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Statement of Ultimatum

Posted on Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 6:51pm by Commander Forest Patton
Edited on Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 6:51pm

This will be posted to both the *Poseidon* and *Oceanus* sims.

Hello crew,

I realize that by now with the extended reports form several of my European players that iFastnet appears to not be a trusted source in Europe. In America, however, things are different. I'm not sure of the specifics, but I have registered and personally been in constant contact with iFast over this certificate issue and it has long since been resolved. The Oceanus and Poseidon websites have valid and active security certificates and are secure. However it appears I'm still getting reports of players not wanting to join on either because one browser or another doesn't approve of the sites.

I understand your security concerns and respect that. I will not force you to be active on my sims over that. I will however give you an ultimatum. This ultimatum is not aimed at anyone specifically and is intended as a general statement of finality.

I have, personally, as both Webmaster and Owner of these domains and sims solved this issue on multiple occasions. I have, personally, re-registered and conducted dialogue with iFast to sort out issues. I am in no way devaluing anyone and their concerns and to that end, here is my ultimatum.

*If you are unable to find a workaround to participate on my sims specifically because of this issue and do not feel comfortable with seeing websites blocked because of misidentified issues, then you are free to leave. I will not think badly about you and respect your decision.*

I absolutely respect being safety and security conscious. I encourage you to contact me so we can find an adequate solution to your issue, one on one, as one player has recently done. Anyone else unable to access the websites or feeling uncomfortable to do so, I have already shown extensive screenshots of valid SSL certificates and registered domains to prove that the issue is on your end. This is not an iFast issue. This is not my issue. This is your browsers, your regions, and your issue that needs to be resolved from your end.

Resolutions include using other browsers, deleting cookies and cache to free space and allow your browser to see the valid certificates, or as a last resort you can start the process for departing the sim. I will work with you on your decisions, but I can no longer accept this as a valid excuse seeing as the previously mentioned steps have already sorted this issue for several people.

I will work with you if you need my help.

Thank you sincerely,
Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


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