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Kolchak's Gamble (Season 2 Starter)

Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 3:36pm by Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon & Lieutenant Commander Rin Natsume & Lieutenant Commander Athena Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Nicole Perkins MD & Major Carsyn Kolchak & Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart

1,962 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: A Precocious Odyssey
Location: USS Oceanus; Various
Timeline: MD 12 - 0700 Hrs
Tags: 2396, Character Development, Mission Post



The USS Oceanus came out of warp a few sectors away from the USS Churchill. They had been close, but the agreement and plan between Major Kolchak and Commander Patton had been to do a scouting run first. On the bridge, Commander Patton examined the viewscreen for any anomalies.

"What's our status?" the Commander asked to his bridge crew.

Athena was at Ops after her skills as Computer Specialist were needed, having worked out a minor glitch she figured she might as well answer the question being asked. “Systems looking green across the board Commander, minor glitches aside we hopefully shouldn’t have any problems.”

Forest nodded, feeling a bit confident from the report. "Thank you, Ms. Callaghan."

The Commander observed the Lieutenant Commander briefly. Athena had arrived late in the game on the Oceanus, but nevertheless she had hit the ground running well. Forest had already assigned her to the Second Officer position due to her capabilities. Her station at Ops was another good indication of her skillset and capabilities.

"Helm, what's our status?" Forest asked, his rumination complete.

Neteri replied quickly. "On course and holding steady captain", she said turning her head

Nodding at the response, the Commander swiftly tapped his combadge.

"Major Kolchak, this is the Captain. You may proceed when ready," Forest said.

===Space around the USS Churchill===

The two AC-307 and two AC-409's dropped out off the quantum-slipstream created when they had performed a 'warp bubble skim' of the Oceanus. =/\="Baqtagh"=/\= yelled 2nd Lieutenant Dawros G'unn as the four fighters roughly came out of the slipstream.
=/\= "Stow the unnecessary chatter Ghuy'cha. Ice Queen, you and Borhyas begin a racetrack Quebec circuit. Ghuy'cha stay on my tail, we will approach the Churchill. Whitenoise contact the Oceanus inform them we are in system where the Churchill is. Okay people let's get to work."=/\=

=/\=USS Oceanus this is Oceanid Nine, we have arrived in system. Hell of a ride.=/\=

=/\=Affirmative, Oceanid Nine. Has the cargo been delivered?=/\= asked Forest, who knew of the transport shuttle enroute.

On her internal comms Major Kolchak stated to Whiteout, her RIO "Whiteout, see if you can raise the Churchill." =/\=USS Churchill, this is Oceanid Six from the USS Oceanus can you read us?=/\=

Suddenly there was a beeping on all four of the fighters IFF screens. Whiteout stated calmly "Major incoming shuttle, IFF shows friendly." Carsyn sighed "Got it" She hit her comm =/\=Ice Queen, Borhyas, switch to racetrack Beta. Ghuy'cha on my tail let's go greet our 'friend'.=/\= With that she kicked in the drive and Oceanid six with her wingman took up positions on either side. =/\=Shuttle this is Oceanid six, please advise of intentions and cargo.=/\
Meanwhile Oceanid Nine updated the Oceanus =/\=Oceanus be advised a friendly shuttle has appeared in system, Oceanid Six and her wingman are interrogating now.=/\=

“Sir..” Shauna looked towards Patton. “Oceanic Nine reports a friendly shuttle has appeared in the system. Oceanic Six is interrogating.”

"Very good," Forest said, nodding to Shauna. "That's a shuttle ordered in by Commodore Paladin. Allow it through. It's an emergency crew transfer."

“Aye Sir” Shauna nodded as she relayed the message to allow the shuttle through.

Major Kolchak was listening in on the comm traffic as she and her wingman settled into a loose, easy escort for the shuttle. She remained silent as she listened to her people perform their duties.

Tazuko, standing at the tactical console, nodded at the order to allow the shuttle through, and proceeded to issue clearance for the shuttle.

Sitting quietly at the Engineering console, the Ship's Chief engineer Rin, didn't have much to add. She was monitoring the ship's power systems and engines. So far the Oceanus was holding up nicely and had been performing well since its launch.

"USS Churchill this is Oceanid Six, be advised we are escorting a shuttle to you. Are you able to receive?" Kolchak inquired. "Whiteout what is the status of the Churchill." Carsyn asked her RIO, needing the vital information for how best to assist the stricken ship.

===== USS Churchill =====

=/\= This is USS Churchill, we copy=/\= replied James, looking back at the screen, he continued =/\= we have visual, but our sensors are down,=/\= as he sat down in the command chair he finished =/\= we do have life support=/\= as he hoped that they were here.

