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A Night at the Videoplex

Posted on Sat Jun 8th, 2024 @ 5:24pm by Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Commander Rin Natsume & Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara & Major Carsyn Kolchak & Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart & Lieutenant Konata Hiiragi

3,717 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: A Precocious Odyssey
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 6 - Holodecks 1 & 2
Timeline: MD 2 - 1800
Tags: 2396, Character Development


Together with Konata, Tazuko had prepared a little surprise for the crew of their new ship, the Oceanus. As the two of them were musically-inclined, a concert for the crew was a natural next step. However, Konata, ever the perfectionist, didn't want to give a concert directly to the crew, as she didn't wish for them to mess up the performance and have the crew laugh at them. So, instead of the lounge, Tazuko had sent invitations to join her and Konata on the holodeck. She had billed the occasion as a casual get together for the crew in Konata's favorite holoprogram, Hiiragi 85.

What Tazuko had omitted from the invitation was that she and Konata wouldn't be there at first, and they would instead be on the other holodeck, running a program of the historic Earth benefit concert Live Aid. The crew would be able to see them perform from Hiiragi 85, though, as the program's perameters were set to condition: Live Aid, which meant that Serena's Videoplex would be showing the concert A.K.A. the other program.

When Tazuko and Konata were setting up the holodecks, they had informed the Videoplex's owner and operator, Serena Rockwood, of their plans. Serena had told them that she'd handle the crew on her end, and to have fun. Serena knew they would be playing the "usual set," and would adjust accordingly. Of course, this being Serena, she also went all out and had put up banners in the Videoplex welcoming the crew of the Oceanus.

Serena's Videoplex was the place to be for MTV-style nightlife in 1980s Las Vegas. The Nightclub was located at the old Desert Inn casino in the aforementioned Nevada city. As part of the program, the full hotel was also fully rendered and explorable.

Normally, the space would be home to a bustling dance floor where the latest (for the time) music videos would be shown on big screens, but under condition: Live Aid, the dance floor had been converted into a seating area where the screens were showing the once in a lifetime concert.

When Commander Patton had saw the permission request for utilizing both Holodecks, he was a bit skeptical. While Lieutenant Hiiragi and Lieutenant Commander Miyahara were adamant they not dispel too much information, it still being onboarding for the crew the Commander saw no harm. He allowed to performance to go forward and, despite an additional request to invite all crew, he actually began to anticipate it.

[Wing Commander Office]

Major Kolchak was in her office reviewing, Chief Warrant Officer 1st class Tuwi Glasch Katich, Chief of the Deck request. Looking at the clock she decided it would be a good time to leave. Carsyn got up and stretched, then walked out of her office. "Kat are you going to come with me to the Videoplex, remember the invite." The half-Tellarite just grumped out an answer, something like no in Tellarite. Carsyn smiled and left the chief to her work.

[Chief Science Officers Office - Deck 7 ]

David sat in his new office and took in that one in a life time , new ship smell. He had given the Science Lab complex a full inspection and had to stop him self , from charging around like an excited toddler. Some of the equipment he had never seen before. Like an electronic microscope with a built in quarantine field. They even had a 3D display cellular scanner with multiple resolution clear up. The lab technicians all seemed like a pleasant lot as well , which was even better.

He was not sure about excepting the invitation, nightclubs weren't really his thing. But seeing how overly excited Crowl was maybe it was best David tagged along. After all he didn’t wish there to be any dismembering, should the Ensign loose his temper. He dressed in a simple lounge suit with a knockout hypo concealed in an upper pocket , just in case.

[ Holodeck 2 ]

Surprisingly the ship's shy Chief Engineer had also decided to go to the event. It was mainly peer pressure from the other engineering staff, but regardless she had got in quietly and taken a seat amongst the other engineers.

Jessica had decided to come to this party to get to know her crewmates and those whom she would be spending time with throughout her tour of duty, although she was off duty, she would remain vigilant for any trouble that might a rise from tonight's event.

The Commander arrived dressed in casual clothing as he came up behind Jessica and Rin. Once he entered the Holodeck, he realized the setting was rather interesting. It was a nightclub, albeit one he hadn't seen before! The lights shown off the neon signs were impressive and added an atmosphere of quiet serenity as a gentle rain pitter-pattered around the outside of it. There was a sign on the front reading "Serena's Videoplex", below it reading "Nightclub & Bar" in smaller neon lettering. The structure added a sense of hope to an otherwise dreary and dark city setting.

