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Meeting the Chief Flight Control Officer

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ 5:43am by Lieutenant Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon & Commander Forest Patton

1,026 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 1 - Captains Ready Room
Timeline: MD 02 - 1540 Hrs
Tags: 2396, Character Introduction


News had arrived that the Commanders selection for helms chief had arrived. He quickly tapped his combadge after he gave the new Chief Flight Control Officer some time to acquaint themselves.

=/\= Commander Patton to Lieutenant Commander Shannon, please make your way to my Ready Room at your earliest convenience. =/\=

=/\= Understood sir =/\= Neteri said as she popped out of "Ikran 1". It felt good to be standing on the flight deck of her new home. Patting her fighter, she picked up her flight bag and headed for the captains ready room. She was the chief flight officer and maybe she would be asked to fly fighter protection or something special here. Who knows maybe even become the CAG but for now she was content to just fly the ship. She left the Poseidon and prayed the memory of that fateful day would be a thing of the past. It didn't take her long to get to the ready room. Tapping the chime she waited patiently.

"Enter!" Forest said.

A moment later the Commander was standing to greet the arrival of his new Chief Flight Control Officer. He approached Neteri and waved her over to the couches, then proceeded to move to the replicator.

"Welcome! Welcome. Now, want anything?" he asked. "And please, relax, while this is a formal greeting, I like to keep it relaxed. Thank you for coming."

Wondering if the captain was aware that she was a Betazoid, she proceeded to sit in one of the couches near the window. "Lt. Cmdr. Neteri "Ikran" Shannon reporting for duty, and I will have a Vulcan spiced tea and a bagel with jelly and cream cheese" she said calmly. Now came the fun in answering the question of 'tell me a little about yourself'. Neteri was used to the standard question and answer, but deep down, she also dreaded it because it would raise a tender memory she was trying to keep from surfacing again, Pavan's death. Yet, there was something about this man that actually put her at ease. Something quieting, and calming, almost as if he was sympathetic to her past, and that he could see the pain and take it away. It was a strange feeling she sensed and it actually did put her at ease. "Oh, sir I arrived in my fighter. She was a gift from a former captain and I hope she can remain here and possibly allow me to serve in a secondary function as needed", she said, taking the tea and bagel from the captain.

Forest took the order and grabbed himself a PB&J Sandwich with tea. He brought Neteri's order to her, setting his down, and sat close on the couch as he set both foodtrays on the coffee table.

"So, Mrs. Shannon, you come highly recommended by both Captain Johnson and Commodore Paladin. Any idea why that is?" Forest asked. Though he knew the answer, he was still curious as to her reaction. "And no, that's not an issue. I'll add your fighter to the roster though I intend to have you flying my ship most of the time."

Taken slightly back by the high praise from both, "Sir, I don't know what to say. I will say this though, it might be because I was his CAG, and I put my pilots ahead of myself where their safety and fighting skills were concerned. I've been in numerous dog fights with other fighters from different races and have trained my people how to use old skills now. Those old skills from Earth's history have a mind numbing affect on many a pilot today. The same could be said of my piloting skills of starships. I fly by the seat of my pants but, always
being aware of what I'm flying. My last mission out, well,*pauses* I became, no that's not the word, I met and became involved with one of my pilots that I had known before. I'll put it that way. We were in love and well, we had plans to bond formally. Anyway, we went out on a patrol and there was an incident.*pauses again and wipes an errant tear*his ship suddenly exploded," Neteri said as another tear formed and she brushed it away. "For a number of months, I struggled with flashbacks and the usual stresses and the Counselor and I decided that the Poseidon had left a telepathic imprint on me. So it was decided that I transfer to here as CFO and possibly doubling as CAG. I love flying and flying this ship and "Ikran 1" are both the loves of my life. I know I can do both given the opportunity," she finished.

Forest nodded sympathetically as he listened. He watched her nearly cry, shedding only a few tears, and he gingerly and politely sipped his drink. It was a delicate reveal, for sure.

"I read up on the reports of Lieutenant Pavan," Forest said, giving a sympathetic look. "It was around the time the USS Poseidon first started, I believe. Captain Johnson went over with it with me briefly, though there wasn't much else revealed other than it was possible sabotage. I'm very sorry for your loss."

A brief moment of silence allowed for Neteri to reflect before Forest continued.

"I wouldn't mind having you double as CAG if you wanted," Forest said. "We already have a Wing Commander, so if the pilot of the ship was also a Group Commander, that's ... not entirely rare, I don't think. Is that what you wanted?"

"Oh yes sir. That is what I had hoped for, fly her and fight beside her defending her. To do both is a dream", Neteri said, as her emotional state changed at the prospect of doing both things.

"Alright, I'll arrange the position, but note that your first priority is always to pilot the Oceanus first and foremost," Forest said, grinning at her reaction.

Happily leaving the captains ready room, Neteri made her way to her quarters.


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon
Chief Flight Controller/CAG
USS Oceanus


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