frederick Patton (Uncle); Susan Patton (Aunt)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Commander Forest Patton embodies a poised and strategic leader. His calm and empathetic demeanor fosters a collaborative environment, encouraging open communication and innovative problem-solving among his diverse crew. Forest's approach to command reflects a balance between intellectual acuity, adaptability, and a deep commitment to the well-being of his Starfleet family. As a mentor and diplomat, he navigates the challenges of deep space with a thoughtful blend of wisdom and compassion, ready to chart new frontiers and inspire the next generation of Starfleet officers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

+Strategic Thinker: Forest Patton excels in strategic planning, showcasing a keen ability to analyze complex situations and formulate effective solutions. His forward-thinking approach contributes to the success of the missions under his command.

+Empathetic Leadership: Forest's empathetic leadership style creates a supportive and collaborative atmosphere on the USS Oceanus. He values the well-being of his crew, fostering a sense of unity and teamwork.

+Diplomatic Skills: Forest's natural diplomacy shines in both interpersonal relationships and diplomatic encounters. His ability to navigate complex interactions aids in building alliances and resolving conflicts peacefully.

+Innovative Problem-Solving: Forest encourages a culture of innovation and creative problem-solving. His openness to new ideas fosters a dynamic and forward-thinking environment aboard the starship.


-Perfectionist Tendencies: Forest's commitment to excellence can sometimes lead to perfectionist tendencies. While this drives high standards, it may occasionally create additional pressure for both himself and his crew.

-Reluctance to Delegating: Forest's hands-on approach may result in occasional reluctance to delegate tasks. This stems from a desire for precision but could potentially lead to overburdening himself.

-Emotional Investment: Forest's deep emotional investment in his crew can be both a strength and a weakness. While it fosters strong bonds, it may occasionally cloud his judgment in difficult decision-making situations.

-Impatience with Bureaucracy: Forest's preference for action over bureaucratic processes can lead to impatience with administrative tasks. This impatience may create tension in situations that require meticulous procedural adherence.

-New Command Learning Curve: As Forest Patton assumes command of the newly-constructed USS Oceanus, he faces the challenge of adapting to the nuances and intricacies of a state-of-the-art Intrepid-class Starship. Navigating the learning curve associated with new technologies and ship systems poses a temporary vulnerability, requiring Forest to rely on the expertise of his skilled crew members while familiarizing himself with the unique capabilities of the vessel.
Ambitions Commander Forest Patton harbors a deep-seated ambition to leave an indelible mark on Starfleet's exploration efforts. His goal is to steer the USS Oceanus into uncharted territories, unveiling the mysteries of the cosmos and contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge. Forest aspires to cultivate a legacy of successful missions, fostering diplomatic relations, and inspiring the next generation of Starfleet leaders. His overarching ambition is to be remembered not only as a skilled commander but as a visionary explorer who played a pivotal role in expanding the boundaries of known space.
Hobbies & Interests In his moments of respite, Commander Forest Patton finds solace in the harmonies of classical Earth music, with a particular affinity for the works of composers like Beethoven and Mozart. A passionate advocate for physical fitness, Forest dedicates time to holodeck simulations of ancient Earth martial arts, merging his love for history with a commitment to personal well-being.

Additionally, Forest indulges in the art of strategic gaming, immersing himself in holonovels that challenge his tactical acumen. His fascination with ancient Earth history extends beyond music, leading him to explore the nuances of historical reenactments, occasionally participating in holosimulations that recreate pivotal moments in human history. These diverse interests provide Forest with a well-rounded perspective, enhancing both his strategic thinking and cultural appreciation.

Personal History Commander Forest Patton is happily married to Emily Patton, a prominent xenobotanist renowned for her work in terraforming research. Emily's passion for the sciences complements Forest's commitment to Starfleet, creating a harmonious balance in their relationship. The Pattons are parents to two children, a daughter named Aria and a son named Caleb. Aria, at the age of 8, already exhibits a fascination with starships, while 5-year-old Caleb shows an early interest in music and art. Forest's father, Richard Patton, is a retired Starfleet Admiral who served with distinction during a pivotal era of interstellar diplomacy. Richard's legacy casts a long shadow, serving as both inspiration and a reminder of the responsibilities inherent in commanding a starship. Sophia Patton, Forest's mother, is a skilled astrophysicist who contributed to Starfleet's understanding of subspace anomalies. Her intellectual pursuits have instilled in Forest a deep appreciation for the wonders of the cosmos.

Forest has a younger brother named Adrian, who chose a civilian career as an architect. Adrian's creative mindset provides a unique perspective that Forest occasionally draws upon when considering the design aspects of starships. Forest's older sister, Elara, is a Starfleet medical officer stationed at a prominent research facility. Her dedication to the well-being of Starfleet personnel serves as a reminder to Forest of the human element within the vastness of space. Forest has an uncle, Frederick Patton, who pursued a career in interstellar law and diplomacy. His role as a mediator in diplomatic conflicts has been a source of inspiration for Forest, influencing his approach to command and conflict resolution.

