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Choosing an XO - The Chief Science Officer Route

Posted on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 9:49pm by Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Commander David Forbes

658 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 1 - Captains Ready Room
Timeline: MD 6 - 0630 Hrs
Tags: 2396, Character Development


Very rarely in Starfleet did a Chief Science Officer become chosen as a ships Executive Officer. It was made famous by Commander Spock on the original Constitution-class USS Enterprise, however repeats of the same method and performance were few and far between. Typically the Command Division supplied true-blue XO's that were trained from the start, yet it wasn't uncommon for a Captain to choose from their flock who would be the best pick. The time for the launch of the Oceanus was fast approaching, however, and Commodore Paladin had given Forest a good list of candidates to consider - yet they all failed to impress the Commander.

There was one that did. Forest had already tried recruiting him, but maybe after the events of the Welcome Aboard Celebration he'd be more open to it. Forest had stated he'd want to see him. He relented and closed his computer terminal down as he tapped his combadge.

=/\= Commander Patton to Lieutenant Commander Forbes, please come see me in the Ready Room at your earliest convenience. =/\=

Things had not be going well. Whoever had installed the equipment in the science lab should be dragged out naked. Then paraded through Bungay’s town centre with someone shouting “ Shame”. The so called brand new electronic microscope was now signing an opera by Bizet. If David had stayed in the lab any longer, it would now be flying across to the nearest wall. So it was with a happy heart that he acknowledged the call and left wright away.

But as he walked along, once again he wondered why the Captain wanted to see him. Soon he was pressing the door chime and waiting to be let in.

"Welcome, Mr. Forbes, come in!" invited the Commander as he stood from behind his desk. He walked over to Forbes as the Chief Science Officer entered and the doors slid close behind, Forest placing his hands behind his back as if at ease. "Just the man I wanted to see," Forest continued, "Listen, I'm having trouble deciding on something and I'd like your opinion on how to resolve that. Think you can help?"

“ Absolutely Captain I am all ears. How can I help you sir?” David asked

"My problem is," Forest began, a twinkle in his eyes as he went straight to the point, "that I don't have an XO. I need one. Have you reconsidered yet?"

David looked at the Captain rather puzzled.

“ I am awfully sorry sir only I really don’t remember the question Captain.”Forbes said.

"Yesterday at the Celebration," Forest said, looking oddly at the man. "But it's fine, it was quiet the celebration. Regardless, are you willing to hear my question?"

“ Yes of course Captain as I said before I am all ears sir.” David said

"I need an Executive Officer and no one on the list provided to me fits for my ship," Forest explained. "Everyone except you."

“ This is a great honour sir and I would be foolish to turn you down. But before I confirm my willingness to be your Executive Officer. I must ask something. As you know from history Mr Spock was Executive Officer and Chief Science Officer. Like him will I still hold the CSO position?” David asked.

"Yes, actually," Forest said, smiling. "You'll serve as both my XO and Chief Science Officer. I know it's rarely done, but I believe for this ship, it'd be a crime not to. And, quite frankly, you have the experiences and skills I need for my Executive Officer slot."

“ Then all I have to say to you Captain is. It would be an absolute pleasure to be your Executive Officer. “ David said extending his hand.

Forest smiled widely, taking the hand, shaking it firmly. "Thank you, Number One," he said happily.


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander David Forbes
Executive Officer /Chief Science Officer
USS Oceanus


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