Forest entered, wearing a dark leather jacket with the ships patch on it custom made for himself. He'd already talked to Gregory about making more soon. The inside was quite large, displaying the typical bar layout with an extensive nightclub arrangement that compliment an intertwining of the two cultural scenes. He didn't know what Tazuko and Konata had planned but so far this was absolutely amazing.

David and Crowl entered next and Forbes could tell the Gorn was excited.

“ Wow. An actual Las Vegas nightclub. I have only ever seen these on Dr Ferguson’s video collection.” The Gorn said

“ I thought you were raised by Lcmd James Kane?” David asked.

“ During my early days at the British Museum there was a team.” Crowl explained.

Forest approached the new arrivals. There were a lot of generated NPC's coming and going now, creating a sense of reality in the Nightclub. Forests attire made him fit in perfectly, somehow garnering an almost cyberpunk/dystopian look. He nodded to his Chief Science Officer and Gorn Science Officer.

"Mr. Forbes, Mr. Crowl, good to see you two," the Commander greeted. "How are things for you, Mr. Crowl, on board? Any issues?"

“ No everything seems to be ok. Although we have not tested all our new toys just yet.” Crowl replied.

It was at this moment that a brown haired woman dressed in period-accurate attire approached the small gathering of officers.

"Welcome, friends." She greeted warmly. "You must be the friends from the Oceanus Kona-Chan and Taz told me about. And before you ask how I know; let's just say it was necessary that I was programmed that way."

“ Wow that is some program.” David said

Forest raised an eyebrow, giving a smirk. "Very interesting. Yes, we are those friends. And you are?"

"My friends, you are in the company of the owner, operator, and namesake of Serena's Videoplex:" The hologram responded. "Serena Rockwood. Pleasure to meet you. I believe we have some mutual acquaintances in Konata Hiiragi and Tazuko Miyahara."

"Yes, I believe we do," Forest said, smirking. "Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Rockwood. Very fine establishment you have considering the setting."

“ Yes yes very nice indeed.” David said

“ Agreed the attention to detail is fantastic.” Crowl replied

Carsyn walked into the replicated night club. She was nervous as the reproduction of Las Vegas Nightclubs were of "partying" with lots of gambling, alcohol, and sex; still were that way, as well as she knew. Someone like her, a recovering addict, it would be difficult, yet she had a duty to be a tram player and represent her people well. She had gone to her quarters and changed from her flight suit to a pair of blue jeans, a light blue blouse and genuine rattlesnake cowboy boots, then put her hair in a ponytail. Carsyn looked about, and sighed, going to be a long night.

Carsyn made her way through the crowd, her military bearing and aura causing the crowd to part in front of her. She saw what was usually a dance floor that had been converted over to a seating area. Given the banners she saw about she knew it to be for “Live Aid” concert. Finding an empty seat, she sat down and began watching the television feed. How quaint. I’ve always heard about this concert that was a worldwide phenomenon. Here I am actually going to see it as my ancestors did. Very shorty a very curvaceous lady, wearing a very revealing cocktail waitress uniform approached her. Kolchak eyed the waitress Damn hologram program, even make the women desirable. . “May I get you something to drink?” the waitress asked. “Carsyn smiled and replied, “Yes, a seltzer water with orange and cherry juice please.” The waitress looked at her for a second, Carsyn knew why “Have to fly tonight, so no alcohol for me.” That explanation seemed to satisfy her, and she wandered off to get her drink.

"Oh, and by the way, you're not going to want to miss this next performance:" Serena said, direction everyone's attention to one of the large screens, today all showing the same thing: The historic Live Aid concert, or, more accurately, a live feed to the Live Aid program being run on the other holodeck: At the moment, it was two holograms of the historic Earth comedians Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones, both dressed up as British police officers, but the scene was soon about to change.

"Anyway, uh, it gives us enormous pleasure to introduce the next combo, who are um..."


After hearing that the band's name was Queen, the hologram of Mel Smith proceeded to remove his policeman's cap:

"HER MAJESTY: QUEEN!" He said before he and the hologram of Gryff Rhys Jones left the stage.

