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The New Chief Science Officer

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2024 @ 10:56pm by Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Veya

1,799 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 1 - Captains Ready Room
Timeline: During Transit to Ryloth
Tags: 2396, Character Introduction


Commander Patton sat behind his desk in the ready room, the soft hum of the ship's engines a familiar backdrop to his thoughts. He had reviewed Lieutenant Veya's service record earlier, noting the diverse experiences and commendations that had led her to this assignment aboard the Oceanus. As he awaited her arrival, he took a moment to consider how best to welcome the new Chief Science Officer into the fold, keen to establish a strong working relationship from the outset. The chime at the door signaled her arrival, and with a composed demeanor, he called out, "Come in."

Lieutenant Veya looked over her shoulder casually before stepping into the Captain's Ready Room. Immediately upon entry she found herself facing the Captain's desk. She stopped walking a few steps in and stood at attention. "Lieutenant Veya reporting as directed, Captain."

Commander Patton looked up from his console, offering a warm smile to the new arrival. "At ease, Lieutenant," he said, gesturing for her to take a seat in the chair opposite his desk. "Welcome aboard the Oceanus. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Please have a seat."

He paused for a moment as he gestured to the seat, studying her expression before continuing, "I’ve had the chance to go over your service record—quite impressive, I must say. I’m confident that you’ll bring a lot to the table as our Chief Science Officer. How are you settling in so far?"

His tone was inviting, signaling that this meeting was as much about getting to know her as it was about discussing their upcoming mission.

"Thank you, Sir. I am settling in well," the Vulcan officer responded taking a seat. She had learned years ago the proper responses to such pleasantries and she didn't mind the almost rehearsed nature of them. Ritualized greetings and traditions were a common practice among her people. It was familiar.

"Many of the crew in the science department seem eager to please and ... enthusiastic about taking on more responsibility. If their initial impressions to me are genuine it will be more than agreeable to work with them," she continued.

Commander Patton nodded approvingly at Veya's response. "I’m glad to hear that," he said, leaning back slightly in his chair. "A motivated team can make all the difference, especially with the kind of missions we’re undertaking. We’ll be relying on your leadership to harness that enthusiasm and turn it into results."

He paused, considering his next words carefully. "The Oceanus is a ship of exploration and discovery, but we’re also about to step into a situation that may demand a lot from us. The mission at Ryloth could be complex, and I want you to feel fully supported as you take on this role."

Patton's gaze softened slightly, conveying a sense of camaraderie. "If there’s anything you need, whether it’s resources, personnel, or even just an open line of communication, my door is always open. We’re all in this together, and I’m confident that with you leading our science team, we’ll be ready for whatever comes our way."

He allowed a brief pause before asking, "Do you have any concerns or questions about the upcoming mission or your role aboard the Oceanus?"

Veya responded with a nod in understanding before speaking. "Although I am new to this vessel and to your command, I am certain that we will get to know one another quite well in short order, Captain. I believe that you will find that I see no purpose to be anything other than direct when communicating with seniority and fellow officers." Veya's tone with the commanding officer was serious and professional as she sat upright in the chair.

She continued, "It is unfortunate that I was not present for the senior staff briefing on the upcoming mission. However, I have read the briefing, including the senior staff's notes. Assisting with establishing surveillance in the area will not require much in the way of resources, so my department will certainly be available to be more involved should the need arise," she offered.

Commander Patton leaned forward slightly, his expression reflecting a thoughtful consideration of Veya’s remarks. “Your directness is appreciated, Lieutenant,” he said with a nod. “Clear communication is key, especially as we navigate through complex situations.”

He continued, “I understand that you missed the initial senior staff briefing, but your review of the materials will certainly help in getting you up to speed. The mission at Ryloth involves a significant amount of data collection and analysis, and your expertise will be crucial in interpreting the findings we expect to gather.”

Patton paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. “I’m pleased to hear that your department is prepared to be flexible and responsive. As you’re aware, situations can evolve rapidly, and having a team that can adapt to changing circumstances is invaluable.”

He then offered a supportive smile. “If there are any specific resources or support you need to maximize your team's effectiveness, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Our goal is to ensure that you and your department are fully equipped to handle whatever comes our way.”

Patton's tone was warm yet professional as he concluded, “Do you have any other questions or concerns at this time, Lieutenant? Or is there anything else you would like to discuss regarding your new role or the mission ahead?”

