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New Beginnings: In Dire Need

Posted on Tue Apr 16th, 2024 @ 2:09am by Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon & Lieutenant Commander Athena Callaghan & Major Carsyn Kolchak & Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart

1,923 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: New Beginnings
Location: USS Oceanus; Various
Timeline: MD 10 - Various
Tags: 2396, Character Development, Mission Post


== Captain’s Ready Room - USS Churchill & USS Oceanus==

= James Ready Room - USS Churchill=

Having his Security chief tell him not to send the Mayday call which his security chief had overruled, James had decided to take Grimes and his office and remind him that he was the Captain and not him, as he knew the system reboot would not work, Still, this was embarrassing having to be towed back to port. He looked back at the reports on his desk and wondered when the sensors were back up working.

== On the USS Oceanus ==

Commander Patton was busy in his Ready Room looking over reports as the newly constructed and launched Intrepid class sailed through the stars at warp speed. She had just concluded her approval for departure not a day prior, having gone to warp with an expected somewhat delayed travel time. As he glanced over reports, the Commander sighed. He hadn’t expected there to be so much “paperwork” involved. Regardless, he had a job to do, and he did it to the best of his ability.

One such report stopped him. As he flicked through the window on his PADD, he noticed a report about the distance to the USS Churchill. After some consideration, he spoke.

“Computer, establish a secure connection between the USS Oceanus and USS Churchill. Attempt to contact the Captain.”

The computer took a moment to process, then spoke in its usual smooth feminine voice. “Acknowledged. Establishing connection.”

James sat behind his desk when the screen lit up, the Ops Officer said ”Captain we have an incoming call from the USS Oceanus,” as James hoped the Connection would work, he said “Put it through to my ready Room,” as the Screen lit up, He said “ This is Captain Stewart, do you read me,” crossing his fingers.

Forest nodded at the screen as he sat behind his desk. The image was a bit fuzzy, but the computer compensated adequately.

“I read you, Captain. My name is Forest Patton, Captain of the USS Oceanus, and Commodore Paladin has dispatched us to assist you and are responding to your MayDay. Can you relay the state of your ship to me and how we can best prepare to assist you?”

=/\= Our Computer systems have each the old and new and clashing=/\= replied James looking back at the screen, he continued,=/\= We have lost a lot of crew due to the ship instantly dropping out of warp and gravity gave way,=/\= reporting as he knew that now with half the crew dead, =/\= I have young officers who are having to take roles that are not ready for, but are doing a fantastic job,=/\=

Forest listened and his expression, which had begun with optimism, diminished slowly throughout the Captain’s explanation. As James finished, Forest found his throat dry, realizing he had to respond.

“I uh…, Captain, my sincerest condolences on your issues,” Forest managed. “I will have medical ready to assist you. We are arriving as an Intrepid-class vessel, so while we have limited space, we have state-of-the-art technology to assist you. That said, I see no reason we will not be able to provide engineering assistance either.”

There was a moment of silence, and then Forest cleared his throat.

“Exactly…how many casualties, Captain?” he asked, though he was afraid of the answer.

=/\= We lost half the crew and that included the Councilours department and half of Medical,=/\= replied James looking somber =/\= and most were Ensigns straight out of the Academy,=/\= having to write those letters had been the hardest thing he had to do and lucky for him he had his wife here to help him through it.he finished =/\= and Engineering=/\=

There was a silence that followed the last statement. The Churchill was in dire straits. It was a wonder that the Mayday was given to the Oceanus. Looking into the reports as Forest gently picked up a PADD, he reread the Starfleet report that the Mayday from the Churchill had been delayed in receipt. Something had been scrambling or possibly blocking the signal and it was only by a miracle that a relay buoy near Earth had picked it up. No one had known the extent of the issues to the Churchill, but now that Forest did, he realized that this may be a bigger issue to tackle than the small Intrepid class could handle.

“We are… fresh out of spacedock,” Forest said, looking up at James. “I promise you, whatever we can do, we will do to help. As you’re aware, Starfleet is quite extended at the moment. But I’ve been assured that there are medical vessels on standby, though it could take several days when they're dispatched. We’re your only help at the moment. I’m sending you a complete list of our available inventory and assets for your consideration.”

Forest looked down at his PADD again, tapping something.

“We are … still a day out from your location, at the least. Can you hold out?” he asked, hopeful.

“We can try to” replied James as he knew that the crew that he had remaining were doing the best they could, he continued” Is there any other help coming besides the medical ships and yourself?”

