Deck Listing

Deck 1 · Deck 2 · Deck 3 · Deck 4 · Deck 5 · Deck 6 · Deck 7 · Deck 8 · Deck 9A · Deck 9B · Deck 10 · Deck 11 · Nacelle & Pylons (Port & Starboard) · Deck 12 · Deck 13 · Deck 14 · Deck 15

Deck 1

-Turbolift Access (x1)
-Captain's Ready Room
-Briefing Room (Main Conference Room)
-Secure Locker (Weapons Access)
-Bridge Access Escape Pods (x2)
-Head (x2, rear of Conference Room)
-Cargo Hold (aft of bridge, across from escape pods)
-Executive Airlock & Sub-systems (x1, rear of bridge)

Deck 2

-Captain's Private Dining Room
-Officers' & VIP Quarters (x2; x1 on port and x1 on starboard)
-Dorsal-Forward Observation Lounge
-Officer's Mess Hall (Refuge 1; located at bow/fore of deck 2)
-Head (x6; x3 in center w/ access to port and x3 in center with access starboard)
-Turbolift Access (x1; center)
-Dorsal-Aft Tactical Scanner/Sensor Suite Compartment
-Subspace/Radio Transceiver Bay
-Dorsal-Aft Tactical Sensory Array
-Decks 01/02 Emergency Life Support
-Deck 2 Cargo Hold (center)
-Escape Pods (x4; x2 on port and x2 on starboard)

Deck 3

-Captain's Quarters (fore of deck 3)
-VIP Private Conference Lounge (beside Captain's Quarters)
-Officers' & Senior Officers & VIP Quarters (x12; x2 center, x5 port, x5 starboard)
-Head (x10; Located in a single room in rear of deck 3)
-Deck 3 Cargo Hold (center)
-Structural Integrity Field Generator Compartment
-Deflector Screen/Force Field Generator Compartment
-Deck 03 Emergency Transporter Pad (x22 personnel capability)
-Deck 03/04 Emergency Life Support
-Aft-Airlock & Sub-systems (Upper Hull Access)

Deck 4

-Crew & Senior Officer's & Officer's Quarters (x12; x6 port and x6 starboard)
-Crew Lounge (x2; x1 on port and x1 on starboard)
-Head (x14; x3 with port Crew Lounge and x3 with starboard Crew Lounge, x4 front-starboard and x4 front-port)
-Transporter Pad (x4 in total with x6 personnel capability each; x2 center-port and x2 center-starboard)
-Escape Pod (x4; x2 aft-port and x2 aft-starboard)
-Cargo Bay 2/Deck 04 Cargo Hold/ (near fore/bow)
-Cargo Transporter Alcove
-Turbolift Access (x2; x1 access center-fore and x1 access center-aft)
-Structural Integrity Field Compartment (x2; x1 port and x1 starboard)
-Forward Tactical Scanner/Sensor Suite - Beta Compartment
-Structural Integrity Field Generator Compartment
-Holodeck-Support Machinery Compartment (Buffers)
-Primary Hull EPS Distribution Node Compartment (x2; x1 port and x2 starboard)
-Dorsal-Forward Phaser System (stretches along port and starboard sides to fore)
-Aft-Starboard Torpedo Launch Bay (x2 tubes aft)

Deck 5

-Chief Medical Officer's Office (located in Sickbay Complex)
-Sickbay Complex (located center-fore of Deck 5)
-Battery Compartment (Dedicated Sickbay)
-Battery Compartment (located aft)
-Science Lab (x6 labs all located around center)
-Crew Library (located starboard)
-Crew Quarters (x42; x13 port and x13 starboard, x12 center-aft, x4 center-fore)
-Turbolift Access (x3; x2 located center and x1 located center-fore near Sickbay Complex)
-Escape Pods (x2; x1 located fore-starboard and x1 located fore-port)
-Head (x14; x2 fore-port and x2 fore-starboard, x5 center-starboard and x5 center-port)
-Holodecks 1 & 2 (Upper Level; No Access)
-Deck 05 Cargo Hold (located center-fore w/ smaller rooms center port and center starboard)
-Special Supplies & Storage (x2; x1 center-port and x1 center-starboard)
-Decks 05/06 Emergency Life Support (located aft)
-Waste [Organic] De-Assembler Bay (located aft, fore of life support)
-Water Storage Bay (located aft)