"With regards to a possible Romulan agent, Sir, I may have some insight," Veya offered.

Commander Patton’s interest was piqued at Veya’s mention of a potential Romulan agent. He leaned forward, his expression attentive and focused. “Go on, Lieutenant,” he said, his tone encouraging. “If you have any insights or information that could be relevant to our mission, I’d like to hear it.”

He continued, “Given the sensitivity of the situation, your perspective could be invaluable in understanding the full scope of potential threats or complications we might face. Please share whatever you have, and we can discuss how to incorporate it into our preparations.”

"While the High Command does not advertise its surveillance practices, I am certain you would not be surprised to learn that their monitoring of Romulan affairs over the last two centuries has been extensive," Veya stated. "An overwhelming consistency in their government, military, and even social practices is a deeply engrained sense of mistrust - even of one another. To borrow a human metaphor, they purposefully do not tell the right hand what their left hand is doing in order to keep their secrets closely guarded. I believe understanding this could prove a useful advantage," she explained.

Commander Patton listened intently as Veya detailed her insights on Romulan practices. His expression remained thoughtful as he processed her information.

“Your analysis aligns with what we’ve encountered in previous missions,” Patton said, nodding in agreement. “Romulan secrecy and internal mistrust have often made it challenging to discern their true intentions. Understanding these tendencies can indeed be a significant advantage.”

He leaned back in his chair, considering the implications of Veya’s insights. “We will need to be particularly cautious and thorough in our approach. If Romulans are involved, their actions may be even less predictable than usual. I appreciate you sharing this perspective—it will help us to anticipate potential complications and adapt our strategies accordingly.”

Patton offered a reassuring smile. “If you come across any additional information or have further thoughts on how we can leverage this understanding in our preparations, please keep me informed. Your expertise will be crucial as we navigate the complexities of this mission.”

He then asked, “Is there anything else you need at this point, or any additional information I can provide to assist you in your new role?”

"I believe I have everything I need, Captain," Veya assured him. She glanced at the door sensing that perhaps the Commander was done with the meeting, but then thought again that she should speak up. "But actually, Sir. The point I was trying to make just now is their distrust of one another. An issue that has allegedly increased since the destruction of Romulus. A handful of strategically placed operatives, and it may be possible to turn whatever team this Romulan agent has against itself."

The science officer made a point to relax her features, conscious that she often came off as severe in the presence of humans. "I understand that I am not a tactician, but interpersonal affairs have become somewhat of a passion of mine. And the Vulcan-Romulan relationship continues to be a complicated one. I did want to give you at least that thought to consider."

Commander Patton absorbed Lieutenant Veya's final insights with a thoughtful nod. Her analysis of Romulan distrust, especially in the wake of the destruction of Romulus, struck a chord with him. The strategic potential of exploiting that internal discord was an angle he hadn't fully considered, but now, it seemed like a valuable card to play.

“Lieutenant, you’ve given me a lot to think about,” Patton said, his voice carrying a tone of respect. “The idea of using their own mistrust against them is... intriguing. It’s not often we can leverage something so inherent to their nature, but as you’ve pointed out, the dynamics post-Romulus might present us with just that opportunity.”

He paused, leaning forward slightly, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. “We’ll need to tread carefully. If we can find a way to subtly encourage that distrust among their operatives, it could be the key to neutralizing this potential threat before it becomes unmanageable. I’ll bring this to the attention of our tactical team and see how we can incorporate this approach into our broader mission strategy.”

Patton’s expression softened as he regarded Veya. “Your passion for interpersonal affairs and your understanding of the Vulcan-Romulan dynamic are valuable assets, Lieutenant. I’m glad you brought this to my attention. It’s this kind of thinking that will help us stay one step ahead.”

He straightened in his chair, signaling the conclusion of the meeting. “If anything else comes to mind, or if you have further insights as the mission progresses, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re in uncharted waters here, and every perspective counts. For now, I believe we have a solid foundation to build on.”

Patton offered a final, approving nod. “Thank you, Lieutenant. Dismissed.”

Veya gave the commanding officer a knowing look as stood up from her seat acknowledging Patton with curt nod. "Thank you, Captain," she stated evenly before turning and making her way out of the Ready Room.


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Veya
Chief Science Officer
USS Oceanus


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