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Psych Evaluation: Forest Patton

Posted on Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 3:37pm by Lieutenant Callie Knight & Commander Forest Patton

878 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: USS Oceanus - Counselling Office
Timeline: MD 08 - 1330 Hrs
Tags: 2396, Character Development


Now she was settled in and her duties had fully begun, Callie had decided to start at the top of the Command Chain with evaluations. The Senior Staff were expected to lead by example and what better way than this? She’d already arranged an appointment schedule, which she’d sent out ahead of time to those she needed to see, appointments were easy enough to rearrange if not convenient. Now she sat waiting for Patton’s arrival.

Per the agreed schedule, Commander Patton appeared in the Chief Counselors office and after being approved entry entered professionally with a smile.

"I admit I was surprised you had decided to start at the top for your review, but I'm not protesting in the least," Forest said as he entered. "How are you today, Mrs. Knight? Settling in well?"

“Very well, thank you Sir” Callie smiled warmly. “Please make yourself at home.” She motioned to the sofa and chairs, both of which now had comfy cushions and a cosy blanket covering. The room itself had been carefully decorated with scenic framed prints on the walls, a large faux fur rug was on the floor, and there was a specially set out children’s corner with toys, bean bags, books, and more. “Feel free to call me Callie when appropriate, Mrs Knight sounds so formal, plus my husband and I are...unfortunately, divorced.”

Forest sat down in the provided sofa and became comfortable. He nodded to her explanation and gave a sympathetic look.

"My apologies then, Callie, but generally I keep things professional while on duty so I may still call you formally," Forest said. "So, what questions do you have for me today?"

Callie nodded understandingly. “Let’s start with the usual question, how have you settled in aboard the Oceanus?”

"It's been rather interesting but uneventful so far," Forest admitted. "The Oceanus is an absolutely gorgeous ship and the comfort factor is top notch. The crew so far have been outstanding and professional, yourself included. I feel very lucky and, if I dare say so, blessed to be chosen to be here and command her."

Callie smiled warmly. “We are lucky to have you as our Commanding Officer. Is there anything that you feel you need to talk about whilst you’re here? Any worries, or any concerns of any kind?”

"Nothing other than the feeling I got this position way too early, and far above anyone else," Forest said truthfully. "It felt like a dream. But I know from the Commodore that he considered far more professional candidates than myself."

“Then it sounds to me like they’ve decided you’re the best man for the job” Callie offered an understanding smile. “You wouldn’t be in Command if those at Starfleet headquarters had any doubts.”

"Yeah, I know you're right," Forest agreed, "but I personally agree it's always acceptable to have a small contingent of humility to stifle an ego. I've already seen how capable I am with my crew and I'm frankly very proud of the crew I've gathered. I'm sure I'm quite capable. I'm just.... well you know, we all have some doubts."

Callie nodded. "It's natural to have doubts. May I ask what your doubts are?" she gave Forest a curious look.

Forest thought a moment. He sighed as he shrugged, helpless as he looked up to the Chief Counselor. The helplessness waivered briefly as he came to understand a bit of his shortcomings as he thought it over in his head. Resolved, just a bit, he nodded his head as he replied.

"Fear that I'm not qualified," he said.

Callie nodded. “That’s understandable, to be honest I don’t think Starfleet would be handing you a ship, and assigning you a crew if they didn’t have faith in you. I’d be more concerned if you weren’t worried about something.”

"I appreciate that dose of realism, Callie," smiled Forest. "If nothing else, I know I can work and grow into my position. With crew like yourself, I'm sure I'll be able to see the ground rather than fall to the sky, if that metaphore makes sense."

Callie smiled warmly. "I've never heard it worded that way before, but it makes sense to me. I aim to make myself available to you on the bridge during important events, just incase you need a sounding board. Not that I'd expect you to discuss matters in front of the crew. I also plan to take advantage of just being on the bridge from time to time, it's not something I've been able to do up until now."

"I think I can permit that, don't see why it'd be an issue." Forest said, smiling. A few moments of silence passed. "I think though...this has left me with a lot to ponder on. How many more questions do you have for me, Callie?"

“I think I have all I need Captain, I see no reason to hold you up any longer.” Callie smiled warmly. “You’re free to escape.” She grinned as she motioned to the door. I’ll see you on the bridge.”


Lieutenant Callie Knight
Chief Counsellor
USS Oceanus


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


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