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Welcome Aboard Celebration

Posted on Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 5:36pm by Commodore Gregory Paladin & Commander Forest Patton & Ensign Hapam Rajam & Lieutenant Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon & Lieutenant Commander Rin Natsume & Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara & Lieutenant Commander Nicole Perkins MD & Major Carsyn Kolchak & Lieutenant Commander David Forbes & Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart & Ensign Crowl & Lieutenant Konata Hiiragi

5,673 words; about a 28 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 10 - Refuge 2 [Crew Mess & Lounge] & Refuge 3 [Petty Officer's Mess & Lounge]
Timeline: MD 5 - 1300 Hrs to 1630 Hrs
Tags: 2396, Character Development


On the fifth day of onboarding for the USS Oceanus, Commodore Gregory Paladin had traveled from the USS Poseidon to Mars to visit the Oceanus and crew. Some background planning had been done between Commander Patton and the Commodore and it had been announced a day prior that there would be a formal "Welcome Aboard Celebration" for all crew to attend. It was decided that Refuge 2 & Refuge 3 on Deck 10 would be suitable. While not every crewmember could visit at once, rotating shifts would ensure that it didn't get overcrowded, though if the visitors exceeded one Lounge the other would still be active to take them in. Refuge 2 was decided to be the prominent lounge where the Commodore would visit while the feeds from the lounge would be transferred to Refuge 2, just across the deck on Deck 10.

Planning done and the hours waning, the day and time finally came for the party to start. At 1300 hours the Commander gave a brief shipwide message.

=/\= Attention All Crew. The planned Welcome Aboard Celebration is commencing on Deck 10. Make way to Refuge 2 and 3. Refuge 2 will feature Commodore Paladin and Refuge 3 will be available as overflow or if you wish to celebrate away from crowds. See you there. Commander Patton, out. =/\=

A short interval of time passed as the Commander traversed the decks down to Deck 10. Once there, he entered Refuge 2 and saw the Commodore.

"Commodore! So good to see you again!" Forest said as he approached his mentor and friend. There was starting to be a presence as some lower deckers began to appear in the lounge and be greeted. Forest extended a hand for a shake as he neared Gregory. "I have been very much awaiting this visit from you. How is she to you?"

Gregory smiled, one hand holding a glass of synthahol and the other free to shake the offered hand from the Commander. "Very good to see you, Mr. Patton, and I can say I am extremely pleased with how active my - well, my apologies - your ship is."

Forest laughed, returning the shake in earnest before lowering his hand. "I understood what you meant," the Commander said. "I may have her for myself, but she's your baby and dream. I'm just the caretaker. I'm honored you gave her to me to tend to, sir."

"Honor is all mine," Gregory said, glancing around. "I took a tour. I'm impressed Commander. Even with limited crew you have done extremely well."

"You can thank my crew, sir," Forest said, beaming. "Matter of fact my Chief Engineer was here before me getting everything ready!"

And so the two talked about mundane things as they awaited the first arrival of senior staff and other crew.

Outside Refuge 2 Major Carsyn Kolchak checked her dress uniform over once again, ensuring everything was in place. Satisfied her uniform was in perfect condition she entered Refuge 2, Damn, need to ask the commander if they could rename the refuge areas. she thought. Entering the room she nervously looked about, she was none to frilled at having to meet the commodore, given how most of the upper brass felt about her and her unofficer actions. Damn I could use a drink, no that was what got me in trouble with striking a superior. she thought. She walked over to the replicator =/\=One Orange and Black Cherry soda=/\= The replicator produced her drink.

"..and that's how we saved the Poseidon from an internal fire," finished the Commodore as Forest and he concluded sharing catch-up stories. His attention was then diverted by the riveting dress uniform worn by Major Kolchak. "Whose that, Forest?"

Forest turned and blinked, smiling wide. "The Major? Yeah, that's Major Carsyn Kolchak. She's had a bit of a rough patch recently, but what struck out about her on the selection roster was her status as a Dominion War veteran. She's highly experienced, should be the Group CO, but only wanted wing. Right now we don't have a Group CO anyway, so the point is moot, but I digress."

