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Major Carson Kolchak’s Personal Log

Posted on Thu Jan 11th, 2024 @ 7:58am by Major Carsyn Kolchak
Edited on Mon Jan 15th, 2024 @ 12:19pm

408 words; about a 2 minute read

The following is a personal log from Major Carson Kolchak

Computer, begin recording

I have just recently arrived on the USS Oceanus and had the ship’s quartermaster send my baggage to my quarters. I immediately made a bee line to the fighter bay. I wanted to verify and go over the starfighters, and runabouts assigned to me from the 432nd Wing, whom I meet both Colonel Justin P. Wright, wing commander, and Commander Robert L. Fehr, executive officer. I meet my superiors on the FMMS Nostromo on my way to the USS Oceanus, and given my history, neither seemed pleased I was assigned to the wing, a commander of the detachment assigned to the Oceanus. Colonel Wright did at least have the respect to acknowledge my previous record in combat and as a leader before my downfall. He, as well as Commander Fehr have made it perfectly clear that this is my only chance at redemption and my last and only second chance. Should I manage to screw this up, I will be drummed out of the service and most likely will never be allowed in the cockpit of a starfighter. To the end of them ensuring I behave in a proper manner they have assigned Major Sefaus, call sign “Smiling Joker”, as my executive. How a Vulcan ever got stuck with such a strange call sign is beyond me. I have reviewed his service record and typical of a Vulcan his record is immaculate, still I wonder why he was assigned as my executive officer and unofficial babysitter.

I have already decided I will command and pilot one of the AC-205 Mk I Valkyrie fighters as they can be rather squirrelly. It is one of the reasons I came directly to my office, I need to review and find me a good Rear Intercept Officer. I did luck out in that I have the good fortune of getting Chief Warrant Officer 1st class Tuwi Glasch Katich as my Chief of Deck Operations. The half Tellarite is one of the most formidable and knowledgeable fighter chiefs I know. She and I literally came up through the ranks together. I am confident she will have the Fighter Bay running like a well-oiled machine.

I am grateful for this chance to redeem myself and perhaps redeem myself in my grandfather’s eyes.

For now, I need to finish with my review and report to Commander Patton.

Computer, end log


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