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The New CIO

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 12:49am by Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Connor Hayden

948 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Precocious Odyssey
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge, Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Transit to Ryloth
Tags: 2396, Character Introduction


Commander Forest Patton sat behind his desk, reviewing the latest mission orders and crew updates. The ship was en route to Ryloth, and the recent intake of crew members from the USS Churchill had added some new faces to his team, including Lieutenant Connor Hayden, the new Chief Intelligence Officer.

"Computer, locate Lieutenant Connor Hayden," Patton requested.

"Lieutenant Connor Hayden is in his quarters," the computer replied.

Patton tapped his combadge.

=/\= Lieutenant Hayden, please report to the Captain's Ready Room. =/\=

Connor had been anticipating this page and was already one his way to the bridge, "On my way sir." he was still trying to shake the late night arrival off along with the lack of sleep, but what else was new for him.

A few minutes later, the chime of the ready room door sounded. "Enter," Patton called out, setting the PADD aside.

Connone stepped in, "Lieutenant Hayden checking in sir."

Patton stood and extended a hand. "Welcome aboard the Oceanus, Lieutenant. Please, have a seat."

Connor took a seat and waited for the CO to speak again,

Patton settled back into his chair and leaned forward slightly. "I wanted to take this opportunity to formally welcome you and to get you up to speed on our current situation. As you know, we’re on our way to Ryloth. In addition to the mission at hand, we’ve taken on a number of new crew members from the Churchill. You and Lazarus Kord, our temporary Chief Engineer, among them."

"Thank you sir, I do apologize for my late night arrival last night, but it was the only way to get here on time." Connor said factually, "Can I ask why there was a sudden change in my orders to get here so quickly?"

Commander Patton leaned back slightly, his expression thoughtful. "Your arrival was indeed expedited, Lieutenant, and for good reason. Our mission to Ryloth has taken on a new level of complexity. Intelligence reports suggest that there may be increased pirate activity in the region, potentially linked to Romulan threats."

He paused, assessing Connor's reaction. "Ryloth is a relatively unknown world along the border, but it does have a small Federation colony. This colony's strategic location makes it vulnerable, especially given its proximity to areas of interest for the Romulan Star Empire. We've received indications that elements within the Romulan Star Empire may be seeking to destabilize the region. This could involve direct action or through proxy groups, including pirates. Your expertise in intelligence and counter-espionage is crucial for us right now. We need to stay ahead of any potential threats, and your skills will be instrumental in ensuring the safety and success of our mission. Additionally, with the influx of new personnel from the Churchill, integrating them smoothly into our operations will require a keen understanding of security and intelligence protocols."

Connor smiled, "We'll have to thin out the list of proxy groups, we've had a noticeable increase through third party groups engaging in operations at outpost three three seven, including a botched assault on the outpost about a month ago, I'll have to go through more current reports to make determinations."

Commander Patton nodded appreciatively at Connor's proactive approach.

"That's exactly the kind of initiative we need, Lieutenant," Patton said, his tone encouraging. "Your background and expertise will be invaluable as we navigate these complexities. Once you've had a chance to review the latest intelligence reports, I’d like you to prepare a briefing for the senior staff. We need to identify any potential threats and develop strategies to counteract them before we reach Ryloth."

He leaned forward slightly, his expression earnest. "I also want to ensure that the integration of new personnel is seamless. With your experience, I trust you’ll be able to help identify any potential security risks and make sure everyone is fully briefed on our protocols. Your insights will be crucial in maintaining the cohesion and readiness of our crew."

Patton paused for a moment, then added, "Is there anything specific you need from me or any resources you require to get started?"

Connor thought for a moment, "Would it ruffle any feathers if I got in contact with Commodore Wallace from Intelligence operations?"

"Not at all!" replied Forest. "I'd expect you to do that under any circumstance, since you're Intelligence and need to gather ... well ... intelligence."

"There is a catch in doing that, the Commodore doesn't like long range subspace much these days so don't be surprised if he or some proxy shows up." Connor said.

Commander Patton chuckled softly, appreciating Connor's candidness.

"Understood, Lieutenant," Patton replied with a nod. "If Commodore Wallace or his proxy decides to make an appearance, we'll be prepared to accommodate them. It might actually work in our favor to have their expertise and direct insights."

Patton's expression turned serious again. "In the meantime, focus on gathering all the necessary information and preparing that briefing for the senior staff. The sooner we can get a clear picture of the threats we're facing, the better."

He paused, considering the implications of the upcoming mission. "And if there are any additional resources or support you need, don't hesitate to let me know. Our primary objective is to ensure the safety of the Federation colony on Ryloth and to thwart any destabilization efforts by the Romulans or their proxies."

Patton stood up, extending his hand once more. "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant Hayden. I'm confident that with your expertise, we'll be well-prepared for whatever lies ahead."

"Thank you sir, this should be an interesting assignment." Connor said as he stood to leave.


Lieutenant Connor Hayden
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Oceanus


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


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