Welcome aboard the USS Oceanus - NCC-79603!

intrepid1.pngThe USS Oceanus (NCC-79603) is an Intrepid-class Long Range Explorer whose primary mission is one of exploration and discovery in the year 2396. Originally slated as the replacement for the aging USS Poseidon (NCC-42635), plans for her hull changed after the Poseidon transitioned into a permanent Academy Training Vessel for Starfleet Academy in mid-2395. The USS Oceanus was christened shortly after and construction was completed in early January of 2396, just after the new year. Under the direct supervision of veteran Commodore Gregory Paladin and commanded by the newly-minted Commander Forest Patton, the USS Oceanus sets out to undergo missions of exploration, discovery, and adventure!

Themes and situations on the USS Oceanus Sim are centered around character growth, development, and experiences as they interact with and take part in missions and side-missions. This allows players to find themselves and their characters in appropriate situations for further character growth and development as they become acclimated with the crew and the sim. Players who enjoy some posting requirements mixed with a very relaxed atmosphere will find the Oceanus Sim enjoyable and welcoming. The USS Oceanus Sim is a Nova-based sim with its own website and hosting.

Current Mission of the USS Oceanus:


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Theta Fleet Awards

The USS Oceanus has been in operation since Sunday January 7th, 2024. The current sim year for the USS Oceanus sim is 2396.


Click the banner above to join our Discord Server


Theta Fleet does not permit players under the age of 16. The USS Oceanus sim does not allow anyone under the age of 18.

RPG Rating of the USS Oceanus:
-Mild swearing is permitted, with limitations on some moderate language. (The use of vulgar obscenities are limited. Words like fu**, cu**, etc. should be rated.)
-Sexual content is permitted with some limitations. Explicit sex, pornography, or too much detail is not. (Keep it tasteful--more foreplay and emotion, less detail.)
- Violence is permitted, with limitations. (Describe it, do it, but don't go into detail. Don't be explicit.)


Check out our Sister Sims!

Click on the images to visit our sister ships/sims!

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====>>FLEET/TASK FORCE<<====

-The USS Oceanus is a proud member of:
Theta Fleet
The USS Oceanus is a Member of Task Force:
AREA 51-D: Yokai
51-D TGCO: Captain Franklin Johnson (Poseidon)


Latest News Items

» State of the Sim: October, 2024

Posted on Sat Oct 5th, 2024 @ 2:28am by Captain Forest Patton in Sim Announcement

Dear Crew,

I wanted to take a moment to inform you about some upcoming changes regarding both the USS Oceanus and the USS Poseidon. After careful consideration, I’ve decided to step down from my role as the CO of both sims. Over time, my interest in Star Trek has waned, and it has become more of a chore than a passion, which has caused strain due to my limited time.

For the USS Oceanus, I am currently in talks with Theta Fleet to hand over command to a new CO. Theta Fleet is keen to preserve the sim and ensure it continues to thrive, and I fully support this transition.

As for the USS Poseidon, I am first looking for someone within the current crew who might be interested in taking on the role of CO. If no one steps forward, I will then reach out to Theta Fleet to find a suitable candidate. My priority is to ensure that both sims remain in capable hands and continue to provide a great experience for everyone involved.

Please note that while I am stepping away from active involvement, I will continue to shoulder the costs for the domain and hosting. I want these sims to be used and enjoyed by the community, even if I’m no longer directly involved.

Thank you all for your understanding, and I appreciate the time we’ve spent together exploring these stories. I look forward to seeing the continued success of both the USS Oceanus and the USS Poseidon under new leadership.

Forest Patton

» Sim Update: USS Oceanus & USS Poseidon

Posted on Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 2:23pm by Captain Forest Patton in Sim Announcement

Dear Simmers and Friends,

I want to start by extending my deepest gratitude to all of you who have remained steadfast with me during this time. Your dedication to our sims means the world, and I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

A special thanks goes out to the amazing crew of the USS Oceanus. Your collective efforts in stepping up to keep her afloat have not gone unnoticed. Your contributions have been invaluable, and I am sincerely grateful for your commitment and teamwork.

For the USS Poseidon, I want to reaffirm my commitment to maintaining the sim's slow and gentle pace. This sim has always been about quality over quantity, and I appreciate the patience and understanding you've shown during this period. Thank you for sticking with me and continuing to bring life to our shared stories.

On a personal note, the last month has been particularly hectic as I've been transitioning between departments within the local government. This has been a significant change, and I apologize for any delays or interruptions that may have affected our sims. In addition, I have other community commitments on various websites and platforms, with one writing community taking up a large portion of my time. My VRChat community is also an important part of my life, where I share experiences with my boyfriend as we both participate in VRChat together.

Despite all these commitments, I want to assure you that both the Oceanus and Poseidon will continue to move forward. I am dedicated to seeing our sims thrive, and I deeply appreciate your patience and ongoing support.

