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Meeting Forbes

Posted on Sat Jan 20th, 2024 @ 12:04am by Ensign Crowl

338 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: Science lab
Timeline: At mission beginning.


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-Science Lab-

Crowl checked the device on the side of his head. Ever since his early days at the academy he had worn the speech enhancer. Due to his mouth being full of sharp teeth he tended to speak with a lisp. Most creatures understood him but computers were a different matter. So to make sure he was understood by everything organic or mechanical , he wore the device. Up until now it had worked well. That was until his arrival on the Oceanus.

People in the science labs kept looking at him. At first he thought the device was faulty. But then he realized it was him. It was as if no one had ever seen a Gorn in a science officers uniform before. He wondered if the same thing had happened on the Oceanus sister ship Poseidon where they had a Gorn engineer.At least his head of department seemed a nice man.

“ Oh ignore them, they were expecting a Klingon. Anyway, welcome to the team. Your file says you spent a lot of time at the British Museum.” Forbes said

“ Yes. I learned a lot there. It was my childhood home.” Crowl said

“ Wow. I envy you growing up in an environment dedicated to science and learning. It must have been quite fascinating at times.” Forbes replied

“ At times yes. So this is the new science lab?” Crowl asked

For the next hour Forbes showed him around. Most of the equipment the Gorn had seen before. But out of politeness he kept that to himself.

“ Ok. We have a couple of invites. You’ll find the information on the computer. It’s best if you attend them. Also I wonder if you can call up the specs of the Captains Yacht. He is going to let us use it when we need to.” Forbes said “ Best to study up so we know how to run her.When the time comes.” Forbe said

Crowl nodded and did as Forbes asked.

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Ensign Crowl
USS Oceanus


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