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Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 3:36pm

Lieutenant Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon

Name Neteri Raina "Ikran" Shannon

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Second Position Group Commander

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 54

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 155 lbs
Hair Color Black; Long
Eye Color Hazel Grey
Physical Description Demure and well muscled. Stunning body, well proportioned and full in the appropriate places. Has several small scars hidden by one long tattoo of a chinese dragon from her shoulder down her back.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Major Robert “Longhorn” Shannon
Mother Commander Didra “Fathom” Shannon
Brother(s) Lt. Tom “Reaper” Shannon
Sister(s) None
Other Family Various Starfleet officers in engineering and flight.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Neteri is a quiet but a wonderful girl who enjoys a good party. She is quick and conscious of her surroundings. She can fool you into thinking you have made a bad impression on her. However the joke is usually on the person so it is all in good fun. Dedicated to flying CAP and combat missions. She is also very good in schooling pilots in helping them become better flyers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Loves to fly.
Dedicated to her job and pilots.
Loyalty goes without question.
Leads by example.
Ambitions To be the best of the best and to command her own fighter group.
To get married.
Hobbies & Interests Neteri loves to work on her fighter making small improvements to its systems. She also loves to read, dance, horseback ride and hike in the mountains.

Personal History Neteri grew up on Argos Prime where her parents moved to from Betazed. Argos Prime was a small, little known world where a handful of people came to settle and live their lives. Both her parents are in Starfleet and are decorated pilots for the Federation. Stationed on a small base, Banshee Squadron, both her parents were commanders of their groups that patrolled the air space in that area.

Neteri attended schools that prepared her for her role in flying fighters, and the Betazoid schools for her empathic and telepathy skills. For some unexplained reason, Neteri had developed stronger abilities than the normal betazoid. She is in no way a super betazoid but her powers are strong.

Once she finished schooling on Argos Prime, her parents sent her off to Starfleet academy where she promptly caught the attention of the commander of Red Squadron and was assigned there. Netrri was tickled pink with that assignment and proud as well. To be in Red Squadron was an honor and privilege because they were the best of the best.

She aced all her classes and gained the nickname 'Ikran', which would eventually become her call sign. She could take her fighter and literally blend in and become a flying bird in the sky. She learned this by watching the native birds on Argos Prime as they flew. Most of her knowledge came from her many hours spent in the holodeck running old WWll fighter battles and the subsequent air and space battles up to the present. Before she graduated, she studied as many types of federation and non-federation fighters and battles to gain the knowledge of those craft. Impressed were her teachers, she graduated in the top 5% of her graduating class.

Neteri signed on to the USS Claymore, an Akira class uprated, and rose through the ranks to achieve the position of Chief Squadron Leader as a Lieutenant. She was promoted to CAG but the Claymore was destroyed in a fierce battle with the combined forces of Orion Marauders and Maquis Raiders.

Back at SB 375, she waited for her next assignment.... USS Arondight, an Ascension class ship. The Arondight was the flying aircraft carrier for the patrol group Saturn's Raiders. She was not just utilized as a carrier but also a school for the new cadets that signed for combat training. This was new to Neteri but a welcome chance for her to teach what she knew to the newest crop of young pilots. It was here that she made the biggest impact in the way combat training was basically improved upon by lessons learned from the ancient history of aerial combat.

Neteri combined the old dog fighting tactics with the new and developed new ways to fly combat missions with minimal losses to fighters and their pilots. She developed a rappor with her pilots and basically became not just teacher and CAG but sort of a den mother. She cared a great deal about how they felt and understood when they were distressed. She would listen to them and go out of her way to help them if she could. Neteri always supported her pilots as she knew it would help them further their careers and be emotionally ready for the rigors of combat flying. Her captain, Commodore Allan B. Shepherd promoted her to Lt. Commander and as a gift for her outstanding performance and dedication to his ship and cadets, presented her with her own Gryphon fighter.

Starfleet was taken by Neteri's work on the Arondight, they transferred her back to Earth to be an instructor in the Academy, but when she got there she turned it down. She said it was not for her and that her life was dedicated to flying and teaching from the cockpit and not in a classroom. Starfleet understood and assigned her to the USS Poseidon as her CAG.
Service Record USS Claymore 16 years dedicated service. Promoted through the ranks to Lieutenant with final posting as CAG.
USS Arondight 13 years dedicated service to training and flying combat missions and defense. Promoted to Lt. Commander with gift of her Gryphon.
Transferred to USS Poseidon as CAG
Transferred to USS Oceanus as Chief Flight Control Officer with her Gryphon fighter.

More than 15 years simming.
ACTD past
5Th fleet current
Bravo Fleet current
Pegasus Fleet current
Mystic-Knights fleet current