Deck 6

-Executive Officer's Office (located port)
-Second Officer's Office (located starboard)
-Security Complex (located center-aft)
-Armory (located inside Security Complex)
-Chief Security Officer's Office (located inside Security Complex)
-Holodecks 1 & 2 Main Level (located center)
-Crew Quarters[Includes Senior Officers Quarters] (x62;x10 port and x10 starboard, x14 center-port-outer and x14 center-starboard-outer, x7 center-port-inner and x7 center-starboard-inner)
-Deck 06 Cargo Hold (located fore)
-Head (x13; x3 port and x3 starboard, x7 located aft-starboard)
- Secondary Computer Core Bay - Upper Level (x2; located center-aft of Holodecks; No Access)
-Secondary Deflector Bay (located directly fore)
-Battery Compartment (located aft)
-Replication Compartment [Organic & Inorganic] (x2; located center-port and center-starboard)
-Waste De-Assembler Bay [Inorganic] (located aft)
-Umbilical Connection Bay (located aft)
-Aft Torpedo Loading Port Bay (x2; x1 aft-starboard and x1 aft-port)
-Escape Pod (x6; x3 port and x3 starboard)
-Turbolift Access (x3; x2 center and x1 fore)

Deck 7

-Cargo Loading Bay/Workbee Hanger - Upper Level
-Deck 07 Cargo Hold (x2 located center and x2 located aft)
-Main Cargo Hold - Upper (located center)
-Crew Quarters [Includes Senior Officers' & Officers'] (x34; x9 port and x9 starboard, x4 center-aft-starboard and x4 center-aft-port, x8 fore)
-Science Lab (x8 labs located center-aft)
-Chief Science Officer's Office (located in Science Lab)
-Decks 07/08/09A Emergency Life Support (located center-aft)
-Deuterium Tankage - Upper Level (No Access)
-Umblical Connection Bay (located aft)
-Dorsal-Midships Phaser System Bay
-Deuterium Injector Access Hatch (located aft; closed)
-RCS Thruster & Fueling System - Upper Level
-Head (x10; x5 port and x5 starboard)
-Escape Pod (x10; x3 port and x3 starboard, x3 fore-port and x3 fore-starboard)

Deck 8

-Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography Lab (located center of deck)
-Cargo Working Bay Staging Area / Workbee Hanger - Main Level
-Cargo Bay & Cargo Transporter Alcove
-Cargo Loading Bay - Main Level
-Cargo Hold - Main Level
-Hazardous Cargo Hold
-Transporter Transceiver Compartment
-Life Support Compartment w/ Backup Batteries
-Battery Compartment
-Deflector Screen/Force-field Generator/Structural Integrity Generator Compartment
-Deuterium Tankage - Main Level (located aft)
-Deuterium Processing Compartment (located aft)
-Deuterium Injector Engineering Bay (located aft)
-Antigrav Landing Thruster Bay
-Umbilical Connection Bay (located aft)
-Extra-Vehicular Activity Operations Control (x2; x1 port and x1 starboard)
-Turbolift (x1; located center)
-Airlock/Docking Port (x2; x1 starboard and x1 port)
-Ventral-Forward Phaser Systems Bay (x2; x1 forward-port and x1 forward-starboard)
-Ventral-Midships Phaser Systems Bay (x2; x1 located center-port and x1 located center-starboard)
-RCS Thruster & Fueling System - Main Level

Deck 9A

-Ventral Forward Observation Lounge
-Backup Crew Lounge [Very Small]
-Aerowing-class Captain's Yacht Parking Bay & Control Room
-Aerowing Shuttle Re[pair & Diagnostics Compartment (located starboard-aft)
-Aerowing Shuttlebay Pressurization Room (located port-aft)
-Aerowing Shuttle Fuel Tankage Bay (located port-aft)
-Transporter Transcevier Compartment
-Cargo & Airlock External Access Hatch Bay
-Ladder Access to Deck 8 (located starboard-aft)