Thank you all for being part of this incredible journey. Let's continue to create great stories together!

Warm regards,
Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon

» A Call to Action: USS Oceanus

Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 7:55pm by Captain Forest Patton in Out of Character

Dear Poseidon and Oceanus Communities,

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to inform you of some important considerations regarding the future of our beloved communities, Poseidon and Oceanus.

Over the past five years, Poseidon has been a beacon of exploration, creativity, and camaraderie. Similarly, Oceanus, which has embarked on its journey in the first half of this year, has shown great potential and promise. However, we are currently facing significant challenges that may impact the sustainability of both communities.

The primary concerns are twofold: a noticeable decline in active participation and the increasing costs associated with hosting and maintaining these communities. As dedicated as we are to fostering these spaces, it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify the expenses and time commitment without sufficient engagement from our members.

We want to emphasize that this is not an immediate closure notice but a call to action. We are incredibly grateful for the outstanding contributions and enthusiasm that each member has brought to our communities. Your creativity, dedication, and support have made Poseidon and Oceanus truly special.

To ensure the continued existence of these communities, we need to see a resurgence in active participation and engagement. We encourage everyone to get involved, share ideas, participate in missions, and connect with fellow members. Your involvement is crucial to keeping these communities vibrant and sustainable.

If we do not see a significant improvement in participation and engagement, we may have to make the difficult decision to shut down Poseidon and Oceanus. We genuinely hope it does not come to that, but we must be realistic about the current situation.

We thank you for your understanding and support during this critical time. Let’s work together to revive and strengthen our communities. Your passion and involvement can make all the difference.

Warm regards,

Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus

» State of the Sim - April 2024 (A Plea for Help)

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2024 @ 8:32pm by Captain Forest Patton in Sim Announcement

Hello Crew of the Poseidon and Oceanus,

This message is crafted for both sims out of necessity for time. I apologize sincerely for my lackluster showing as a CO in managing both sims, but I've been waiting patiently for both crew to show as well as time to appropriate itself within my busy schedule. I appreciate you all in your patience with me and the sim. As to why I am crafting a message for both sims, it is with the unfortunate reality I face as a CO and GM of two sims that I announce the status of Sam Perkins on the USS Poseidon, who also plays David Forbes on the USS Oceanus. As you all are aware, Sam/David has been an invaluable and instrumental part of our sims. Three or so weeks ago he became ill and hasn't been heard from since.

I do not know whether he is alive or healthy. I do not know any status of him after repeated attempts of digging and trying to ascertain something to confirm his living status. For all I know, Sam could be enduring a very hard and particularly difficult part of his life and needs to be around family. I have never taken Sam as someone to drop something without notification, but life happens, and it is in my best interest - and I hope yours - to imagine that he is recovering and/or away from the computer dealing with issues. That stated, his status on both sims will be a permanent LOA until we hear from him. If by the mid-half of 2024 there has been no news, I will reluctantly be forced to retire his characters and deactivate his accounts.

Normally I wouldn't make an announcement for any one such person across two sims. Sam, however, is an exception along with Puppy/Phoebe on the USS Poseidon, due in large part to their invaluable assistance in both starting up the USS Oceanus Sim, but also taking the lead in helping me administrate background tasks. Sam/David is a good friend, a close friend, and literally helped make things run when I was absent most of the time (along with Phoebe, thank you!). This state, his absence has revealed the extent of my busy nature at work and in life, for that I apologize on my behalf. Sam helped glue our plans together, was instrumental in keeping things running, and was a huge motivator for us all. I sincerely hope and wish he is well and okay and, hopefully, will be able to return soon.

Moving forward, I will be working over the next few weeks to finalize plans on events and get things back in motion. I apologize to both the Poseidon and Oceanus communities for my absences due to real life. I had a very sturdy background support staff in place as as this message conveys, a huge cog in that mechanism is now missing. This has hurt us, a lot, and while I miss my dear friend and wish for his return, I must react and act in my best capacity as CO and GM of both communities to get back on track.

With this stated, I am looking for volunteers to take accountability and help me manage these communities. I have Phoebe and Kanaka on the Poseidon but am looking for more motivational sources to keep things on task. Sam was a critical role in that and we desperately need a temporary/permanent replacement. For the Oceanus, I need a new XO temporarily or permanently, and need someone to help me manage things. If any player is interested, please either DM me on Discord, tag me in the channels, or PM me on the websites to volunteer.

I need help. I am forced to realize that my largest source of help may never return. If anyone is willing to take their place, however temporary or permanent it may be, please step up.

Thank you all,
Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus

» Statement of Ultimatum

Posted on Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 6:51pm by Captain Forest Patton in Sim Announcement

This will be posted to both the *Poseidon* and *Oceanus* sims.

