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Short Notice Transfer

Posted on Thu Aug 15th, 2024 @ 7:33pm by Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Commander Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou

1,742 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Location: USS Oceanus: Shuttlebay 2 & Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Beginning of "Mystery at Ryloth"
Tags: 2396, Character Introduction


The Type Eight shuttle approached the Starship Oceanus. The Intrepid Class Starship had dropped out of warp for a few brief moments to pick up a short notice officer transfer. At the controls sat a woman in her thirties, a stern and serious expression on her face. She had long silver coloured hair and stunning blue eyes. Her uniform colour was maroon and she held the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

"Starship Oceanus. This is Shuttlecraft Gerald. Requesting permission to dock," The Woman said as she banked towards after of the starship.

"Permission Granted," Forest replied from the Bridge. "I'll be down to the shuttlebay to meet you. Oceanus, out."

After the transmission he left the bridge and headed for the shuttlebay to the aft. Once arrived, he awaited the arrival of the Gerald.

The shuttle Gerald touched down lightly on the deck of the shuttlebay, its nose facing outwards after being rotated ready for departure. Slowly the rear hatch began to open. With a soft thud it opened fully to reveal the pilot.

Lieutenant Commander Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou stood took a few steps down the ramp to meet the man in front of her. She immediately noticed the three rank pips on his collar.

"Commander Forest Patton I presume?" she asked.

Forest gave a nod and extended a hand as he approached. "Lt. Commander Kujou?" he said, also presuming. "Very good to meet you and glad you arrived such short notice. Last mission was quite tense for the crew and I sent out a request for a more experienced XO."

"Yes, it would seem that you are in need of one," Alisa replied as she stepped forward and took his hand. Her grip was firm and strong. "As you presumed, yes I am Lieutenant Commander Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou. And if you're wondering about my name, I am half Japanese and half Russian. Either surname is acceptable and recognized by the computer." She explained to him.

He felt the strength of the shake and was impressed. Upon release he moved to her side, guiding her forward toward the exit of the bay. He extended a hand for her to go first, then led her through the ship and to the bridge. After a time, and little discussion, they arrived in the Captains Ready Room on the bridge. The Ready Room had many personal items from the Commander, showcasing a prestigious history, but otherwise was a traditional Intrepid-class Ready Room.

"Alright, thanks for keeping up," the Commander said, smirking. "We got a live one on our hands this mission. Commodore Paladin, the sponsor of this vessel and its ongoing missions, has assigned us to find a Romulan agent on the planet Ryloth. That's where we are heading currently."

He moved to his desk, pressing a button that revealed a screen. He lifted it, turning it on its axis, and pressed a button to activate its screen. Details of their mission slowly scrolled by.

"As you can see, we're going to have to go covertly here," he continued. "Starfleet Intelligence believes the agent knows of our vessel and mission already. We've been assigned a rename code to change the Oceanus to the Optimus, an Intrepid-class currently in drydock. Once there, we'll assume the role of the Optimus on its routine check-in to not arouse suspicion. We'll send down a team or two to a pre-authorized warehouse on the surface. We'll then utilize two pre-ordered Ju'Day class courier ship for cover in our operations as we investigate leads to where the agent may be."

A moment of silence, then, "Any questions?"

"Who have you in mind to lead these teams?" Alisa asked simply. "I have already reviewed your crew manifests and their records. I am familiar with with this crews skills, at least on paper."

The Commander straightened his uniform before placing his hands behind his back as he faced the Lt. Commander. "You," he said. "You and your skills are why I requested you on such short notice. You're needed for this mission."

Alisa nodded in response. "Have you already selected away team members?" she asked keeping to the point and without hesitation.

"No," the Commander replied.

"I see." Alisa replied. "Много дел." (Lots to do) she muttered to herself in Russian. "We will need civilian clothing, something that blends into the natural population. Type One phasers that can be easily concealed and the TR-590 Tricorders."

"Good start," the Commander complimented. "Ryloth is considered a backwater world, though it's a rather important trade hub of this sector. It's a mixed-colony world, having both Human and Vulcan colonies, and most recently a Cardassian colony of refugees and a Romulan Refugee colony. The reports of Romulan instability - i.e. Tal'Shiar influence - did not start until several weeks ago when murders of high-influencing individuals took place."

"Murders?" Alisa asked.

