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Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 5:36pm

Ensign Crowl

Name Crowl

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft
Weight 130kg
Hair Color Bald with spikes
Eye Color Yellow with black diamond slits
Physical Description Crowl comes from the race of Gorns who one of thier number faced Kirk so long ago. He was a short snout with reptilian eyes. Due to his mouth being full of sharp teeth he wears a device on the side of his head. That cuts out the lisp he speaks with so he can be understood better.

He has a muscular frame with powerful legs and arms.

Apart from his Starfleet uniform when off duty he wears togas which he finds comfortable.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Not known
Mother Not known
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Lcmd James Kane
Staff at British Museum

Personality & Traits

General Overview Crowl is not your typical Gorn. He grew up around humans so his attitude is more easygoing. But deep down buried in his psyche is all the feelings of his birth race. He does have a temper but keeps it under control. At least for now.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:Able to fit in and make friends easily.Very loyal to people he calls friend. Has a good sense of humor.

Weaknesses:- His temper. Although he keeps it under control. It can get out if anyone tries to dig into his past and find out about his birth parents.
Ambitions To staged a comedy gala one day. Featuring holograms of some of 20th Century Earths comedians. He would also like to Captain a science vessel.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies:-

Collecting old Earth Comic Books.
Stand up comedy.



20th Century comedy. Loves comedians and sitcoms of that era.

Personal History Early life:-

All data on the day his egg was laid has been lost. A Ferengi trader had been caught on Earth trying to steal from a museum. When he was searched a Gorn egg was found in a pocket. He claimed it was a dead egg he had found on Starbase 51.Lcmd James Kane a science officer on loan to the British museum. Agreed to trade with him for the Ferengis freedom.

He wanted to study the egg and was literally on the verge of dissecting it. When a little scaly claw popped out of the egg. Minutes later a baby Gorn poked his head out the egg. All attempts at trying to discover where the baby Gornling came from failed. The Ferengi came to a sticky end when he tried to con a rather angry Klingon.

So Lcmd James Kane and the staff of the British Museum became surrogate parents. They gave the little Lizard the name Crowl as it was easy to shout when he was naughty. But soon the young Gorn became one of the family.

Crowl was very intelligent and showed a curiosity to learn. He soon picked up Kanes love of 20th Comedy and comic books.


With so many renowned scientists and teachers around him. Crowl was homeschooled for his early to teen years. Showing an amazing aptitude for Science and math. Unfortunately his temper began to show in his teen years. When a newcomer to the British Museum team tried to find out about his true past. Luckily the man’s arm was reattached. But Kane decided to book Crowl into therapy to stop this happening again. The sessions worked and Crowl learnt to control his temper.


Crowl was the first non-human to attend a well known British University. Although Kane and the staff at the museum were worried about how the Gorn would react , being away from home. Their fears where dumbfounded Crowl got on very well with the other students. Mind you having a 6ft Gorn on your Rugby team helped them win a few tournaments. He became very popular.

Starfleet Academy:-

With his time at the museum ending and many of the staff retiring. Kane was worried about Crowls future despite the Gorn graduating with high grades. That’s when Crowl suggested Starfleet Academy Kane agreed so off he went.

The Gorn did exceptionally well and graduated from the academy with very high marks.

Service Record This is his first posting.

OOC:- He is an NPC can I have him linked to Forbes please.