The holographic crowd cheered as Queen took the stage, completely oblivious to the fact that Freddie Mercury had been replaced with Tazuko and Brian May with Konata. Tazuko waved to and hyped up the holographic crowd for the pending performance in a similar manner to Mercury, but put her own unique spin on it.

Waving to the crowd (and hopefully, if all went right, her crewmates on the other holodeck), Tazuko assumed her seat at the piano as the band made final adjustments, Tazuko herself played a few notes to make sure the piano was in tune before jumping immediately into the first song of the set, as there was no time to waste.

Just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun,
But now I've gone and thrown it all away!

Mama, ooooh,
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,
Carry on, carry on,
As if nothing really matters.

Between the verses, Tazuko blew a kiss towards her crewmates from the Oceanus, watching from Hiiragi 85.

Forest watched. After Serena had informed the entire nightclub about the performance , he had stared at the large video-screen and watched the start of the song. It was a rather well choreographed beginning and, admitted, had a good catchy tune to it.

Tag Any reactions

"Too late
My time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Bodies aching all the time
Goodbye, everybody
I've got to go!
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth!

Mama, ooooh,
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all!

Konata began the guitar solo that would segue into the next song. As much of a masterpiece as Bohemian Rhapsody was, the Live Aid set called for it to be cut short so the other five songs could be performed.

The Commander smiled at the guitar solo. That was some fine playing! He swore he heard this song before but it had been so long ago he forgotten. Either way this felt nostalgic for some odd reason, as if bringing up older memories, and then the song seemed to hold onto that emotion and thrust it forward with its excellent solo. He really liked and was impressed by this!

“ Amazing.” Crowl said

“ Bravo!” David said

The cocktail waitress returned and handed Carsyn her drink, then slipped off to take other orders, Kolchak followed her with her eyes. On the big screen television an act was being announced the next act Queen. Carsyn turned her head back to the television, she actually enjoyed the late twentieth century band. She was shocked to see two of her fellow crewmates take up the titular role of Freddy Mercury. She sat back and smiled this should be interesting. Kolchak was impressed as Konata began the proper guitar solo segue into the next song. She took a sip of her seltzer water.

“ They sound almost like the real thing. It was a real shame that the lead singer of Queen died so young. History states that only two of the original members carried on with the group , the third member did not have to heart to carry on after Freddy Mercurys death. But I always say the someone is not really dead , until no one remembers them. This proves that Queen are still just as popular today as they were in the 20th Century.” Forbes said.

Lieutenant Commander Forbes managed to startle Carsyn, but she hides the fact. Taking a sip of her drink she looks at him "Truer words could not have been spoken commander. You live forever should your deeds be great or notorious."

"This is some amazing music," Forest complimented. "I am absolutely enjoying this!"

“ I hope they play more of Queens songs. There’s a song they wrote for movie back in the 20th century. Who wants to live forever it was called of course considering what would eventually happen to Freddy Mercury. Many fans including myself self even in this day and age , shed a tear.” Forbes said.

As the crew were conversing, Tazuko and Konata moved into the next song. Tazuko got up from the Piano and started moving around on stage as the band played the opening segment of the next song before it was time for her to sing:

"I'd sit alone and watch your light
My only friend through teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio.

You gave them all those old time stars
Through wars of worlds, invaded by mars
You made 'em laugh, you made 'em cry
You made us feel like we could fly (radio)

So don't become some background noise
A backdrop for the girls and boys
Who just don't know, or just don't care
And just complain when you're not there

You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio)


All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah

Radio, what's new?
Radio, someone still loves you

Tazuko led the crowd to clap to the beat, hitting the mic stand with her free hand as the cue to clap.

Carsyn had to smile at the lyrics, it brought her back to her teenage days and her first date.

"We watch the shows, we watch the stars
On videos for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
How music changes through the years

Let's hope you never leave, old friend
Like all good things, on you we depend
So, stick around, 'cause we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual

You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio (radio)

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio what's new?
Radio, someone still loves you!

You, oh, whoa whoah!

With the second song finished, the fun part was just ahead. At was at this point that Tazuko wished she could see her crewmates react to the next part back at the Videoplex.

Memories of Carsyn's first romantic date were still flooding her mind as the song wrapped up. She slowly came back around, eager to hear the next song.

“ BRAVO!!!!!!!! Radio Ga ga one of my favourite Queen songs. Even though it’s a different direction to their previous tunes.” David said

"Fantastic!" Forest cheered as he clapped earnestly. He was having a wonderful time here! He'd have to make sure the computer saved this particular holo for later crew use!

