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Meeting the Chief of Security

Posted on Mon Jan 22nd, 2024 @ 1:09am by Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara & Commander Forest Patton

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 6 - Security Complex
Timeline: MD 00 - 0800 Hrs
Tags: 2396, Character Introduction


Following his introductions with his Chief Engineer, Commander Patton left Deck 11 and Main Engineering feeling rather positive that someone with such dedication had been involved early on in the Oceanus and her preparations. He'd been told that another officer had just arrived, his Chief of Security, by a Yeoman who handed him a PADD with the ships general status reports. Most of the reports were automated, but he did note that a Wing Commander was also on board. He made note to see them as he headed for Deck 6.

Arriving at the Security Complex was an equally pleasant stroll. The dockworkers had thinned some and Forest was noting the additions of more lower deck crewmembers; all the crewmembers seemed chipper and pleasant! He entered the Security Complex and saw how nearly vacant it was, a Security Officer leading their Commander to the Chief's Office promptly. Commander Patton pressed the button for entry, entering when allowed.

"Lieutenant Commander Miyahara, I presume?" Forest said as he entered. "Pleasure to meet you! I'm Commander Forest Patton, the ships Commanding Officer. I hear you've been on board for a bit along with our Chief Engineer?"

"Indeed I have, Commander." Tazuko responded. "My brother always believed in being punctual and turning up to your assignments on time or early, ideally. It's a lesson my wife never seems to want to learn, and she has to be dragged to every assignment kicking and screaming."

"Oh, and speaking of my wife, she's also on board." Tazuko informed Forest. "In recent years, Starfleet has finally wizened up and realized we're better together, and I only accepted this assignment on the condition that we were a package deal. She's probably already uploaded her favorite holoprograms into the computer, so don't be surprised if you see a Hiiragi 85 program loaded on one of the holodecks. It's a harmless little program, and Serena is good company. Wise beyond her time, even."

"I'll keep that in mind!" Commander Patton said, smiling. He extended a hand for a shake when he approached. "I pondered having Emily come with me on this assignment, personally. However Starfleet wanted her close to their bosom and gave us a place near the Academy in San Francisco. She's a prominent xenobiologist and absolutely adores teaching, so it's no surprise. Plus I feel a lot safer knowing our kids are safe there, as well as Emily. Anyway, how is the ship, then? I take it since your wife is on board you find her favorable. I unfortunately didn't get the chance to sniff the new ship smell off the factory, but this is close enough as it is. How is she, the Oceanus? Any issues?"

"She's definitely not the first Intrepid I've been aboard." Tazuko admitted. "But she is the first one that I'll be here to see the inaugural miles put on it."

"Really?" Forest asked, in a tad bit of wonder. "What was the other Intrepid-class you served on? You got me interested now, I'd like to hear your story. I noticed your service history is rather storied and elaborate. You have done a lot during your tenure with Starfleet."

"Well, with 17 years of service to Starfleet, you tend to see quite a few things by then." Tazuko said as she strode over to the replicator to make herself some tea. "Care for some refreshments, Commander?"

"I suppose a coffee with two creams and one sugar will do," the Commander said. "I appreciate that. As per your expected role on the Oceanus, are you prepared to make the hard calls required - even so far as abandoning me to save the crew?"

"My brother taught me to always do the right thing, even if it's not the easy thing." Tazuko explained as she returned with the refreshments. "I helped solve a murder and exposed a Tal Shiar operative when I was just an Ensign; and that left a profound impact on Commander Benjamin Johnson, the bereaved number one of the murder victim. So much so, that when he was given command of the Intrepid class USS Iowa, it was he who requested that I join the Iowa's restaffing."

Forest nodded. He had skimmed over some of the reports mentioned in her file, though most were hard-locked. He graciously took his coffee as he sipped in thought.

"Good," he replied after a moment, eyes having been looking distantly towards his desk before returning to the Chief of Security. "You'll do fantastically. This ship, this crew, must always come before my safety. I understand we need a Captain, but if needing a Captain means sacrificing my crew over me, then you must preserve the crew. I say this that, in case of future events, you know my orders and expectations."

"Expectations are a great thing to have, and I believe they should be set in both directions:" Tazuko said. "I didn't achieve the rank of Lieutenant Commander by slacking off like my wife: I've spent the past 17 years working hard for what I've earned, and that's why I feel you should rest easy knowing that Security will be in top notch condition so long as I am its head. If any Security personnel on my watch puts so much as a toe out of line, they will be gone. The same standards will be applied to even my assistant chief, be it one of my choosing or one assigned for me."

Forest nodded. "I believe the Assistant situation has been sorted. Speaking of, I'd like you to onboard her and give me a report since you're Department Chief. However, if you're not able, I can do that. What do you want to do?"

"I wouldn't be that good of a Security Chief if I didn't onboard my own personnel, would I?" Tazuko remarked. "I'll have to check my personnel manifest, though, because this is the first I'm hearing that an assistant department head as already been sorted for me."

"Things sometimes happen fast, Mrs. Miyahara," Forest said as he smiled. "Anyway, I think you're all squared away. Nice to have you on board."


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus

Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara
Chief Security Officer
USS Oceanus


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