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Locked out.

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2024 @ 2:10am by Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara

740 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Location: Security
Timeline: Beginning of mission
Tags: 2396, Character Development



David had an aunt who used to wear a dress the color of his face at that moment. The security code he had been given would not allow him his new quarters. He was getting a tad angry but he had the sense not to outwardly show it. Forbes decided he needed to see the Chief of Security.


David walked into Security and plonked his suitcase down.

“ Awfully sorry to disturb you and all that.But is the Chief of Security around if you please?” He asked

"Of course, she's in her office." The security officer responded. "Busy day getting all the paperwork filed away. I can page her for you if you would like?"

“ If you could sir that would be quite preferable please. It is rather urgent you see I seem to be locked out of my quarters.” Forbes said.

Nodding, the security officer tapped his combadge:

=A="Rogers to Miyahara:"=A= He said. =A="Seems we've got someone else locked out of their quarters."=A=

The implication was that Forbes was not the first one to pay Security a visit with such a problem.

=A="Understood, I'm in my way."=A= Came Tazuko's voice over Rogers' combadge.

Less than a minute later, Tazuko arrived. The Security Chief carried with her a sleek, businesslike demeanor. Her hair was neatly tied back and her uniform, despite going back to an older uniform style, had a well-maintained appearance.

"Alright, Rogers; who's locked out of their quarters this time?" She asked.

"This gentleman right here." Rogers responded, indicating Forbes.

Tazuko looked in the indicated direction and recognized Forbes from the manifest.

"Commander Forbes." She greeted the Science Officer. "Quite unusual to have a senior officer complaining about being locked out, but not unheard of. What seems to be the issue?"

“ The lock will not except my code. It keeps giving me a code unknown message.” David replied.

"Well, Commander, you're not the first one to which that's happened today." Tazuko said. "Personally, I think it's because of these old uniforms." She theorized with a tug at her uniform to emphasize it. "You would think a 20 year old combadge shouldn't make a difference, especially given this uniform was in service when this class was first launched, but you'd be surprised how much Starship technology has advanced in two decades. All the more surprising to find a new ship where these uniforms are dress code."

While Tazuko was speaking, she loaded up on a PADD a patch for the older combadges to be able to interface with Oceanus' newer technology.

"If I could see your combadge for a second?" She asked once the patch was loaded and ready to be applied to Commander Forbes' combadge.

“ Yes of course. You know we should think of another way. These things can easily be pinched and digits can be cut off. Maybe if we breathed onto a plate that could be a solution.” Forbes said as he passed over his comm badge.

"While I'm sure we don't need anything that drastic, you're not wrong in that there needs to be another workaround." Tazuko agreed as she held David's combadge to her PADD, allowing the patch to be uploaded.

"Alright, I've uploaded a patch to your combadge that should allow the computer to 'see' it." Tazuko explained as she handed the combadge back. "Shall I accompany you back to your quarters to see if it works?"

“ Oh yes please. Just in case. I would hate to have to traipse back here again , or be a nuisance and call you. That is if it is ok and you’re not busy.” David said.

"Of course." Tazuko nodded. "This issue's been a common occurrence, and I've run all over this ship to get it sorted out, so what's one more?"

[A few minutes later]

As Tazuko said it would, the combadge patch worked, and Commander Forbes was able to get into his quarters. After wishing the Chief of Science well, Tazuko made her way back down to security to continue her paperwork. As she did, she stopped by Rogers' desk.

"Make a note on how many times we've had people locked out of their quarters and compile the incidents into a report to send to Commodore Paladin and Starfleet Command." Tazuko ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." Rogers nodded.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Commander David Forbes
Chief Science Officer


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