Tour - Transporter Rooms

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Beam me up, Scotty!

Additional Information

Location Deck 4 & 14 (Emergency Transporters on Decks 3 & 13)
Description The transporter rooms are rooms that utilize the transporter to beam personnel, cargo, and anything that can be acquired in a transporter lock on, off, and around the vessel. There are generally two variants on board the USS Oceanus with the first being on Deck 4 being the primary six-person transporter pad and the second on Deck 14 being the secondary six-person Personnel Transporter Room primarily utilized by Marines and other security personnel.

The Emergency Transporter Pads are three six-person transporter pads linked together to form a 22-to-224 personnel capacity in case of emergencies. They are located on Decks 3 and 13.

Cargo Transporter Alcoves and Pads are utilized for transporting cargo between ships, stations, and across decks. These can be found on Decks 8 and 4, usually near some manner of cargo bay.