Gregory nodded, staring her way, then smiling at the Commander. "If you'll excuse me while I introduce myself?"

"Absolutely!" the Commander said, turning away to move to the bar for refreshments.

As the Commander parted, the Commodore approached the Major who was at the replicator. He saw her order a soda with a very unique flavor. Once she turned around, he made sure to be visible so as to not startle her.

"Major Kolchak?" Gregory greeted, hoping he wouldn't actually startle her. The Commodore's dress uniform was simplistic. "I'm Gregory Paladin. The Commander over there told me you were a veteran of the Dominion War? I was at the First Battle of Chin'toka, USS Nautilus, tiny little Miranda-class ship. I saw a lot of you fighter jockies there and without your help, we wouldn't have made it through. Thank you for your service."

The Commodore extended his hand for a shake, giving a sincere smile.

"Sir," replied Carsyn as she straightened to an almost attention stance and shook the Commodores hand. " Always a pleasure to help in a battle. I was at the First Battle of Chin'toka myself. A young, wet behind the ears first lieutenant. Happened to be where I got my first Purple Heart, my fighter took a grazing hit from a Jen'Hadar attack ship. Ended up doing a crash landing on USS Venture ." she replied. "Have to say Captain Stanley was not happy about that." She took a sip of her drink. "This is not the first time we have meet though. We meet when I was a young first year pleb at the Academy. I was granted permission to attend a ceremony for my grandfather, Major General Braylon Franklin Kolchak."

Gregory listened as the Major recounted her events of the battle. When she mentioned the name of the Major General, the Commodore's eyebrows briefly perked.

"I've heard that name before," admitted the Commodore. "I believe there's a class at the Academy on the Major General's influence on space combat. I didn't realize you were related! Very fascinating! My family lineage is less impressive, I think, though we've made our mark. My great grandfather, Travis Paladin, was Chief Engineer on the UES Unicorn, one of Starfleets first true battleships of the very old Yorktown-class based off of the NX Columbia hull refit. I used to read stories of his exploits during the Earth-Romulan war.

My grandfather, Captain Edgar Paladin, was the first of our lineage to Captain the USS Poseidon back in 2330 during that turbulent era of Piracy and Klingon politics. He was promoted to Commodore and later died at the Battle of Narendra III. I joined Starfleet Academy sometime around 2370, about three years later the Dominion War started. I got assigned onto the USS Nautilus as a security officer, matter of fact. My father, Henry T. Paladin, was assigned as Commander to the USS Poseidon with her reactivation around the same time. Was a big celebration for both of us and I was already applying for a transfer, but it would never pan out in time.

He died in the line of duty in Operation Return and later after the war I tried to get the Poseidon saved from scrap as a museum ship. I was involved in the First Battle of Chin'toka around that time as well, as you're aware, but down the line after the war and a few promotions in 2390 I got command - briefly - of the USS Poseidon before I was recalled to Starfleet Academy. They offered me the position I'm in now, them and Starfleet, and I made Commodore to head the Cadet Training Course."

The Commodore spent a moment to recollect some events as he sighed, though the sound was a mixture of grief and nostalgia. He nodded solemnly.

"My family couldn't convince Starfleet to save the Poseidon originally, but I felt it was my duty to make sure she had a proper legacy worth saving," Gregory admitted. "My father died on that ship, I felt it only proper. I would have added the Nautilus to the Cadet Training Program but by the time I had the ability she was out of my hands. Instead, now, I have the Oceanus. I plan on using her to grab the most valuable cadets who graduate off the Poseidon and give them a proper, worthy ship in Starfleet to serve out their career - or at the very least, to start it properly."

"It will be my pleasure to ensure your dream comes true. Have a huge shoe to fill in my grandfather's wake, and the family shadow of service starches way back to the founding of earth's United States of America." replied Kolchak. Thank God, he hasn't yet connected me to my unbecoming an officer episode. she thought.

