
Captain's Log #1

Posted on Tue Jan 9th, 2024 @ 4:46am by Captain Forest Patton

247 words; about a 1 minute read

Computer, begin recording.

Stardate 73019.80.

It's 0600 hours and I've just boarded by shuttlecraft on Mars to head to my new assignment, the USS Oceanus. She's a newly constructed Intrepid-class starship who apparently has been in the wings of construction for over a year now. I hear there was some political back and forth with her, which somewhat irritates me, but the good news I'm told is that allowed her to be appropriately updated to 2396 standards rather easily. Regardless, due to my service history I'll be given her as my first real command. I am...well, I'm excited. I am.

I've met with Commodore Paladin before my departure on this shuttlecraft. He is...a rather strange politician. He serves Starfleet, yet knows how to meddle his fingers into the bureaucratic system. I've heard his war stories and seen him serving on the USS Poseidon when I visited him a few days prior. He's a stern man, no bull, and straight-forward. Said he didn't want to can the Poseidon because of her history. I agreed. After all, it gave me my command now.

I think I'll like the Commodore. For now, unless proven wrong, but he seems one of us. One of the guys on the front lines.

I called home to my parents to tell them. They were excited. Mom says I should use this as a chance to start new. I agreed.

To new horizons, right? Yeah. New horizons.

Computer, end log.



Tags: 2396, Personal Log

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