"Aye," Forest said as he turned, pressed a button on the screen, and local files on the murders began to scroll past as he turned back to Alisa. "Three notable Vulcans, two humans, two Cardassians, and one Romulan - who was a supposed rebel against the Empire - all killed. The one thing they all had in common was they were vehemently opposed to the old Romulan Empire."

"Interesting." Alisa replied as she rested her chin between her thumb and forefinger thinking it over. "So its safe to assume they were all killed due to what they believe in. This changes things somewhat." She pondered for a few moments. "Speed will be essential to extract this Romulan agent. What do we know of him? His whereabouts, activities, mission etc?"

"We only have an image," the Commander said. The image came up on the screen after he touched it. It was of a stark, sharp-faced Romulan with a gruely expression. He was staring into whatever had taken his picture menacingly.

"I'm told after this picture was taken, that's when the murders took place, and the person who took this image was one of the victims," Forest replied. "Starfleet Intelligence has identified the Romulan as Rekar, who famously stole the USS Prometheus but was subsequently captured. He escaped custody a few years later and was never found - until now."

"Do we know if he is working alone?" Alisa asked. "Has he been ordered to kill these people, or is he working on his own motives?" she looked at the image as if burning his appearance into his mind. "Don't you also find it strange that such a renowned Tal Shiar Agent allowed themselves to be seen, and caught on camera at these murder scenes?" Alisa asked.

There was a silence as Forest thought.

"It does seem odd, I agree," he replied after the pause. "That has implications, however, that I don't like. That he would know about us, for example. I know he knows of the Oceanus, but that's why we're going to mimic the USS Optimus. As far as I know, that's as much information as he would have on any of us. Unless... there's something I could be missing?"

"I'm no expert in the art of murdering someone, nor would I consider myself an expert in how the Tal Shiar operates." Alisa stated. "However, its well known that a Tal Shiar agent would never allow themselves to be caught and identified like this. It seems..." she paused for a moment. "Sloppy."

"Ловушка" (A Trap) she muttered to herself. She then realised she had accidently switched to Russian again. "Could this be a trap. Part of a bigger plot that we are unaware of?"

Forest rubbed his chin as he examined the image. He nodded solemnly.

"I have to agree," he concluded. "It could be a trap. As to what plot, I do not have the inclination or experiences to justify any manner of hypothesis. It's just not my area of expertise. But as far as I know, it is for you."

Alisa hesitated for a moment on the response. "This ship has an Intelligence Officer correct. A Lieutenant Hayden. We should assign him to look into this Rekar. Do some digging. Look into his background, what belief's he follows, where's he been assigned all that jazz. There may be clues." She suggested. "If he is leaving breadcrumbs, I am not going to play the role of Gretel."

"Agreed," Forest said, expression turning to one of being impressed. "Just so you know, the prior XO will be your Second Officer. You're here to help shape up this crew. If you're good enough, you stay in the position as long as you want. Commodore Paladin expects this ship to be fully operational and capable for the missions he has planned. Among them, Ryloth."

"I understand the Commodore's expectations for this ship. It was the Commodore who sent me to fufill this role." Alisa said in response. "I served as his Chief of Staff at Starfleet Academy. I was resposible for personnel assignments and most of the administration work. Before that I was the Chief of Security aboard the Starship Korolov." She told him simply. "Safe to say Commander. I know I am good enough, and I will ensure that you know as well."

Sharp and crips. Forest nodded. "Absolutely, Ma'am. I appreciate that stance and outlook. You'll do fine here with that."

A momentary pause, then, "I want you to get the Chief of Intelligence involved in this. Send me a report when you're done. Anything else we need to cover before dismissal?"

"One more thing," Alisa said giving him a small smile. "Since we will be working together I believe it is important to build a professional and trusting relationship. From this moment on Commander, we need to work as a team to keep this ship and every soul on board safe." She told him. "I understand my name may be hard to pronounce, so I give you permission to use my nick-name when it feels comfortable for you to do so. It's Alya."

"Alright, Alya, I'm Forest, just Forest," he said, giving a smile. "Though forgive me if I call you XO or Number One occasionally."

"Its nice to meet you. Forest." Alya replied. She rose to her feet. "I look forward to working by your side and serving with you. Now, if you'll kindly excuse me. I have duties to attend to."


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou
Executive Officer
USS Oceanus


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