There was a slight moment where the Commodore realized he had been long-winded, however he did notice the polite reply from the Major and how she ever so carefully overlooked it. He smiled gingerly. Despite her previous reputation, she had been the right choice to put on the selection roster.

"I apologize, when I get to talking I just don't stop," Gregory said in manner of apology. "Anyway, so your family stretches that far back, eh? Any good family lineage stories then? I shared mine, maybe a bit too much, so it's only right I allow you the chance to share that."

Carsyn smiled "There are a lot, more than a lot. Not sure which ones would be best to speak of in polite company." She took a sip of her drink. "I believe; however, Commodore I have taken up more than enough of your time, perhaps we can swap family war stories at another time."

Taking the hint, Gregory nodded politely and smiled. "Absolutely, I'd love to. Enjoy the Celebration, Major."

Kolchak breathed a sigh of relief when the commodore excused himself and wandered over to another victim. She truly hated formal functions, especially nowadays when she was banned from alcohol or even synthol. I wonder how long I must stay before I can slink my way out and go to my quarters. she thought to herself.

Ensign Rajam entered Refuge 2 in dress uniform. He was impressed with his new assignment on the USS Oceanus. The Cardassian Ensign saw a group of lower deckers already gathered in the corner and, after getting a drink at the bar, proceeded to mingle.

Why did dress uniforms have to have such stiff collars. David’s was cutting into his neck as he entered Refuge 2. He wondered if they would have real champagne. For some reason he found that the replicated stuff tasted like flat apple juice. He saw Commodore Paladin and gulped. He had once sent the Commodore a very long text message complaining about the way the Captain of the USS Hood was treating him because David’s father had flunked the Captain’s son. He had no reply back from Paladin. He hoped it had all been forgotten about. But just the same maybe keeping out of the Commodores line of vision would be best.

Unfortunately for David, he hadn't kept out of the line of the Commander - or fortunately, perhaps. Once he was seen by the Commander, Forest meandered his way over and greeted the Chief Science Officer.

"Mr. Forbes! Glad you could join us! How has your settling in been? How is the Oceanus treated you so far?"

“ Oh she is an absolute dream sir an absolute dream. Some of the new equipment we have I cannot wait to get stuck into. When do you think we will be off Captain?” David asked.

"As far as I understand, probably in the next five days. Listen, David, come see me tomorrow. I have an offer for you," the Commander said, winking, and then turning to address other new arrivals.

Next to arrive was Commander Miyahara and Doctor Hiiragi, both clad in their dress whites, but Konata seemed less than enthusiastic to be wearing hers:

"It's so itchy..." Konata complained. "Taz, did you have to use this much starch?"

"In the condition those dress whites were in before, I'm not sure if I used enough starch." Tazuko responded.

Rin the ship's Chief Engineer was more than content with being a wallflower. She wasn't one to really socialise until she knew people better. She was happily standing by one of the rear walls sipping her drink and silently observing.

This was another party that Jessica had decided to attend as she had to get to know everyone on this ship and upon entering picked up a glass of red wine and started to mill around waiting for someone to approach her, ~ her father always said wait for them to come to you , not you go to them~ she remembered.

Forest noticed how Konata and Tazuko entered and waved primarily to the Chief Security Officer. Once he saw him, he nodded her way, then the Commander proceeded to his original intent of greeting his Chief Engineer. He'd greet Tazuko shortly. He approached this time very cautiously, smiling as he waved and then greeted her.

"Mrs. Natsume! You look very good this evening," praised the Commander. "Thank you for attending, how have you been? I've always meant to apologize to the way I scared you on my first day here. I really hadn't intended that."

"I...I..." Rin began nervously. "I'm not married... sir. But, thanks," she said giving him a cute smile.

Forest deadpanned briefly, not expecting that answer. "I see," he replied, smiling again. "Well, I have a wife myself. Her name is Emily, very beautiful woman. I'm sure if you're looking for whoever you'd want in the future, someone as professionally attractive as yourself will nab them. Anyway, I just wanted to apologize about scaring you. Both...then and now, apparently. Talk later?"

