Tour - Captain's Ready Room

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Forest's Office

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Location Deck 1
Description The Ready Room is the Captain's office and is where the Commanding Officer can spend their duty hours when they are not needed on the bridge. When someone enters the ready room they are greeted by the view of the Commanders desk facing them invitingly. Two open chairs sit invitingly in front of the Captains Ready Room desk. To the viewers right, against the wall, are memorabilia important to the Commander; professionally made models of the Nebula-class USS Sutherland, Ambassador-class USS Excalibur, Akira-class USS Thunderchild, Nova-class USS Nova, and Intrepid-class USS Oceanus starships. Each model has a little notation visible on a small plague display on its stands, stating which position the Commander served all leading up to "Captain" on the Oceanus which sits center. On either side of the series of five professionally made models are items important to the Commander; The left side is a pip display of the various ranks the Commander held and holds (Ensign, Lt. JG, full Lt., Lt. Cmndr, and Cmndr.) and the right side displayed various positions the Commander had on various starships (Tactical Officer, Operations Officer, Assist. Chief Ops Officer, Assist. Chief Tac. Officer, Executive Officer, and finally Captain/Commander). In the spaces that separated the five models and the outward displays are personal affections; the right side has images of the Commanders mother and father and family together in starfleet uniform smiling for the camera in front of Starfleet Academy and the left side has images of his wife and kids with him together smiling for the camera in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Behind the Commanders seat are positioned two professionally made paintings joined side-by-side on equal level. The first painting on the left is of a Nova-class Starships, the USS Nova, flying majestically in front of some random nebula which provided a positive backdrop for the image. Below the image is a golden plague, symbolizing the importance of the image with the words: "Executive Officer - Lieutenant Commander - USS Nova - 2392 thru 2396; Where I found my footing". On the right is a painting of an Intrepid-class Starship, the USS Oceanus, sitting majestically in orbit above Mars without the confines of a dock. Below this image as well, attached to its frame, is a golden plague which symbolized the importance of the image with the words: "Captain - Commander - USS Oceanus - 2396 and Beyond; Where I found my purpose".

The rest of the Ready Room is filled with some other items of importance to the Commander. On a stand just to the left of the viewer as they enter at the entrance is a professionally made model of a United Earth Ganges-class Warp Delta starship, the UES Warp Delta. Further to the left along the series of cushioned seating along the Ready Room wall near its observation windows sat in the center of a circular coffee table a series of five books kept together by two book stands on either end, with three books appearing to be a series of books detailing United Earth and Pre-Starfleet starships and the latter two detailing early and modern Starfleet starships. The remainder of the Ready Room had a few planets in it placed strategically in corners, with a warm atmosphere in lighting. To the right of the viewer is a door to the Ready Room Head.