Forest was quick to consult his PADD. “No,” he answered. “I see two Olympic-class Starships assigned; the USS Nobel and the USS Ajax. I also see a Centaur-class USS Carolina being dispatched as an escort for the two hospital ships. Other than that, the USS Oceanus is the only other starship assigned. Though I do see some on-call listings, these assets appear however to be too far away to assist readily.”

James wanted to know where they were sitting as the sensors of the ship were offline and were top of the list to be repaired, he asked,” Do you know where we are located?” posing the question to his counterpart.

Forest briefly consulted his PADD before looking back to James.

“Your location according to our scans is in the Orion Sector, near Regula. Though where you’re at is pretty much space,” the Commander said.

The feed cut.

"Shit," Forest said, looking at his PADD for diagnostics. He tapped his combadge.

"Commander Shannon, what's the status of our communications?" he asked in his comms.

"Captain, it's not on our end. Considering the damage they sustained im assuming it's on their end. All communications here are ok", Neteri said.

Callie had stepped out of the turbolift just in time to hear Forest curse. Walking over she offered a warm smile. “Problems Captain?”

Following Callie out of the turbolift Athena followed her across the bridge. “That’s a good question Counsellor.” She looked towards Patton. “What have we missed Captain?”

"The USS Churchill is in need of assistance," Forest said and, briefly, he caught Athena and Callie up on events.

“Understood Sir” Athen nodded as she listened.

Having caught up Callie took a seat, if she could be useful then she would be.

==USS Oceanus Fighter Commander's Office==

Major Kolchak was reviewing there mission to assist the USS Churchill. She looked at her executive officer Major Sefaus; "I am going to recommend to Commander Patton that he release four of our fighters; two AC-307 Mk II Valkyrie and two AC-409 Mk, for a recon of the situation in regards to the Churchill. I'll take my AC-307 and wingman and I want you to remain behindro manage the rest of the squad. I want two fighters up and readyon alert status should we need them." The Vulcan sat in his chair as his commanding officer went over her plan. In his opinion it was sound, she was more than qualified to manage the fighters on their recon of the situation. "It is a sound plan, I recommend 1st Lieutenant Sitha Zh'eviaqess, the Andorian female and her wing man Chief Warrant 2 Triku Asho, the Bajoran is an excellent pilot, he also has a lot of experience in the cockpit." Kolchak smiled, "Excellent major. get the crews and fighters prepared." With that statement Carsyn got up from her desk and hit her combadge =/\=Commander Patton, Major Kolchak here, request permission to speak with you sir in your ready room.=/\=

== USS Oceanus; Captain's Ready Room ==

"Absolutely, Major," Forest replied after tapping his combadge. "I'm presently here and available."

As he began to wait, the Commander briefly got up to his approach his replicator. The USS Oceanus was currently in transit to assist the Churchill and might take longer than expected. It was the late hours of the day, but the Commander still ordered a plate of eggs and hashbrowns, complimented with a glass of orange juice. After returning to his desk, he continued to review the ships reports as he ate his late-day breakfast.

Major Kolchak made her way to Commander Patton's Ready Room. She was going to have to convince the commander of her plan. That it was sound, after all it had been done during the war. She stood outside the ready room door and hit the chime.

"Enter!" invited Forest. He looked up from his desk, having finished his breakfast already during the time of her transit. He was just putting down his orange juice from a sip of it. He gave a warm smile.

"Welcome Ms. Kolchak," the Commander greeted as he stood. "Would you like anything from the replicator? You can have a seat and I can get it for you."

"No thank you, sir. I have a plan I wish to discuss with you." she stated as she sat down. "I believe we can get eyes on the Churchill as well as provide some coverage. I am proposing you allow me to take four fighters; two AC-307 and two AC-409's and do a maneuver we call a 'warp bubble skim'. It will propel the fighters to warp 9.7, we then kick in our warp drives and create an artificial one-shot quantum slipstream allowing us to arrive on scene relatively quick." Major Kolchak looked at the captain, trying to gauge his reaction to her proposal.

Forest was skeptical, but he slowly nodded. "Alright, I'll approve it. But what safeguards can you assure me that we'll be able to maintain contact and monitor you?"

"The two AC-307's have RIO's to manage the electronics and such, making them very good platforms for recon and intel missions, one reason they have not been phased out. The newer AC-409's have all the latest and greatest in engineering. I am confident we can maintain contact and should also be able to maintain and boost the Churchill ability to communicate." stated Kolchak with the fullest amount of confidence.

"Alright," Forest said, nodding. "Make it happen."




Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Lt Commander Athena Callaghan
2XO/Computer Specialist
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Callie Knight
Chief Counsellor
USS Oceanus


Major Carsyn Kolchak
Wing Commander
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Nicole Perkins MD
Chief Medical Officer/Executive Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Rin Natsume
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Oceanus


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