Carsyn smiled and said, "Radio Ga GA was playing on my first date, even made it to second base with her that night." She said it out loud forgetting for a moment everyone around her. She was starting to relax and enjoy herself; it had been a very long time since she had done something like that around others.

“ They say I person is not truly dead so long as people still remember them.” David said

Forest caught himself wiping a tear from his eyes at the amazing performance. It was so heartfelt, so natural, yet even despite the surroundings it produced a natural emotional flow. This would easily be a moment to remember on board the Oceanus, for the entire crew. He cried not only for the emotional impact of the performance, but also the knowledge that this moment had been made and the crew had been a part of it.

"Truly fantastic," he said, softly, watching.

"Aaaay-oh!" Tazuko called out, with the crowd responding.












"Alright!" Tazuko concluded the interlude with an eruption of applause.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Hammer to fall!" She called out as the next song began

"Here we stand, here we fall
History don't care at all
Make the bed, light the light
Lady mercy won't be home tonight

You don't waste no time at all
Don't hear the bell, but you answer the call
It comes to us as to us all, Yeah!
And it's time for the hammer to fall

Every night, every day
A little piece of you is falling away
But lift you face the western way, babe!

Toe your line and play their game
Let the anesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name, yeah!
Then it's time for the hammer to fall

Rich or poor or famous
For your truth it's all the same (oh no, oh no!)

Lock your door cause rain is pouring
Through your window pane (Oh no)
Baby now your struggle's all in vain, Oh, yeah!

For we who grew up tall and proud
In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
Convinced our voices can't be heard
Just wanna scream it louder and louder and louder

What the hell we fighting for?
Just surrender and it won't hurt at all
Just got time to say your prayers
Then it's time for the hammer to fall

Going to fall!

Konata then had a decently long guitar solo, demonstrating her talent on the instrument, as she was actually the one playing the notes and not pretending to follow along with the program.

"Hey, hey!

Hey, hey!

Yeah, yeah, one more time!

Waiting for the hammer to fall!

Give it to me one more time!

Forest clapped earnestly again! This was by far the best musical preformance he had ever attended, though his experiences with such were limited in capacity, he was sure this was one of the best. The guitar solo was absolutely fantastic as well and a wonderful addition to the music.

"Bravo!" he shouted over the crowds enthusiasm. The holographic crowd was going wild, as well as those real individuals like himself who were present.

Carsyn smiled and stood up clapping "What a great performance. Encore, encore, encore." She brought her fingers up to her mouth and let out a loud whistle.

As the final notes of "Hammer to Fall" echoed through the nightclub, Tazuko and Konata struck a triumphant pose, basking in the applause and cheers of their crewmates and the holographic audience. The energy in the room was electric, a perfect blend of nostalgia and excitement.

Tazuko took a moment to catch her breath, then stepped forward, her voice ringing out over the enthusiastic crowd. "Thank you, everyone! You've been an amazing audience!"

Konata, her guitar still in hand, nodded and smiled. "We hope you enjoyed the show! Let's keep the party going and make some more great memories together on the Oceanus!"

With that, the holographic scene began to shift back to the lively atmosphere of Serena's Videoplex. The screens returned to playing classic music videos, and the dance floor filled with NPCs and crew members eager to continue the celebration.

Commander Forest approached Tazuko and Konata, a broad smile on his face. "That was an incredible performance. You two really brought the house down."

Carsyn, still clapping, joined them. "You both have real talent. Thank you for sharing it with us."

David and Crowl also made their way over, the Gorn towering over the group but wearing an unmistakable expression of delight. "This was truly a remarkable experience. Thank you."

Tazuko and Konata shared a grateful look before Tazuko responded, "We're just glad everyone had a good time. This is just the beginning for the crew of the Oceanus."

As the crew mingled and celebrated, the sense of camaraderie and excitement for their journey ahead was palpable. The impromptu concert had not only entertained but also brought everyone closer together, setting the stage for many more adventures to come.


Lieutenant Commander Rin Natsume
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Nicole Perkins MD
Executive Officer/Chief Medical Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Oceanus


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Konata Hiiragi
Medical Officer
USS Oceanus


Major Carsyn Kolchak
Wing Commander
USS Oceanus


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