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Meeting the CO - Chief Science Officer

Posted on Sun Jan 21st, 2024 @ 8:32pm by Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Commander David Forbes

1,309 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 1 - Captains Ready Room
Timeline: MD 0 - 1330 Hrs
Tags: 2396, Character Introduction



David was in a bit of a waffle; he had stowed his suitcases in his rather splendid quarters. Now he had to visit his new CO clutching what he hoped would be a rather nice gift for Commander Forest Patton. It was a mug with a picture of the USS Oceanus on it. At least he hoped it was because on closer inspection it looked more like the USS Voyager. Should he bin the gift? No. He needed to start on a friendly setting with his CO.

Standing outside the Captain’s Ready Room he pressed the door chime.

The Commander had a busy day in progress when he heard the chime. He checked his PADD and realized it was already 1330, time to meet the Chief Science Officer as previously scheduled. He nodded to himself, taking a deep breath in as he stood and quickly went to the replicator.

"Enter!" he called as he ordered two waters on the Replicator. Moving back, he then made way to greet the arrival.

"Ah, Lieutenant Commander Forbes!" greeted the Forest. "I'm Commander Forest Patton, the new Commanding Officer of the Oceanus. She's a beaut, isn't she? Brand new and fresh spacecraft smell all about. Here, have a water, just replicated it, and come on in!"

As he handed over the water, the Commander made way to sit on the couches on the end of the Ready Room. He invited David to sit opposite with a hand motion, then smiled as the new CSO approached.

"Tell me about your time serving on the Hood and Pike," asked the Commander as he casually sipped his water, relaxing back into the couch cushion casually.

“ Thank you Captain. This is for you just a small gift to say thank you for allowing me to join your illustrious crew and ship. My she is indeed a beauty much sleeker then the Hood or the Pike. Oh do not get me wrong sir the Hood was a good ship indeed. However let’s just say the Captain did not appreciate the science department as much as he should have. Otherwise that outbreak of Andorian shingles would not of broken out. Which I have to tell you we where unfairly blamed for. The Pike was a better ship and crew the Captain was a very fair man who did not listen to hear say but judged a person with his own eyes.” David said given the mug to Patton.

Forest smiled, genuinely, as he accepted the gift mug. He admired the detail of it. It had the illustration of the USS Oceanus with the words "Commanding Officer" below it, with the NCC number and other identifiers. The backdrop was of Mars. He grinned ear to ear.

"Thank you, Mr. Forbes!" Forest said, setting the mug down gently on the coffee table. "I'll likely be using that for my coffee, if you don't mind. Might even display it. Anyway, sounds like you've had a bad run of things for science so far. I chose you because you seemed to have the experience I needed out of the roster available. But from what you're telling me, you've never had a chance to blossom as a science officer. I can assure you, Mr. Forbes, here on the Oceanus you will be an absolute necessity."

David gave a very big smile.

“ That is absolutely fantastic sir. My it is nice to be in the presence of someone who appreciates the science department. Mind you the Captain of the Hood did also bare a very unfair grudge against me. You see my father is a senior lecturer at Starfleet Academy on Earth. He has a reputation for being one of the strictest teachers on campus. He treated the young man very harshly apparently , of course I am used to it. But others tend to drop out rather than carry on. Which of course is not the thing to do, you have to endure my father. With all said and done he is a very good teacher.” David explained.

"I'm sure he was," the Commander replied as he stood. He took his new mug over to the replicator and ordered coffee. A moment later he returned and sat back down, sipping coffee from the gifted mug. He seemed pleased with it. "That's all well and good, but I don't think any of that behavior will be acceptable on my ship. I'm going to let each crewmember define for me who they are - that includes you. So that means when you walked through that dock door into my ship, whichever hanger or dock it was, you left the old you behind. You can explain to me anyday what defined you, but my goal is to see the new you. So let's put on that face and put all the previous drama behind us, which goes for myself to.

The Oceanus is a brand new ship and she deserves that much treatment. I believe, that together with the Science Department, we will do wonders. I want you to remember that your department has first dibs on my Captain's Yacht as well. It's an excellent science vessel, but only after I have my first flight in her, which may very well include you and your department. Additionally I'll remind you to check the tour specifications of our ship which showcase our Type 11 shuttlecraft, which are extremely configurable on the fly and excellent for science excursions, both long and short duration. Finally, we have the Oceanus herself! As you're aware, she's more than capable of landing on planet."

The Commander smiled, sipped his coffee happily, and set his mug down gently. "Any questions, Mr. Forbes? I think we've covered everything here, mostly, so if we've missed something let's get it 'straightened out and figured out', as they say."

“ Well…… you mentioned your yacht….will it come with a pilot. Only I can managed a shuttle craft if needs be. But I am a smidgen rusty on the large vessel controls and I would absolutely hate to dent it.” David said.

"Good question!" Forest said, smiling. "I wouldn't mind someone else piloting her, if that provides an answer. But I want to be the first to use it for obvious reasons. After that the Yacht will be available for most departments to use, but I plan on its first expedition to be a science one."

Forest winked, sipping more of his coffee.

“ Also Captain I have heard a rather distressing rumour about the quarantine field generators on these Intrepid class cruisers. Apparently on the USS Intrepid the quarantine sensors failed to detect simple viral infection and the crew came down with a very nasty condition.” David inquired.

Forest nodded, giving a chuckle. "That, my friend, has been fixed," the Commander assured. "The Oceanus is a fresh, newly constructed Intrepid-class starship just off the construction block. She has every update available. While the Commodore and I have discussed the possibilities of issues, we believe they'll be easily sorted."

“ I hope so sir many of the crew of the Intrepid had to have skin crafts on very embarrassing places. Also sir I hear we have an Ensign Crowl arriving for science. I have never worked with a Gorn before.” David said.

"Ah, yes, Ensign Crowl!" Forest said, lighting up in expression. "Gregory mentioned the Poseidon is assisting Gorn officers in finding their footing. He says it's a good success story and wanted the Oceanus to continue that. I agreed and that's how we have the Ensign! Might even have a few more if things go properly."


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander David Forbes
Chief Science Officer
USS Oceanus


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