Tour - Type 11 Shuttlecraft

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A multi-use shuttle for a multi-mission crew...

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Location Decks 9B, 10 & 11
Description The Type 11 Shuttlecraft is a long-range, multi-mission shuttle utilized for extended away missions, cargo transportation, combat missions, fighter AWACS, fighter fuel-tanker, Search & Rescue, and can even be configured for aquatic subsurface missions. The USS Oceanus operates three Type 11 Shuttlecraft, with two being reserved for Fighter-born operations use when required and the final being strictly reserved for ship-based operations up to and including Marine excursions.

All three Type 11 Shuttlecraft regardless of variation are equipped with two Type-IV phaser arrays, one photon torpedo launcher, and one rear-facing Tachyon Burst Cannon. They also come equipped with their own warp core and warp core ejection hatch.

The Type 11 is the most luxurious and accomidating of all the shuttlecraft variations available on the USS Oceanus. In its standard away-mission profile, the Type 11 has a standard cockpit that easily fits up to six crewmembers, however has stations for only four which include Engineering & Tactical, Pilot and/or CO, Science & Communications, and Co-pilot & Ops. Inside the cockpit is a transporter platform used for both personnel and cargo and a dedicated Head with shower and restroom facilities.

In the rear of the Type 11 under its standard profile there is a four-seat meeting & dining table in the front-center of the rear compartment. To the right of it is two bunk-beds, typically shared, and to the left is cargo storage. There is also a Galley with a dedicated replicator to the rear of the bunk-beads and a dedicated Crew Head with restroom and showering facilities. Personal crew storage is also included.

For extended away missions, the cargo area is replaced with two additional bunkbeds. For short-range personnel transport, all four areas are replaced with bunk-beds with the exception of the right-rear, which maintains a galley area under a bunk-bed. For cargo transport, all four areas are reserved for cargo transportation. In AWACS configuration, the cargo area is replaced with a dedicated Command & Control station which flight control operators will use to keep track of the battlespace. In fuel-tanker configuration, all four areas are replaced with fuel storage to resupply fighters during missions. For combat missions that include Marines, the cargo area is relaced by weapons and loadout storage and the Crew Head and Crew Mess areas are shortened to make room for additional weapons and supplies storage. For Search & Rescue, the Cargo area is replaced by a dedicated emergency medical bed with facilities and the Crew Mess and Crew Head areas are shortened to make room for additional medical supplies.

If an Type 11 is ever configured as an aquashuttle, there is a considerable process involved - but not overly complicated. This process entails lowering and reconfiguring the warp nacelles to act as pontoons, fitting stabilizing fins, linear induction thrusters, searchlights, undersea sensor arrays and tractor beam emitters, and extra structural integrity field generators. All these systems reconfigure the Type 11 from a space-based shuttlecraft to one fitting for aquatic undersea missions. This configuration is typically only used for underwater scientific exploration missions meriting crew involvement.

All variants of the Type 11 come equipped with two Spacesuit Lockers aft, near the exit ramp. The only exception is the Combat Mission variant, which includes two additional Spacesuit Lockers for mission sorties.

Type 11 Shuttlecraft assigned to USS Oceanus
-SS Nurse Shark
-SS Gormagander
-SS Tcha'besheh