Born on September 14, 2366, in the picturesque hills of New England, Forest Edward Patton's early years were influenced by the esteemed Patton family legacy. His father, Richard, a then-actively serving Starfleet Admiral, and his mother, Sophia, an accomplished astrophysicist, cultivated a home environment rich in intellectual curiosity and respect for Starfleet traditions.

As a young boy, Forest's fascination with starships was evident, inspired by tales of his father's distinguished service. Growing up alongside his siblings, Forest's younger brother, Adrian, opted for a civilian career as an architect, bringing a creative perspective to the family. His older sister, Elara, pursued a path in Starfleet medicine, instilling in Forest the importance of the human element within the vastness of space. In 2380, at the age of 14, Forest experienced a pivotal moment during a visit to Starfleet Academy. Witnessing the buzz of starship operations and the pursuit of knowledge ignited a profound calling within him. Inspired by this exposure, Forest eagerly joined Starfleet Academy at the age of 18, embarking on a four-year journey of academic and leadership development.

During his time at the Academy, Forest honed his strategic thinking and interpersonal skills, emerging as a promising young officer. His academic pursuits focused on command track courses, preparing him for the responsibilities of leadership. In 2386, at the age of 20, Forest graduated from Starfleet Academy with distinction, ready to embark on a new chapter in his life. In 2388, at the age of 22, Forest married Emily, a prominent xenobotanist specializing in terraforming research. Their union brought forth two children, Aria and Caleb. Aria, at 8 years old, displays a fascination with starships, while 5-year-old Caleb exhibits an early interest in music and art.

Freshly graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2386 at the age of 20, Forest Edward Patton embarked on a journey of practical experience that would shape his career trajectory. His first assignment took him to the USS Sutherland (NCC-72015), an Nebula-class starship, where he served as a junior officer specializing in tactical operations. This initial foray into starship duties provided Forest with hands-on experience in the intricacies of Starfleet operations and the challenges of deep space exploration.

Eager to expand his expertise, Forest then transferred to the USS Excalibur (NCC-26517), an Ambassador-class starship. Here, he further honed his command abilities in the ship's operations division, demonstrating a knack for strategic thinking and leadership. Forest's performance did not go unnoticed, and he quickly advanced through the ranks.

Continuing his upward trajectory, Forest was then assigned to the USS Thunderchild (NCC-63549), an Akira-class starship, where he assumed the role of Assistant Chief Tactical Officer. His proficiency in tactical operations and keen strategic mind solidified his reputation as a rising star within Starfleet.

In 2392, at the age of 26, Forest received a significant promotion to Executive Officer aboard the USS Nova (NCC-73515), an Nova-class starship. His exceptional leadership during critical missions and dedication to the crew contributed to the ship's success and garnered the attention of Starfleet Command.

This string of progressively challenging assignments paved the way for Forest's most significant command yet: the USS Oceanus (NCC-79603), an Intrepid-class starship. Forest's journey through various starships and roles demonstrated his adaptability, strategic acumen, and unwavering commitment to Starfleet's principles. Now, at the age of 30, he stands ready to lead the USS Oceanus into the uncharted territories of space, carrying the torch of exploration and discovery.
Service Record --2380: Entered Starfleet Academy at the age of 20

--2386: Graduated Starfleet Academy - Tactical Division, Tactical Officer - Rank of Ensign. Assigned to USS Sutherland (NCC-72015), Nebula-class Starship.

--2388: Transferred by request to USS Excalibur (NCC-26517), Ambassador-class Starship. Transfer to Operations Division, Operations Officer.

--2387: Promotion from Ensign to Lieutenant, Junior Grade. Promoted to Assistant Chief Operations Officer.

--2388: Transferred by request to USS Thunderchild (NCC-63549), Akira-class Starship, following promoted to full Lieutenant. Transferred back to Tactical Division, given Assistant Chief Tactical Officer.

--2392: Transferred by request of Captain of the USS Nova (NCC-73515), Nova-class Starship, to fill the role of Executive Officer after promotion to Lieutenant Commander.

--2395: During his tenure as Executive Officer of the USS Nova, Forest receives two Purple Hearts, a Command Division Service Award, and Commendation of Recognition for his acts of duty in service to Starfleet and Crew. This gets him noticed by Commodore Gregory Paladin, a Starfleet Commander in charge of the Starfleet Academy Training Program. After deciding to keep the USS Poseidon (NCC-42635), a Miranda-class Starship, as an Academy Training Ship, Gregory needed a new commander for the Intrepid-class starship that was intended as her replacement. After consulting with Starfleet Command, Commodore Paladin begins the selection process to fast-track Forest to the newly christened USS Oceanus.

--2396: Promoted to full Commander. Starfleet Command, represented by Commodore Gregory Paladin, gives command of the USS Oceanus (NCC-79603), an Intrepid-class starship, to the newly-minted Commander Patton. This new command, intertwined with Forests extensive service history, give high hopes to Starfleet Command that the USS Oceanus is in good hands.