
Forbes arrives.

Posted on Thu Jan 11th, 2024 @ 7:04pm by Lieutenant Commander David Forbes

218 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: Transport shuttle / Airlock
Timeline: At very start of voyage

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-Transport Shuttle-

The tall Vulcan was beginning to annoy David , a task that was known to be tricky. But sometimes Forbes did lose his cool. At the moment an argument had broken out or as far as one could be called an argument , with this arrogant person. It was about Andorian Shingles and the incubation period in Humans. David said it was six days whereas the Vulcan disagreed, giving Forbes a very long and drawn out lecture. On how the immune system of humans is quite weak and therefore two days was more appropriate.The argument would of gone on but the transport shuttle arrived at David’s stop.

Walking as briskly as his deminore would allow David made it to the airlock. Glancing out of the window he caught a glance at the USS Oceanus. He noticed the shape of the vessel.

“ Intrepid Class I have heard interesting things about those.” He said to the waiting Ensign.” Oh sorry didn’t mean to dawdle like a tourist. Lieutenant Commander David Forbes you new Chief Science Officer reporting for duty.”

After checking his details Dave walked on board. He took a deep breath and smiled.

“ There’s nothing like the smell of a new vessel.” He said

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Lieutenant Commander David Forbes
Chief Science Officer
USS Oceanus



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