Deck 9B

-Crew Quarters (x12; x6 port and x6 starboard)
-Head (x6; x3 port and x3 starboard)
-Crew Mess [9B Hall] (located starboard-aft)
-Crew Lounge [Small] (located port-aft)
-Backup Crew Lounge [Very Small]
-Turbolift Access (x2; x1 center-port and x1 center-starboard)
-Decks 09B/10 Emergency Life Support (located center-starboard-front)
-Turbolift Maintenance Workshop (located center-port-front)
-Umbilical Trunk & Distribution Bay (located center-starboard)
-Spare Warp Core Storage Well (located center)
-Coolant Bypass Engineering Compartment
-Shuttlebay 1 - Upper Level
-Shuttlebay 2 - Upper Level
-Shuttlebay 2 Systems Control Gallery (located center-aft)
-Shuttlebay 2 Operations Control Gallery (located center-port-aft)
-Shuttlebay Backup Atmospheric Control Bay (located starboard-aft)
-Shuttlebay 1 Flight Control Gallery (located center-aft)

Deck 10

-Crew Quarters (x8; x4 port and x4 starboard)
-Head (x8; located center)
-Crew Mess & Lounge [Refuge 2] (located port)
-Petty Officer's Mess & Lounge [Refuge 3] (located starboard)
-Fore Torpedo Launch Bay - Main Level
-Spare Warp Core Storage Well (located center)
-Spare Replicator Raw Material Storage Bay
-Primary Computer Bay - Upper Level (located center)
-Main Engineering Bay - Upper Level (located center)
-Deflector Screen/Force-field Generator Compartment
-Engineering Insulating Force Field Generator/Structural Integrity Force Field Generator Compartment
-Shuttlebay 2 Fabrication & Pressurization Room (located starboard-aft)
-Shuttlebay 2 - Main Level (located aft)
-Shuttle Elevator [Pressor/Tractor] (located inside Shuttlebay 2)
-Pressure Door (located between Shuttlebays 1 & 2)
-Shuttlebay 1 - Main Level (located aft, behind Shuttlebay 2)
-Shuttlebay 1 Pressurization Room (located port-aft)
-Shuttlebay Force Field Generator & Airlock Subsystems Room (located aft inside Shuttlebay 1)
-Aft Airlock (located aft between end of Shuttlebay 1 and Faintail/Landing Target)
-Failtail/Landing Target (located aft)

Deck 11

-Main Engineering - Main Level (located center)
-Chief Engineers Office (located inside Main Engineering)
-Aft Observation Lounge (Shuttle & Fighter Pilot Ready Room)
-Fighter & Shuttle Pilot Bunkrooms
-Group & Wing Commander Offices
-Cargo Bay - Main Level
-Head (x10; x5 located starboard-aft and x5 port-aft)
-Turbolift Access (x2 located center beside Main Engineering)
-Shuttle/Fighter Parking & Control Bay (located center-aft)
-Shuttle/Fighter Elevator Bay (located center aft)
-Shuttle Refueling & Maintenance Storage Bay (located center-aft)
-Decks 11/12 Emergency Life Support (located center-fore)
-Primary Deflector Generator Bay - Upper Level (located fore)
-Primary Computer Bay - Mid Level (located center)
-Spare Warp Core Storage - Mid Section & Battery Room (located center)
-Spare Warp Matter & Antimatter Injector Storage Bay (located center)
-Ventral-Faintail Phaser System (x2; x1 located port-aft and x1 located starboard-aft)

Nacelle & Pylons (Port & Starboard)

