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Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 9:51pm

Lieutenant Connor Hayden

Name Connor Steven Hayden

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 185.4 cm
Weight 92.5 kg
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Grey/green
Physical Description Connor is slightly thin for his height and weight, he is often mistaken for someone significantly younger.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Horace Hayden (Capt. Retired)
Mother Elaine Hayden (Doctor, MD Phd)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Lydia Jenson
Other Family Various

Personality & Traits

General Overview Conner tends to be a solitary person most of the time, a habit of being with intelligence, especially having been part of intelligence operations for the last several years his social skills are slightly lapsed.
Strengths & Weaknesses His solitary nature combined with the mystique and sense of mystery that being an intelligence officer tends to bring does make it difficult for him to keep any form of relationships going.
Ambitions Connor is vague on his ambitions, he is a command rated officer, along with several other 'special' skills.
Hobbies & Interests Connor is known to play golf on both the holodeck and on several courses, he's been known to camp when given the opportunity.

Personal History Connor grew up splitting his time between starships and starbases, spending time with both of his parents on various assignments. It wasn't unusual for Connor to spend a few months with his father when the starship he was assigned too then spending the rest of the time with his mother on whatever starbase she was assigned as the an attending doctor.

By age 16 Connor had spent the majority of his life going back and forth he's managed to keep surprisingly good grades which had earned him a chance too challenge the academy entry exams. While his did exceptionally well he initially hadn't been accepted he learned that the candidate who'd been chosen had cheated and was disqualified resulting in his acceptance.

Connor was an immediate outcast, being the youngest cadet in his class didn't have all the advantages he thought, he struggled socially initially but after a while he found that he could be himself and fit in as much as he wanted.

During a lecture on fleet tactics Connor made an off-hand comment about that initially drew the ire of the lecturing officer while the guest officer found his comment not only fascinating but worthy of further discussion. After some significant debate Connor was offered a seat in the intelligence program.

Connor found the change in academics not only what he craved on some personal level he found himself enjoying the challenges, while his background in tactical studies made some of his case study assignments easy it was the other areas of study that Connor seemed to accel at.

Graduation from the academy lead to Connor's first assignment working out of several field locations on various assignments. During a mission contending with an insurgent group Connor barely escaped being wounded in an ensuing firefight.

Connor spent several weeks after the mission doing research and other studies that resulted in his assignment away from field operations.
Service Record Starfleet academy - Intelligence specialty, Command electives

Starfleet intelligence operations

Outpost 337 - Intelligence officer