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Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 9:50pm

Lieutenant Veya

Name Veya

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 63

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 140
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Trim, with a slight hour glass figure. She is athletic and is much stronger than her physical appearance would suggest. She has long brown hair that is usually kept in a low bun or a chignon. Off duty she can usually be found wearing form fitting pants and a loose tunic.


Spouse N/A
Children None
Father Kalek
Mother T'Kela
Brother(s) Taurik

Personality & Traits

General Overview When one first meets Veya (known as T’Veya on Vulcan) it is evidence that she is well-practiced in emotional suppression. She is deliberately controlled with her facial expressions and verbal responses, especially in situations where she is less familiar with people who are present. Veya is curious about cultures and people who express their emotions openly and let them be a driving force behind their decisions. Veya’s upbringing would cause her to feel shame and embarrassment should she present in such a vulnerable manner. Yet, her years in Starfleet have caused her to observe happiness in many that is not meant to be seen on her homeworld. Once she trusts someone she enjoys exploring this topic very much, as it has become an unintended detour in her journey.

Veya is not one to mince words for fear of hurting someone’s feelings. She is direct, blunt, and often will get straight to the point in a conversation. Diplomacy is not foreign to her, and she is able to follow social protocols when necessary, but she finds them inefficient and insincere.
Strengths & Weaknesses *Logical, calm under pressure and not easily startled or surprised, loyal, honest

*blunt, rigid, emotionally unavailable
Ambitions To better understand the most unknown fields of science. She's always looking to make the next breakthrough - for knowledge's sake, not notoriety.

To define herself. She's departed from Vulcan's ways, but hasn't yet determined where that puts her.
Hobbies & Interests Piloting (she picked this up to give her more freedom with scientific projects), meditative exercises such as Yoga, Tai Chi, etc., Suus Maana, reading, chess, card games

Personal History T'Veya was born on Vulcan in 2333. Her brother Taurik is five years younger, and they both spent their childhood and adolescence in traditional Vulcan schools. T'Veya’s parents are purists - not violent or malicious, and they did not raise their children to harbor any hatred or ill-will. However, Kalek and T’Kela are a vocal part of the political movement to keep outsiders from obtaining residency on Vulcan, and they wished to keep non-Vulcans, including hybrids out of Vulcan schools and service. Their reasons seemed logical to T'Veya’s young mind, but young minds are easily influenced, and she had yet to learn just how easy it was to divine a “logical” reason for almost any course of action or belief system that one wishes.

T'Veya was always a curious student. What made her different from her peers was her interest in science’s seemingly unsolvable mysteries. Vulcan schools pushed their students to the edges of math, science, and technology, but tended to fall short in areas that were deemed too theoretical or unable to be quantified. As a result, T'Veya would seek out texts from other societies, sometimes bringing these ideas to class much to the frustration of her teachers. Her parents responded by placing her with a mentor who provided additional training meant to more deeply engrain the importance of Vulcan social practices.

T'Veya eventually came to fall in line as was expected of her. After finishing her secondary education she was accepted into Vulcan Science Academy with a primary focus in astrophysics. After graduation she went on to serve as a science officer with the Vulcan Command Fleet for the next 20 years or so, taking the occasional educational sabbatical for fellowship programs in areas of study related to her field. It was the Dominion War that caused T'Veya to change directions and decide to join Starfleet. At the end of the War in 2375, T’Veya broke the news to her parents that she would be attending an accelerated program at Starfleet Academy. Her parents brushed the notion off as a youthful rebellious phase that T’Veya was going through, fully expecting her to serve a few years and eventually return home. However, as the years went by T’Veya continued to cut ties with Vulcan tradition, including calling off her betrothal to a man from a well respected family clan.

Since joining Starfleet T’Veya has found herself more satisfied as a scientist. The curiosity and exploration into the unknown that was stifled as a child was now encouraged and fostered by some of the best minds in Starfleet and other Federation allies. She was quick to tap into studies involving temporal mechanics and other spacial-temporal anomalies. In more recent years she’s even come to study the things that Vulcans fight very hard to not have to understand - emotions, humor, the nuances of social interactions. T’Veya still maintains contact with her family - though it has become more forced over time.
Service Record (will play with this and put in more detail depending on what position you want me to fill)

2351-2355: Student Vulcan Science Academy

2355-2375: Science Officer Vulcan Command Fleet

2376-2378: Starfleet Academy (Accelerated Track based on prior experience.)

2378-Present: Starfleet