Season 2

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In its Second Season, the USS Oceanus has been called to action to assist the ailing Luna-class USS Churchill and crew as they work to recover their vessel from an unknown catastrophe.

Group Post Count: 40

Included Missions

A Precocious Odyssey

Post Count: 16


The USS Oceanus has been called out to active duty to assist the ailing USS Churchill, a Luna-class Starship that is commanded by Captain James Stewart. His ship is in dire straits with many hands lost following a catastrophic series of events, leaving the Luna-class vessel stranded. Commodore Gregory Paladin has ordered Commander Forest Patton to make best speed to assist as the USS Oceanus is the only ship nearby to help. With a newly manufactured and completed starship, a fresh and bright crew, and a freshly stocked vessel prepared for her ventures of exploration, it all appears that the USS Oceanus is well equipped for her mission.

Mystery at Ryloth

Post Count: 24


The USS Oceanus heads to the planet Ryloth to investigate claims of Romulan manipulation. Starfleet Intelligence believes a Romulan agent is actively attempting to destabilize the region, starting with Ryloth. The USS Oceanus will arrive at Ryloth under the cover of the name of the USS Optimus to avoid suspicion and use a local warehouse as a staging point for planetside operations once on planet. Will the team of the Oceanus find what they're expecting or something much worse?