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A late night arrival

Posted on Sat Aug 24th, 2024 @ 10:30pm by Lieutenant Connor Hayden & Lieutenant Commander Nicole Perkins MD

645 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Location: USS Oceanus - Transporter room 1
Timeline: MD 2 2245


The transport ship Deacon arrived in system an maneuvered alongside USS Oceanus, after an exchange of both formalities and other niceties they transported their passenger and departed. That passenger materialized in transporter room one, the transporter chief flinched slightly as he took note of the divisional color of an intelligence officer. Hayden Connor had received to depart, rather hastily, to meet up with the Oceanus. Hayden stepped off the pad, "Thank you chief."

Hayden paused, "Is there a watch officer around?"

"Shift change is in fifteen minutes, I'll signal the bridge see who can meet you." The transporter chief said.

==/\== On the bridge ==/\==

Nicole was just finishing up her shift, and had just been relieved by the night shift Lieutenant who was covering. She had just seen the message from Transport room one as she’d been signing off. “Perkins to Transporter room one, I’ll be down there momentarily.” She said with a tap of her commbadge. With that she got up and started to head down.

==/\==Transporter Room 1 ==/\==

Ten minutes later Nicole walked into the transporter room, PADD in her hand, looking rather tired. She walked in and looked at the two in front of her. “Thank you chief.” She said to the transporter chief, before looking at the newcomer. “Welcome aboard, I’m Lieutenant Commander Perkins, the Executive Officer here. I apologise we weren’t ready for you, but it’s been a long shift.” She said, giving a tired smile.

Connor smiled, "I was told there was some urgency to my arrival so I took a courier ship instead of normal transportation, but I'm glad I was able to catch up."

"Well we're happy to have you onboard! I believe you're our new Chief Intel Officer?" She questioned with a smile.

"That's correct, I spent the majority of my time in starfleet was with intelligence operations, a variety of field operations." Connor replied.

"Good, lots of experience then. Ok, well let's get you setup then! Your quarters will be on Deck 3, Room 307. Office wise we have one setup for you on Deck 14, next to our diplomats office. Other than that we have a station setup for you on the Bridge should you need it, and a Intelligence bay set up in Deck 13. We've converted the cargo bay there for you, the best we could do on short notice unfortunately." She said.

Connor paused, "That's fine, I was never one for an office in reality, most field intel offices are glorified office bullpens' with a half functional replicator and a coffee pot that never gets cleaned, after two years of field operations it'll be an adjustment."

Nicole let out a small laugh, as she lead the way towards Deck 3. "So where were you stationed before this Lieutenant?" She asked.

"Starfleet Intelligence operations earth and then Outpost three three seven for the last few months." Connor said trying to be vague.

Nicole nodded. “And how did you find your time there?” She asked.

"It was fairly quiet for an outpost, we spent most of our time running operations of various kinds, nothing too exciting." Connor said.

“I’m sure that isn’t entirely true, but I understand, it’s all hush hush.” She said as they came to a door on deck 3. “Well, here we are, your quarters. Everything should be in order inside, but of course if you need anything then let me know!” She said with a smile.

"thank you commander, I guess I'll see you at the mission brief in the morning." Connor said as he keyed in the lock code.

Nicole nodded. "That you will Lieutenant. Have a good evening." She said, giving a warm smile, before turning and heading back towards the turbolift.


Lieutenant Commander Nicole Perkins MD
Second Officer and Chief Medical Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Connor Hayden
Chief Intelligence officer
USS Oceanus


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