Not giving Rin a chance to reply, the Commander winked, nodded, and headed off from the awkward encounter. He assured himself he had said something wrong and wanted time to think on why Rin would have replied like that.

David was puzzled. Why did the Captain wish to see him tomorrow? The sound of a hiss filled laugh brought him out of his musings.

“ Ensign Crowl is your device not working?” David asked.

“ No it’s fine but things like laughter tend to confuse it. I will work on the syntax filter after this party.” Crowl said.

Callie arrived at Refuge 2 a little later than she’d intended to, having had to replicate a new dress uniform in maternity size. She wasn’t that big yet but her original dress uniform had looked, and felt, horribly tight. She wasn’t that much later than planned and people were still arriving behind her as she walked inside.

Nicole walked into the Lounge area, taking a seat in the corner, before ordering a large Martini. She was off shift now, and one drink couldn't hurt. She looked around at the room, taking in the number of people as she turned.

Neteri quietly walked into Refuge 2, dress whites, her awards neatly pinned on, tried to look in conspicuously and ordered her drink. Being late did not help her mind set but she decided that it would be a good idea to go and mingle with her new crew mates. Sitting by herself, she watched the celebration.

== 1400 Hours; The Commodore Speaks ==

It had been a full hour of arrivals to both Refuge 2, the Primary location for the event, and Refuge 3 as its backup location and overfill. Crew from all over had come and it was clear to both the Commander and Commodore that the Oceanus had filled up nicely with a good crew of individuals. This Welcome Aboard Celebration, however, had a purpose. Despite its primary intentions of gathering the crew and having everyone socialize, there would be a special event during the beginning of its proceedings to mark the special occasion. That was intended to be a short speech by the Commodore.

Gregory moved towards the stage in Refuge 2 as the computer automatically broadcasted a video of him to Refuge 3. The video itself would be saved for posterity, of course, but for now the computer was simply recording and relaying it across relevant ship locations. As the Commodore dinged his glass - he held a glass of synthehol - the commotion in Refuge 2 quieted as all eyes came to him.

"Good evening," Gregory greeted the crowd and many gave the greeting back. He nodded with a smile as the lights dimmed and a spotlight illuminated him. "Good evening, great, great! As many of you are aware, I'm Commodore Gregory Paladin. I am tasked by Starfleet with heading and operating the Cadet Training Course created by Starfleet Academy to better prepare our cadets, graduates, and officers for the rigors of Starfleet life out in space. I currently control two ships: the USS Poseidon and this ship, the USS Oceanus. A little history here for those interested.

The USS Oceanus was originally intended to be named the USS Poseidon-A and be the replacement vessel for my aging Miranda-class training ship. I had intended to honor my intentions to my Father, who originally Captained the Poseidon, as did my Grandfather, to make it ready into a Museum ship and permanent Classroom for the Academy. By October of 2395, however, Starfleet and I agreed this was going to be impossible. The Poseidon became too valuable and her purpose all too clear. She would become, eventually, the stationary Museum and Classroom I intended, but at present Starfleet needed a top-of-the-line Mobile Classroom able to produce the Officers it needed to advance its fleet. The Poseidon, one of many of these types of ships, needed to stay."

Gregory took a sip of his synthehol before he gauged the crowd. Everyone was paying attention. He continued.

"That left me in a pickle, obviously," he said as he heard a few laughs. His smile broadened briefly. "I went back to Starfleet and we consulted on the specifics. Eventually by December 2395 with a completed Intrepid-class hull waiting in dock - as it is now - we needed to act fast. I was first told that this ship would be out of my hands and handed over to another Commodore or lucky Vice Admiral. Then a day later, Starfleet Command got back with me and told me this ship would contribute to my Cadet Training Course as a graduation vessel. Back and forth we went for a week of this until finally I intervened and told them to just let me name the damn thing."

A lot of laughs at this, Gregory nodding a bit, continuing.