-Bussard Ionizing Beam Emitter Bay (located fore of Nacelle)
-Bussard Magnetic Field Generator/Collector Bay (located fore of Nacelle)
-Continuous Cycle Fractionator (Deuterium Chiller Bay (located fore of Nacelle)
-Warp Coil & Plasma Injector Bay (located along center of Nacelle)
-Off-Axis Field Coil Bay (located aft of Nacelle)
-Nacelle Pylon Swivel Motor Bay (located between Pylon and Ship)
-Nacelle Deflector Screen/Force-field Generator Bay
-Ventral-pylon Phaser System (located center-aft of Pylon)
-Pylon Structural Integrity Field Generator Room
-Fusion Generator & Impulse Bay (located center Pylon)

Deck 12

-Navigation Systems Control Room (located center-starboard)
-Engineering Systems Control Room (located center-port)
-Environmental Systems Control Room (located center)
-Head (x4 located center near Turbolift Access)
-Turbolift Access (located center)
-Primary Deflector Generator Bay - Mid Level (located fore)
-Cyrogenic Cooling Systems Compartment - Mid Level (located on starboard and port)
-Spare Warp Core Storage Bay (located center)
-Primary Computer Bay - Main Level (located center)

-Engineering Hull EPS Distribution Node Compartment (located center)
-Antimatter Containment Bay (located center)
-Warp Plasma Distribution Engineering Bay (located center-aft)

Deck 13

-Primary Deflector Generator Bay - Main Level (located fore)
-Emergency Transporter Room (x22 personnel capacity; located center)
-Diagnostics & Repair Engineering Workshop/Lab (x6; x3 located center-port and x3 located center-starboard)
-Turbolift Access (located center)
-Deck 13 Cargo Room (located center)
-Special Supplies & Storage (x2; x1 located center-aft-port and x1 located center-aft-starboard)
-Spare Warp Core Storage - Mid Level (located center)
-Battery Compartment
-EPS Distribution Bay
-Antimatter Pod Jettison Tunnel (located center-aft)
-Warp Core Coolant Bay (located center-aft)
-Warp Core Coolant Surfactants Intake/Outflow (located aft)

Deck 14

-Chief Operations Officers Office (located starboard)
-Chief Strategic Operations Officers Office (located starboard)
-Chief Intelligence Officers Office (located port)
-Chief Diplomatic Officers Office (located port)
-Yeomans Office (x2; x1 located starboard-aft and x1 located port-aft)
-Crew Mess & Lounge [Small] (located starboard)
-Marine Bunkrooms (located port)
-Marine CO & XO Offices (located port, beside Marine Bunkrooms)
-Armory (located beside Marine Bunkrooms)
-Personnel Transporter Room (x2 w/ 6-person capacity each; located center)
-Diagnostics & Repair Engineering Workshop/Lab (x2; located center)
-Head (x2; x1 located port and x1 starboard)
-Escape Pod (x4; x2 port and x2 starboard)
-Turbolift Access (located center)
-Ladder Access to Landing Pad & Armature (x2; x1 located port-aft and x1 starboard-aft)
-Deflector Screen/Force-field Generator & Structural Integrity Field Generator Compartment
-Spare Warp Core Storage (located center)
-Antimatter Processing (located aft)
-Antimatter Injector Engineering Bay (located aft)
-Decks 13/14/15 Emergency Life Support (located aft)

Deck 15

-Marine Training & Exercise Room (located fore)
-Armory (located fore)
-Head (x2; located fore)
-Turbolift Access (located fore)
-Escape Pod (x10; x5 starboard and x5 port)
-Ventral-Midships Phaser Systems Hi-Bay
-Personnel Transporter Buffer Compartment
-Spare Warp Core Storage & Hatch (located center)
-Landing Pad & Armature Bay (x4; x2 bays located fore-and-aft starboard and x2 bats located fore-and-aft port)
-Battery Compartment
-Plasma Relay Control Room (x2; x1 located center-port and x1 located center-starboard)
-Antimatter Loading Port (located center)
-Antimatter Generator Bay (located center)
-Antimatter Pod Jettison Hatch (located center-aft)
-Warp Core Jettison Hatch & Venting System (located aft)
-Aft Tractor Beam Emitter