The Sim

The USS Oceanus (NCC-79603) is an Intrepid-class Long Range Explorer which finished construction at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards above Mars in 2396. Origionally intended to replace the aging Miranda-class starship USS Poseidon, Commodore Gregory Paladin ordered the replacement to be commissioned into a new starship instead when the Poseidon was fully transitioned into an Academy Training Ship for Starfleet Academy. The USS Oceanus is intended to undertake the original mission profile of the USS Poseidon by exploring strange and new worlds, undertaking science and academic missions, and boldly going in pursuit of knowledge across the cosmos.


Theta Fleet does not permit players under the age of 16. The USS Oceanus sim does not allow anyone under the age of 18.

RPG Rating of the USS Oceanus:
-Mild swearing is permitted, with limitations on some moderate language. (The use of vulgar obscenities are limited. Words like fu**, cu**, etc. should be rated.)
-Sexual content is permitted with some limitations. Explicit sex, pornography, or too much detail is not. (Keep it tasteful--more foreplay and emotion, less detail.)
- Violence is permitted, with limitations. (Describe it, do it, but don't go into detail. Don't be explicit.)



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====>>FLEET/TASK FORCE<<====

-The USS Oceanus is a proud member of:
Theta Fleet
The USS Oceanus is a Member of Task Force:
AREA 51-D: Yokai
51-D TGCO: Captain Franklin Johnson (Poseidon)