"Anyway, seeing the naming trend of the my other ship, I got with Captain Franklin Johnson of the Poseidon and we both agreed that Oceanus would be a good continuation. It has many variations of meaning, but they're all centered around the same thing about a greater power who rules over a river expanse of the sky. Similar to Poseidon, Oceanus is intended to be a caretaker and careful observer. Unlike Poseidon, however, Oceanus is intended to explore the stars fully and completely. This ship is my fleets small, dedicated exploration vessel and is intended to allow Starfleet Officers be those Officers they trained to be. And, might I add, be the point where graduated cadets from my program can flourish. I already see a few of you in here now."

Gregory nodded his head toward Hapam, the Ensign shying away but nodding back, but he also recognized a few others present. There was a brief clapping among the crowd almost as a congratulations, to which Hapam shrunk back further as did those others recognized. The Commodore continued as he settled the crowd down.

"Congratulations, yes," Gregory said, smiling, "back to the point, though, the Oceanus will be the ship of science and exploration that the Poseidon was and has been denied being. That said, to stop myself from going on and on, congratulations to you all on your new posting. Most of all, congratulations to Commander Forest Patton for his new ship, his new crew, and I as his Commodore wish him smooth sailing and many scientific discoveries among the stars!"

The Commodore raised his glass in a toast. Near the bar, the same spotlight directed itself at the Forest who waved. The crowd cheered, gave claps, and eventually after a minute or so the Commander waved the spotlight off with playful anger. A few laughs, the cheering died down, and finally the Commander was offered a moment to speak. He seemed reluctant to at first, but sighed in defeat and moved forward a bit from the bar.

"I guess, uh," Forest started, not expecting to have to speak formally today. "I guess, thank you Commodore! Thank you Crew! And let's enjoy this celebration and relax! Get to know each other! Every person you see right beside you you'll be serving with. Take the time to get to know them. Appreciate them. Gain that professional trust. Know that we make up this crew and the USS Oceanus would be less without you. So uh ... here's to us!"

He downed an entire glass of synthehol quickly as the crowd cheered, clapped, and some even mimicked the motion. The spotlight dimmed, the lights resumed normal illumination, and the party returned to proper tempo as the gentle music resumed and everyone went back to their conversations.

== 1420 Hrs; After the Commodore's Speech ==

David began to smile broadly. His cousin was Chief Science Officer and Second Officer on the Poseidon. He remembered once as a kid tipping a bowl of what he thought was cold custard over Sam’s head. Unfortunately it turned out to be hot custard and Sam ended up in hospital. The telling off Forbes got was legendary for some reason though it brought a smile to his face. But it was not only that but the thought of the many adventures that lay ahead for them all.

“ I am quite looking forward to our first mission.” David said aloud.

Major Carsyn Kolchak smiled at the speeches and clapped. Yes, here is to new beginnings, and a chance at redemption. she thought.
Upon hearing Lieutenant Commander Forbes comment, she piped up herself "So does the Starfighter's. May our missions be fruitful and productive."

“ Could I come and have a look at your Starfighters? As a young boy I used to visit my local air museum. It would be interesting to see the modern equivalents.” Forbes asked.

Startled by the voice, Carsyn turned about. Seeing Lieutenant Commander Forbes she smiled."Your more than welcome to come down anytime commander, just avoid Chief Warrant Officer 1st class Tuwi Glasch Katich; she considers the fighters her 'children' and the fighter bay her domain."

“ That reminds me of our gardener back home in Bungay . He was very protective of our rose bushes. I was banned from playing any kind of ball game in the garden. Yes. Thanks. I need to speak with the Captain tomorrow so maybe after that. Depending on what state my knees are in.” David said.

"I doubt the gardner was half Tellarite. She has definitely inherited her father's genetics when it comes to tempers and attitude."

