A Precocious Odyssey

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission


The USS Oceanus has been called out to active duty to assist the ailing USS Churchill, a Luna-class Starship that is commanded by Captain James Stewart. His ship is in dire straits with many hands lost following a catastrophic series of events, leaving the Luna-class vessel stranded. Commodore Gregory Paladin has ordered Commander Forest Patton to make best speed to assist as the USS Oceanus is the only ship nearby to help. With a newly manufactured and completed starship, a fresh and bright crew, and a freshly stocked vessel prepared for her ventures of exploration, it all appears that the USS Oceanus is well equipped for her mission.

Mission Group Season 2
Start Date Sat Apr 13th, 2024 @ 5:23pm
End Date Thu Aug 15th, 2024 @ 5:23pm

Mission Summary

The USS Oceanus Sim and the USS Churchill Sim are conducting a Joint Sim Mission. The USS Oceanus is assisting and the USS Churchill has graciously provided the setting.

USS Churchill Website:

The USS Churchill is a commanded by Captain James Stewart, who also plays our very own Lt. JG Jessica Stewart on the Oceanus and has been a gracious compatriot to help formalize and start these events. Thank you James!