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Meet and greet of Counselor Knight

Posted on Tue Apr 16th, 2024 @ 12:50am by Lieutenant Callie Knight & Major Carsyn Kolchak

1,481 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: Counselor Callie Knight's office
Timeline: MD11

Major Kolchak sighed, it was time for both her initial psychological evaluation as well as establish her routine weekly counseling for alcohol and sexual addiction. Lest she forget her random drug and alcohol screenings. She got up and looked over at Major Sefaus she stated "You have the squadron and deck. I have appointments to attend to. Make sure Katich gets that engine in on that fighter she yanked, and the wiring and all on the new intercept." With that she got up and made her way to the medical and counseling deck, and her appointment with Lieutenant Callie Knight.

Callie had just wrapped up her latest appointment, popping her head out of her door she decided she might as well wait for Major Kolchak to arrive before heading back inside.

Carsyn arrived at the door to Lieutenant Knight's office, she inspected her uniform; she hated it as she preferred her flight suit, but she had to set the precedence for behavior with her people. Satisfied it was neat and clean she pushed the door chime.

Callie looked up from her PADD calling Kolchak to enter. As the doors opened she smiled warmly. “You must be Major Kolchak, please come in and make yourself at home.”

Carsyn entered the office and did a quick but thorough inspection of Lieutenant Knight. Typical Betazoid female, attractive. She was also pregnant, judging by her uniform. She kept in shape. Upon seeing she was a Betazoid Carsyn mustered what little mental defenses she had, knowing full well the young Betazoid could smash them in a second. Carsyn smiled, "Major Carsyn Kolchak reporting for my initial psych eval and also arrange for my weekly counseling for alcohol and sexual addiction. Not sure if you, Commander Perkins, or both make arrangements for my random drug and alcohol screening." Kolchak found a chair and sat in it, fidgeting with her uniform, she hated the damn thing so uncomfortable.

Callie offered a smile. “Make yourself at home Carsyn, your screenings will come under the jurisdiction of Sickbay, I’ll be covering the mental side of things rather than the physical side. Please feel free to call me Callie, saves the titles.” She took a seat making herself comfortable.

Carsyn took a seat and fidgeted with her uniform, she hated the damn thing, she was more at home in her flight suit. She sighed, protocol stated outside the flight deck and her office, standard Starfleet/Starfighter uniforms were to be worn. Carsyn looked over at Callie, "Okay Doc, where and what do you wish to discuss first?"

“How’s about we discuss your two addictions? What lead you into your alcohol addiction? Is it something you regularly feel the need for?”

Carsyn sat back and tried hard not to sigh, same starting question from every counselor since she had to go to counselling. "I would be lying if I said it did not cross my mind at least twice a day. I however manage my compulsions. It is most difficult at night when I am alone in my quarters. I generally either go to the gym or holodeck when it happens during those times." Kolchak studied the counselor, she was rather attractive, but Carsyn doubted she played for the same team, oh well she thought. She quickly looked down as if to flick a piece of lint off her uniform.

“You’re used to that question aren’t you?” Callie smiled. “Sorry it’s a basic one that has to be asked. I’m glad you’re finding ways to handle your impulses instead of giving into them. If you find you’re struggling then please either call me, or medical.” She offered a warm smile. “You didn’t tell me what lead you to start your alcohol addiction, I know it’s in your file but I’d like to hear that from you.”

Carsyn gave a small chuckle, "Tell me counselor, did you happen to fight in the war? No, looking at you you probably were still a preteen. Well I was, it started right after I graduated from the academy. I was assigned to a bomber squadron on the USS Raging Queen We participated in the Battle of Torros III. The objective was to destroy the shipyards. As a young greenhorn I was the wingman for our squadron's C.O., well we were successful in the mission but my squadron lost nine fighters, a total of eighteen lives. The Raging Queen was damaged and the casualty and loss of life was around one hundred five." Here Carsyn stopped talking, her gaze distant, the proverbial 'Thousand Yard Stare'.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to drag up bad memories. I can only imagine how hard it must have been." Callie offered an understanding gaze. "How soon after did you start drinking?"

Carsyn just shook her head and smiled, "Oh, hell, you misunderstand me the Battle of Torros III was child's play compared to First Battle of Chin'toka, was a 1st Lieutenant then, my wingman and her rio were vaporized out of space, part of the debisy from their explosion ripped open the canopy of my ship. Killed my rio and I ended up crash landing on the USS Venture. Got my first purple heart and a promotion to captain. See the thing is I am what they call a 'natural or gifted' pilot, so the fleet needed me and therefore used me."

Callie nodded. "I've no doubt of that. They can drag people from ship to ship, but they don't really give a lot of thought as to what effect that is going to have on the health and welfare of those people. Hence why Counsellor's like me are starting to become members of crews." she smiled.

Carsyn smiled at that. "You asked when my alcohol addiction started; I would say somewhere between the Battle of Tyra System and the Siege of AR-558. Lost over twenty-four beings. Saw the USS Winchester, my home ship be obliterated at the Battle of Tyra System. Got my second purple heart and the Preantares Ribbon of Commendation, second class in that little disaster. That is when the nightmares began, in order to cope I drank myself to sleep. Then Starfleet assigned me to the USS Cutlass as a captain for a recon squadron. The nice thing about that was my best friend since high school was part of the squadron. I made her my wingman. Just our bloody luck we got assigned to perform the recon of AR-558. We made run after run under heavy enemy fire. On one of them, my best friend's fighter took a hit to the engines, and she splashed into a mountain, no survivor's." Again, Carsyn got a far off, 'thousand yard' stare.

Callie offered the brief gentle touch of her hand on Carsyn’s to bring her back to reality. “I’m sorry, this is dredging up bad memories.” She offered a kind, caring gaze. “Have you had a chance to say a proper goodbye to those you lost? If not I’d like to suggest that you, or we, either visit the chapel, or perhaps another venue via the holodeck where you can say a proper goodbye. It might help give you some closure, so that you can move on.”

Carsyn laughed at the question "Counselor, I have said my goodbyes to those who died. As for going to the chapel, I am a Reformation Agnostic. Now the holodeck is where I go to fly, when I cannot fly my birds back home." Carsyn just smiled "At least I was allowed to continue to fly when I had my fall from grace."

Callie nodded. “It was worth the suggestion nonetheless.” She grinned a wry grin. “So have you been tempted to drink lately? Or have you managed to keep on the straight and narrow?”

"Oh, I would be lying if I said I have not been tempted to drink or have a meaningless fling. I have remained on the straight and narrow though, lots of flight time in my personal antiques or the holodeck and lots of cold showers." replied Kolchak.

Callie smiled and nodded. “That’s certainly showing restraint, and effort on your part. Keep that up, any problems you know where I am.”

Carsyn smiled, "Well I will be seeing you next week, this is mandatory for me after all. It was nice meeting you." With that she stood and straightened her uniform. "Oh, if you have any issues with my bunch let me know, I'll have them cleaning every latrine on the ship with their toothbrush."

Callie couldn’t help but grin at that response, “Thank you Carsyn, I’ll see you next week.”


Major Carsyn Kolchak
Wing Commander
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Callie Knight
Chief Counsellor
USS Oceanus


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