“ He did come from Great Yarmouth which is just off the North Sea. Nice people usually but they can be a bit rough , just like the sea itself. When something they are passionate about is in danger. He chased me with a shovel once for picking a Rose for my mother’s birthday. I was only nine years old and boy was my mother angry. My father would not dismiss him in fact I was given a stern telling off , for running away. "David said

"Chief Katich has been known to throw Magnaspanners and Hyperspanners at Pilots and RIO's. I happen to know she chased a science officer of the flight deck with a Bipolar Torch. She tolerates us Pilots and RIO's as we are Starfighter Corps; however she has a strong disdain for Starfleet officer's, The enlisted no issues, just the officers. How she ever maintained her rank much less get promoted is beyond me, other than she is the best at her job. Some say she is the 'Montgomery Scott' of Fighter Bay Ops." replied Major Kolchak.

“ So maybe when I visit I’ll come dressed in my civilian clothes just in case?” David asked the Major.

Kolchak shook her head and laughed, "No that would only be worse. She hates it when a civilian is on the deck, feels civilians have no place on the deck. Hell, I or someone else of rank has to meet them on a different deck then escort civilians when they wish to visit. Believe it or not this is backed up by the Admiralty."

Callie made her way through the crowd towards Forest, she didn’t really know many here yet but she would pretty soon. “Commander” She smiled warmly. “Good speech, it’s certainly a good turn out. People certainly do enjoy getting together for parties.”

"Mrs. Knight!" Forest said, giving a warm smile back. "I appreciate that, yeah, I had to improvise a bit but it turned out well."

He chuckled at her remark, then nodded as he looked around. "Very good turnout," he confirmed, looking back at Callie. "Feels very relaxed here this evening, for sure. I'm marking this as possibly a common theme for the Oceanus, for parties I mean. Folks here seem to be having a blast and I'm all for it!"

Callie smiled and nodded. “The crew are enjoying themselves, and you’re right it is a very relaxed atmosphere in here.” She looked around. “I’m sure making it a common theme would go down a treat!”

It was at this moment that Tazuko approached the commander and the counselor with Konata in tow. She'd seen Forest when they had first arrived, but he was preoccupied then, so Tazuko had instead accompanied her wife to the bar for their first round of drinks.

"Commander Patton!" Tazuko greeted as they approached. "I don't believe you've met Dr. Hiiragi yet?"

The Commander turned to face his Chief of Security, Lieutenant Commander Miyahara.

"Mrs. Miyahara! No, I have not! Please, introduce me!" invited Forest after his greeting.

Neteri was not used to big shindigs like this and was waiting for a chance to leave as quietly as she arrived. What she really wanted was to just sit in her fighter and chill out. There was something about sitting in her fighter and just letting go. Drinking her drink, her third by the way, she watched and waited patiently for her opportunity.

Commodore Paladin decided to take the opportunity to greet another possible veteran. He meandered his way towards Neteri, greeting her promptly.

"Lot of action, huh?" he said. "Don't like to mingle?"

Hearing the oddly familiar voice, she looked up. Seeing who it was, she almost dropped her drink standing up suddenly and snapped a proper salute. "Commodore Paladin, a surprise to be sure. I had no idea you were here. Lots of action yes, yet I never really liked these functions. As for mingling, new ship, new people, I like to watch first then get to know later, works better for me. The Poseidon was a good ship and I...well the counselor and I came to the conclusion that it would be better if I were to move on. I did and found the Oceanus and here I am, new ship, new home, new people", she said looking at her former XO from the Poseidon.

Gregory smirked at her reaction, nodding as he listened. He spoke after her explanation was over.

"I'm aware of the circumstances," the Commodore revealed. "I inquired about it and while, naturally, I wasn't allowed to know much, I was given enough to understand it was best to help you along. I'm glad things worked out in your favor. It's hard losing someone you love, I understand that deeply. I hope seeing me hasn't ruined a fresh start for you?"

"No sir, actually it makes my heart feel good seeing you here. I thought that I might be a true newbie here. How have you been?", Neteri asked happily.

"I've been quite fine, actually, just very busy," he chuckled, smiling some more. "Starfleet has had some interesting concepts of command and control for me, so it's been a heavy back and forth between the Poseidon, the Academy, and now the Oceanus. I predict I'll have my hands full for a while."

