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Welcoming the new Chief Counselor

Posted on Sun Feb 4th, 2024 @ 9:26pm by Lieutenant Callie Knight & Commander Forest Patton

1,117 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 1 - Captains Ready Room
Timeline: MD 4 - 0600 Hrs
Tags: 2396, Character Introduction


It was an early start to the fourth day of operations for the Oceanus. The Captain had, two days prior, selected a Chief Counselor for the vessel and he'd been told she'd arrive today. He monitored her arrival, waited for her to be settled in, then tapped his combadge after what he hoped was an appropriate amount of time.

=/\= Commander Patton to Lieutenant Knight. Mrs. Knight please come see me in my ready room when you're able. =/\=

Callie had jut finished putting on a freshly replicated maternity sized uniform and was brushing her hair when Patton's voice came over the comms. Picking up her comm badge and pinning it on she tapped it. "On my way Commander."

Before long she was standing outside the CO's Ready Room, pressing the chime she waited for admittance.

"Enter!" Forest said.

The doors slid open and in walked the new Chief Counselor. Forest stood from behind his desk, moved around, and extended a hand to greet her.

"Welcome abord, Mrs. Knight! I appreciate you accepting my invitation for this posting," Forest said. "How was your trip?"

Callie smiled warmly as she shook Patton’s hand. “It was fine, trouble free I’m glad to say, thank you Sir.”

After the handshake, Forest invited her over to the couch near the viewport as he moved to the replicator. "Want anything to eat or drink?" he asked.

“Some biscuits and a lemonade would be lovely please Sir” Callie offered a warm smile, as she made herself comfortable on the sofa. “I’m permanently hungry these days, thanks to this little one.” She motioned to her rounded stomach.

Forest smiled at the comment about pregnancy, replicating her requested order and himself a small snack of PB&J sandwiches with sweet tea. He moved over with both trays and set her tray and drink down first, then his on the coffee table that was near the couch. The Commander then set down on the outstretch of the couch looking towards the Callie. He gave a moment for Callie and himself to take a few bites and drink before continuing.

"Alright, so, Chief Counselor, right?" Forest said, gently dabbing his lips with a napkin after a nasty splotch of jelly smudged it. "You started out on the USS Nimitz according to your record. Transferred over to Starbase 400 afterward, which is impressive considering. Now you want back on a ship? Any particular reason why this would be better suited to your current situation than a Starbase?"

“Good question” Callie offered a smile. “I felt like I needed a change of pace, a change of...just about everything. I know a Starbase has more in the way of facilities for families, and bigger medical facilities, but for me it’s the excitement of exploration. Just to see what’s out there, though I know there’s also more dangers out there as well.”

Forest nodded. The Intrepid, while a small ship, could support some families but it wasn't designed for a large community like the ships of the Galaxy Project produced.

"Fair enough, we do have the facilities to support you and your little one no issue, I was simply curious," the Commander replied, then he asked, "What got you into counseling then?"

“Well my adoptive Human mother is a Counsellor, plus being Betazoid it seemed the right path to follow.” Callie smiled warmly. “My real parents were killed when I was young, I was found and raised by a Human couple. I’ve rarely seen my home world, just odd visits every now and then. When my abilities kicked in it was a Vulcan mentor that helped me to learn control” she smiled. “Don’t be surprised if I act a little Vulcan like sometimes!”

"It's not surprising at all," Forest said. "Vulcans have made wonderful mentors for many people, including myself. They are, at times, the last staunch visage of some form of order in an otherwise chaotic world. I assure you, no judgement from me."

He smiled.

"Condolences on your family, also," Forest added swiftly, then asked, "How do you plan on approaching your position with the crew?"

Callie had nodded her thanks on Forest’s condolences. “As I always do, with an air of ease and also caution. I like people to feel at ease, I’m not the a-typical Counsellor who goes by medical files and previous counselling appointments. I prefer to take people at face value and let them tell me their story, it puts those who are required to see me more at ease.” She smiled warmly.

The Commander nodded, enjoying this perspective.

"So a more humanitarian approach, if that word is an acceptable application to this method," Forest attempted, trying not to offend. "I like it. I really do. I think you'll fit right in with my objectives for the Oceanus."

Forest took a moment to finish his sandwich, drinking half his cup, then swallowing as he allowed his stomach to settle briefly. He thought a moment, lingering on what to ask.

"And how will you approach the situations of combat?" Forest asked, delicately. "What if we're boarded or experience dire circumstances? Are you prepared to do what needs to be done, both as a counselor and officer?"

Callie finished nibbling on the biscuit she was enjoying, taking a sip of her lemonade to wash it down. “I’ll do whatever I have to do Sir. As an empath and telepath my abilities work along the same lines as a tricorder, I can sense if there’s someone in a room or not, or if they’re hiding nearby, if I’m needed in that way in a worse case scenario then I’ll do it. As for using a phaser...” she paused. “My proficiency test scores are there for you to see, if it’s got to be hit I’ll hit it. If there’s one thing my father always made sure of, it was that I could defend myself. Plus I have my baby to think of.”

Forest nodded. "Alright, I want you to conduct a brief interview of the staff when you're available to do so. Make it a priority to establish that baseline and report your findings to me, or what you're allowed to report. I feel like you're a good fit for my ship. I expect great things from you!"

Callie nodded. “I have evaluations already planned Sir, I’ll be getting onto those within the next 24 hours. As for great things, I will most certainly do my best.



Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Callie Knight
Chief Counsellor
USS Oceanus


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