Hello crew,

I realize that by now with the extended reports form several of my European players that iFastnet appears to not be a trusted source in Europe. In America, however, things are different. I'm not sure of the specifics, but I have registered and personally been in constant contact with iFast over this certificate issue and it has long since been resolved. The Oceanus and Poseidon websites have valid and active security certificates and are secure. However it appears I'm still getting reports of players not wanting to join on either because one browser or another doesn't approve of the sites.

I understand your security concerns and respect that. I will not force you to be active on my sims over that. I will however give you an ultimatum. This ultimatum is not aimed at anyone specifically and is intended as a general statement of finality.

I have, personally, as both Webmaster and Owner of these domains and sims solved this issue on multiple occasions. I have, personally, re-registered and conducted dialogue with iFast to sort out issues. I am in no way devaluing anyone and their concerns and to that end, here is my ultimatum.

*If you are unable to find a workaround to participate on my sims specifically because of this issue and do not feel comfortable with seeing websites blocked because of misidentified issues, then you are free to leave. I will not think badly about you and respect your decision.*

I absolutely respect being safety and security conscious. I encourage you to contact me so we can find an adequate solution to your issue, one on one, as one player has recently done. Anyone else unable to access the websites or feeling uncomfortable to do so, I have already shown extensive screenshots of valid SSL certificates and registered domains to prove that the issue is on your end. This is not an iFast issue. This is not my issue. This is your browsers, your regions, and your issue that needs to be resolved from your end.

Resolutions include using other browsers, deleting cookies and cache to free space and allow your browser to see the valid certificates, or as a last resort you can start the process for departing the sim. I will work with you on your decisions, but I can no longer accept this as a valid excuse seeing as the previously mentioned steps have already sorted this issue for several people.

I will work with you if you need my help.

Thank you sincerely,
Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus

Latest Mission Posts

» The Greenhorn and the Seasoned Veteran

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 6:10am by Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara & Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart

Following Commander Patton's departure, Tazuko proceeded to check the security assignments to the Oceanus, and sure enough, an Assistant Chief of Security had already been selected for her. To complicate matters, the assistant selected was a wet behind-the-scenes Lieutenant JG fresh off the USS Poseidon. Tazuko knew of Commodore Paladin,…

» Team Mission Control

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 5:04am by Commander Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou & Lieutenant Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon & Lieutenant Commander Athena Callaghan & Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart & Lieutenant Konata Hiiragi & Ensign Hapam Rajam


Alisa had sent out messages for several officers and crew to report to the conference room. With them all now assembled and her sitting at the end of the table she started.

"As you all know. This mission requires a temporary base of operations on the ground." She started…

» Late night mission

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Posted on Fri Sep 13th, 2024 @ 2:34am by Lieutenant Connor Hayden & Ensign Camille Fortin


The night air was cool, a lone figure walked briskly down the street toward the market square. As it passed a collection of small Kiosks the hooded head looked left seeing a dimly lit cafe open, the figure walked briskly toward, the buzzing neon sign said Buzzbird Cafe. As…

» A Fool's Errand

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Posted on Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 9:51pm by Commodore Gregory Paladin & Captain Forest Patton & Lieutenant Connor Hayden


Not many of the crew had gotten to know Connor, to the uninformed observer he might be annoyed, or concerned about something. To others including anyone who was telepathic would notice he might be worried, too others he might have seemed focused, but the conversation he'd just ended with…

» Briefing before Ryloth

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Posted on Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 9:50pm by Captain Forest Patton & Commander Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou & Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara & Lieutenant Veya & Lieutenant Connor Hayden & Master Chief Petty Officer Jerrard Peterson


Commander Patton sat at the head of the oddly shaped briefing table, which was arranged with seven chairs: a semicircular front with a holographic projector and additional seats lining the sides. The room was dimly lit to enhance the holographic display, which was currently active, casting a soft blue…

Latest Personal Logs


Posted on Thu Jan 11th, 2024 @ 8:19am by Major Carsyn Kolchak

» Major Carson Kolchak’s Personal Log

Posted on Thu Jan 11th, 2024 @ 7:58am by Major Carsyn Kolchak

The following is a personal log from Major Carson Kolchak

Computer, begin recording

I have just recently arrived on the USS Oceanus and had the ship’s quartermaster send my baggage to my quarters. I immediately made a bee line to the fighter bay. I wanted to verify and go over…

» Captain's Log #1

Posted on Tue Jan 9th, 2024 @ 4:46am by Captain Forest Patton

Computer, begin recording.

Stardate 73019.80.

It's 0600 hours and I've just boarded by shuttlecraft on Mars to head to my new assignment, the USS Oceanus. She's a newly constructed Intrepid-class starship who apparently has been in the wings of construction for over a year now. I hear there was some…