"That's a rough trip", she said chuckling. "I know what it's like to shuttle between places. I've done it myself, but in fighters. They can stressful and over whelming at times", Neteri said smiling at her former Executive Officer.

"Aye, they can be," Paladin said, thinking in the past briefly, then smiling. "Regardless, it's great you're here for this adventure. I appreciate you taking the steps necessary to move on."

Major Kolchak decided she had been at the function long enough to excuse herself and return to her quarters, after all she had a ton of paperwork and needed to prepare to meet her RIO as well Major Sefaus, her executive officer. Seeing the commodore, she made her way to him.

"Major!" the Commodore greeted, turning his attention briefly to her. "Have you had a wonderful time?"

Major Kolchak smiled, "It has been a very pleasant reception commodore. I was just wanting to wish you well as I must return to my quarters. I have so much paperwork to get through and tomorrow I have to pick a good RIO for myself, meet my new xo and I understand two of the AC-307 Mk II Valkyries require major overhauls. I have a busy day tomorrow."

Hearing what the Major said, "Major Kolchak, nice to meet you finally. I'm Lt.Cmdr. Neteri "Ikran" Shannon, but you can call me Neteri. I don't stand on formalities in my department. Oh sorry, I'm the new Chief Flight Officer, CAG. I just arrived and Commodore Paladin is from my old ship. However, I am pleased to finally meet you. Now about this over haul of the MkII fighters? Can I be of assistance?", Neteri asked smiling warmly.

Major Kolchak smiled "Not really, sir, Chief Warrant Officer 1st class Tuwi Glasch Katich, the COD..." suddenly realizing the commodore may not know the term corrected herself "Chief of Deck Operations, has it well under control. We are lucky to have her most say she is the 'Montgomery Scott' of fighter bay ops, with an attitude though, she is half-Tellarite."

"Well I suppose it's ok but the COD better leave "Ikran" alone. She isy Valkyrie fighter and I am very jealous if anyone else messes with her. I do all her maintenance on her including her upgrades. She was a gift given to me. So you see why I am so possessive of her", she added.

"I am sure she will Sir." replied Kolchak with a smile, "I'll ensure she gets the message."

Following Neteri's reply, the Commodore nodded respectfully. "Perfectly understandable, I hope you have a good evening Major."

Callie meanwhile had moved across to the food selection, the age old saying of eating for two was quite correct, her stomach was rumbling and she’d learned from experience that if she didn’t eat when her body now demanded, she’d end up fainting. Picking a small selection she found herself a seat and politely sat down to eat. It was times like this that she wished her relationship with Ryan hadn’t hit rock bottom, they were so in love but this was how it ended, and she was alone again. Now it was just her and her baby.

== 1630 Hrs; After Events Settled ==

As the night further waned, the crowds dimmed, and eventually only two people remained; Commodore Paladin and Commander Patton. There were a few stragglers, but no hassle was given to them by the senior staff as they enjoyed their socializing. The crew from the lower decks often didn't get to attend functions so it was only right to extend the party just enough to allow them a chance to enjoy the benefits of the event.

As eventually even the individuals from the lower decks began to disperse, both the Commodore and Commander found themselves finishing a drink of synthahol together.

"I'd say this turned out well," Gregory said, smiling as he tapped glasses with Forest.

The Commander nodded, taking the last drink of his as both Gregory and he tipped the glasses back.

"I say it did too," Forest said.


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Callie Knight
Chief Counsellor
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander David Forbes
First Officer & Chief Science Officer
USS Oceanus


Ensign Crowl
Science Officer
USS Oceanus


Major Carsyn Kolchak
Wing Commander
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Rin Natsume
Chief Engineer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon
Commander Air Group/Chief Flight Officer
USS Oceanus


Ensign Hapam Rajam
Damage Control Specialist
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Konata Hiiragi
Medical Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Nicole Perkins MD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Oceanus


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