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Meeting the Chief Engineer

Posted on Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 5:40pm by Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Commander Rin Natsume

1,368 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 11 - Main Engineering
Timeline: MD 0 - 0630 Hours
Tags: 2396, Character Introduction


Commander Patton was treated to a real view as his Type 6 shuttlecraft moved and weaved around the gigantic dock that housed the waiting Intrepid-class Starship. His orders for transfer and to take command of the USS Oceanus had come in about a week ago from Commodore Gregory Paladin. Paladin was somewhat famous in the Academic Teaching Community for his successful efforts to start up and maintain an Academy Training Vessel. Starfleet had deemed fit to also extend his abilities to commanding an exploration vessel, outside of the domain of Starfleet Academy. Forest had personally met Gregory on the USS Poseidon three days prior to being transported back to Sol for his command. The man seemed honest enough, if a bit overbearing.

As Forest watched the sleek lines and gentle curves of the Intrepid-class starship pass by the viewport, he pondered his future. He didn't much like bureaucratic nonsense and didn't appreciate being under anyones thumb who hadn't served. Gregory, however, had served and was still doing so - directly and up front. The Commodore had gained some semblance of respect with the newly-minted Commander and because of that, Forest had accepted the commission. He could have stayed XO of the USS Nova had things gone south, but apparently fate had played a gentle hand.

As the shuttlecraft was led into the main shuttlebay of the dormant Oceanus, Forest was greeted by a skeleton crew of enlisted crew and petty officers, all of whom gave handshakes and welcome. His two suitcases were taken from him out of courtesy and the the traditional calls for "Captain on Deck!" were shouted over the ships PA system to alert the crew of his arrival. Once he had settled into his quarters on Deck 3, he came to appreciate just how advanced and luxurious the Oceanus truly was. Everything seemed situated to provide for the crew, rather than demand they work extensively to gain the desired results.

Once he left, he was approached by a dockworker. "Commander Patton, right?" asked the Petty Officer.

"Yes, that's right," smiled Forest. "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing for me, sir, but I honestly thought you were simply an arriving officer. When the others told me you were the CO, I got to thinking. There's been an officer on board for the last week in Engineering, helping us get everything ready. I figured you'd like to know, Commander."

Stunned briefly, Forest nodded. "I appreciate that. I'll check it out."

Once they parted ways, a curious Forest started his way toward engineering. The halls were compact but comfortable as the Commander admired his ship. Despite a skeleton crew, there were plenty of dockworkers still on board doing final touches. It all seemed genuinely okay to the Commander as he gave his thanks and greetings to those he passed. Once he arrived to Main Engineering, he stood by the entrance, looking in as he crossed his arms and rested a shoulder on the entrance frame.

Engineering was busy, equipment still laid on the floor, crates and storage boxes both closed and open were scattered everywhere. There was a buzz to the large spacious room, one which seemed to hang in the air. Several of the wall consoles had been lifted up and had engineers working on the inner components.

Amongst them was a small petite woman. She had long brown hair tied up in a pony tail. Her facial features showed that she was Japanese, and she seemed to be talking to several of the engineers. This young petite woman was Lieutenant Commander Rin Natsume, the new Chief engineer. She had arrived just over a week ago now, along with a fair few others of the engineering staff. The new half pip on her collar had also only been given to her a week ago.

After raking a PADD from an officer she turned on a heel and began to make her way towards the Main doors. She navigated the boxes and equipment on the floor with ease, all without looking up from the PADD. However she stopped after nearly walking into someone hanging in the doorway.

"Howdy," the Commander greeted after the small bump. He had a genuinely pleased smile on his face. He extended a hand for a shake. "I'm Commander Forest Patton, the ships Commanding Officer. Just arrived and onboarded not too long ago. Saw your department busy and thought I'd admire your hard work. Had the dockworkers singing PRAISES of you and your team! How is the Oceanus, then? Any issues?"

Rin let out a little squeak, immediately jumping backwards and avoiding eye contact. She spoke to the floor as if shy to talk to him. "No sir. All is good sir..."

The Commander had not been expecting that greeting. His extended hand left ungreeted, he lowered it, crossing his arms again as he remained leaning against the door. Realizing he could be unintentionally blocking her, he moved to the inside and corner, resting against it with his back and arms still crossed. He examined Engineering, eyes carefully and slowly flowing over every detail. He then looked back at Rin.

"Something I said?" the Commander asked, using a more gentle voice.

"N...N...No sir. Sorry." She looked down at the floor avoiding eye contact "You caught me off guard that's all."

Forest thought for a moment then nodded. He didn't expect a department head to have this demeanour but the Federation embraced all walks of life, whether they could be helped or not. He smiled, accepting, and moved out of her way so as to not make her feel trapped.

"Alright, well, I see you've been on this ship longer than me, so would you mind going over with me anything you've fixed or, perhaps, anything you'd liked changed?" the Commander asked.

Rin looked up, her eyes glistening. "Erm..." she said. "Well, they installed the warp core last week..." she said avoiding eye contact. "We've mainly been focusing on getting ready for launch. I've just been making sure everything's working..."

"Last week?!" Forest said, surprised. "That's amazing! Well, I can see you all down here have been particularly busy! Is there anything I can help you with while I'm here?"

The shy chief engineer finally looked up at the Commander. She tilted her head to one side as if confused slightly. "Do you have Engineering proficiency?" she asked.

Forest thought a moment.

"I was Assistant Chief Operations Officer on the USS Excalibur," he replied, though his words held not much confidence. "Only a few years in Operations and how to fix and repair things, nothing like you. So I suppose the answer is a timid 'yes-but-no' to your question."

Rin's eyes seemed to sparkle. It was like a total change in her whole personality. She stood up straighter and seemed much more confident. She held out her tool kit to the commander. "I am going to realign the warp coils in the starboard nacelle. You can help right?" she asked.

The Commander raised an eyebrow, then nodded as he took the tool. "Yes, I can," he confirmed. "I'm not the best at it but I was trained for the procedure."

"It'll be easy," Rin replied with a smile. She pointed down the corridor. "This way."

Forest nodded and followed his Chief Engineer. While he had not anticipated to be involved in much, it did grant him some excitement to be involved. He prepared himself for the effort by recalling briefly his maintenance techniques with warp core procedures.

The two worked tirelessly together as they managed to solve the issue. At the end, they shared a good experience of teamwork and team-building as both the Commander and Chief Engineer solved several critical issues overlooked by present dockworker staff. At the end, both Rin and Forest found themselves standing together. Forest extended his hand, Rin taking it and shaking.

"Welcome aboard," Forest said, smiling. "It was a pleasure helping you."

"Thank you Commander," Rin replied, smiling.


Lieutenant Commander Rin Natsume
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Oceanus


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


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