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Meeting the Wing Commander

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 2:21pm by Commander Forest Patton & Major Carsyn Kolchak

1,138 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 11 - Group & Wing Commander Offices
Timeline: MD 00 - 0900 Hrs
Tags: 2396, Character Introduction


Pleased with his introductions with the Chief of Security, Commander Patton made way easily on Deck 11 toward the Wing and Group Commander Offices where the computer said Major Kolchak would be. Approaching the Group Commander Office, he pressed for entry at the door. When approved, he entered, admiring the quaint yet pleasant office. The Oceanus was indeed a very modern Starship!

"Major Kolchak?" asked Forest as he entered, smiling. He extended a hand. "I'm Commander Forest Patton, the Commanding Officer. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance. I arrived just a few hours ago. When did you arrive on board?"

Major Carsyn Kolchak jumped to attention at hearing Commander Patton's' voice. "Sir, I just arrived two hours ago. I was planning on coming to see you once I had a chance to review my pilots and fighter craft." She remained perfectly at attention, not wanting to waste her precious second chance at command.

"At ease, Major," Forest said, giving a half-smile as he lowered his hand. He saw she was a woman of duty, so he respected that. "No need to plan anymore, I'm right here. I'm aware the Oceanus has a few Federation Attack Fighters on board. I suppose you've already had a view of them or are we still waiting on them to load?"

Carsyn consulted her PaDD “Sir, the starfighters assigned to the USS Oceanus fall under the 432nd Wing, as you are more than aware. I have already received the flight of fighters assigned to the Oceanus. I received six AC-307 Mk II Valkyrie and six AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie: one squadron. Surprised they provided the newer AC-409's, given my reputation. They neglected to send or provide us with the normal support craft for a squadron; a Warhammer-class SWACS runabout, a Mustang-class tanker runabout, and a Raptor-class Search & Rescue Craft. Most likely for the best given the space on the Oceanus. This makes your squadron with eighteen combat personnel, twelve pilots, and six rear intercept officers for the AC-307's. There are fifty-one support personnel for the squadron. The squadron is designated the 95th Fighter Squadron of the 152nd Fighter group. I am waiting for the pilots and rio's to onboard, as well as the support personnel. The unit colors for the 432nd, as well as the squadron will be hung shortly. She indicated her PaDD “Would you care to review the ships and crew's sir?"

The Commander nodded as he walked over to a console station and picked up a PADD there. After logging in, he searched for the required material and then approached the Major again.

"Everything seems to be in order with your requisitions," Forest confirmed. "However, it should be clearly noted that the Type 11 shuttlecraft we have on board can act as tanker, AWACS, as well as Search & Rescue. It is highly configurable given its small size, so I'll permit your department to utilize two of the three we have on board regularly. Additionally we have the Aeroshuttle, my Captain's Yacht. It can provide support with its weaponry as well as any of the mentioned roles prior, but I'd only like to use it during critical operations or emergencies for a fighter or support craft role. I'll make sure to update the schematics appropriately."

After tapping a few commands on his PADD, the Commander looked up to the Major.

"You've started out pretty well so far, Major Kolchak," complimented the Captain. "What other resources will you need besides the already existing support you have and that I've provided?"

She smiled "Just an adequate bay for the fighters and the repair teams. Oh, and I highly recommend the main Shuttlebay Manager steer clear of the fighter squadrons Chief of Deck Operations, she is half-Tellarite and a spitfire when it comes to 'her' fighters." replied Carsyn. "Otherwise, sir, I believe we are good to go, and most likely should not need to use the shuttlecraft, unless we are given certain mission profiles."

Forest chuckled. "I'll make sure to notate that. One other thing before we end this impromptu meeting here," the Commander said. "Make sure to make use of the fighter and shuttle pilot bunkrooms on Deck 11. It's a final modification I requested from the dockworkers and they should be done about now. As for your request for a repair bay, remember that you have full access to the Deck 11 Shuttle Refueling & Maintenance Storage Bay which is near the flight elevator as well as the parking and control bay. This is where most of your fighters will be stored until needed, as well."

A short smile, then he logged out of the PADD and returned it to where it was before walking back to Carsyn. "A final note," the Commander added. "I've permitted use of my Captain's Yacht for the crew and your department, specifically. I will maintain it for scientific purposes, however after review I discovered we can configure the Yacht for a specific purpose such as Combat, Emergency Medical, and Fighter Operations. Combat would be configuring the insides for Marine deployment, Emergency Medical is obvious to its name, and Fighter Operations has us replacing the Master Suite in the rear with an AWACS suite for your use. It's a pretty robust ship without being modified, Major, being an Aerowing-class Aeroshuttle based off a Danube-class Runabout frame, so you know it can handle extended missions.

What I want, however, is for you to confer with me before any operation so we have time to configure her. Unlike the Type 11's, which are highly configurable on the fly, we'll need time to adjust the insides of my Yacht to fit your mission profile. She's a strong ship, weapon capable, and would make a fine addition to a combat sorte if used properly. But you have to have my permission first - until such time as we get to a position where that won't be needed."

He thought a moment, then shrugged with a smirk. "Plus I'd like to break her in first, anyway, so there's that. Anyway, Major, any questions? I'll need to return to the Bridge to direct some affairs shortly."

Carsyn smiled "No questions sir. I understand the desire to fly one's own ship. I own several ancient earth aircraft, plus I have several holo simulations of air warfare. If you need any help in learning new flight tactics and maneuvers, come see me."

"I sure will," Forest said, "Thank you Major!"

Turning to leave with a smile, Forest exited the office. He was already planning on some instructional flights in the holodeck sometime later, but that was if they would have some downtime.


Major Carsyn Kolchak
Wing Commander
USS Oceanus


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


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