===== Major Kolchak =====

=/\=Good to hear Churchill, Be advised we are escorting a shuttlecraft with emergency crew transfer. Once shuttle safely landed, we will continue sweeping the sector and being your eyes and ears.=/\= Switching frequencies she hailed the Oceanus =/\=Oceanus this is Oceanid Six, have confirmed communications with the Churchill finishing with escort of shuttlecraft then we will begin sweeping sector, acting as eyes and ears for the Churchill.=/\= Carsyn then asked her RIO "Whiteout, begin a sensor sweep of the area around the Churchill, then contact the other two fighters have them switch to Zeda Alpha pattern for the race track." Whiteout responded "Aye, aye sir." She then began doing as ordered.

==== BRIDGE / USS Oceanus ====

Observing the transpiring events, Commander Patton was pleased.

Nicole stood slightly behind Patton, holding a PADD in her hands. She had always preferred a standing position so she could move around quickly if needs be, and so had had engineering adapt a PADD so she could complete everything she needed to from it.

"Helm, take us closer to the situation, I think everything seems green here," he said, though there was a hint of caution.

===Space around the Churchill===

=/\=Marotte. Ice Queen. Have a bogey dropping out of warp, IFF is not showing friendly. I repeat IFF is not pinging friendly.=/\= Double crap thought Carsyn =/\=Copy Ice Queen.=/\= Carsyn then switched to the Oceanus, =/\=Oceanus this Oceanid Six, request immediate launch of ready alert fighters. Have an unidentified ship drop from warp. Going weapons hot.=/\= With that Kolchak spoke to her RIO. "Whitenoise get me a fix on what has just joined us." Hitting her comms she directed her fighters and informed the Churchill of the situation, =/\=Okay all fighters pull in tight Beta formation around the Churchill.Churchill be advised unknown bogey has dropped out of warp, fighters are tight Beta around you.=/\=

==== BRIDGE / USS Oceanus ====

Phoebe tapped a series of commands into her PADD, trying to get a fix on the ship that had dropped out of warp. "Trying to get the new vessel on screen now Commander, I've had the fighter crews prepare to launch at your command."

"Go to yellow alert," ordered Forest promptly. "I want to be ready. Shields only, keep weapons on standby."

“Yellow alert, Aye Sir!” Shauna nodded as she initiated yellow alert. “Shields are up, weapons are on standby.”

===Space around the USS Churchill===

White noise began tapping her sensor console and it immediately brought up the ship classification: an Orion Wander class, with modifications. "Marotte, we have an Orion class Wander with heavy modifications, still no I.D."
Kolchak sighed. Well at least it is an Orion ship, easier to deal with. she thought. "Okay, White noise, inform the Oceanus then I want you to see if you can tight beam link our sensor to the Churchill."
=/\=All fighters group tight on the Churchill's saucer section. Ice Queen, I want you to try and tight beam your sensors to the Churchill if we are successful, we will act as their sensors. New wingman, Ice Queen and I will work as a team; Borhyas, you are now team leader and Ghuy'cha will be your wingman. Be prepared to detach and attack on my command. =/\=

As Carsyn was providing the orders to the small flight, White noise was updating the Oceanus. =/\= Oceanus this is Oceanid 6. Be advised we have an Orion Wander class starship. Heavily modified and not responding to IFF interrogation I.D.=/\=

Certainly! Here's a way to wrap up the scene while smoothly setting up the next steps for the USS Oceanus and USS Churchill crews:


The bridge was a hive of activity, with the yellow alert lights flashing and the tension palpable. Commander Patton stood resolutely at the center of it all, his eyes fixed on the main viewscreen.

"Helm, take us to within 10,000 kilometers of the Churchill," Patton ordered. "Maintain defensive posture."

Phoebe continued working her PADD, coordinating with the fighter crews and updating Patton on the situation. "Fighter crews are ready, sir. We're monitoring the Orion vessel's movements."

Forest turned to his Communications Officer. "Hail the Orion vessel."

A moment later, the comms officer responded, "Channel open, sir."

"This is Commander Forest Patton of the USS Oceanus to the unidentified Orion vessel. You are entering Federation space and approaching a disabled Starfleet vessel. Identify yourself and state your intentions immediately."


As the Orion Wander class ship loomed closer, the fighters tightened their formation around the Churchill, ready to engage if necessary. Major Kolchak's voice crackled over the comms, steady and commanding.

=/\= Churchill, this is Oceanid Six. We're maintaining a tight defensive formation around you. Prepare to activate any remaining defensive systems. =/\=

James on the Churchill's bridge responded, =/\= Acknowledged, Oceanid Six. We're readying what we can. =/\=


The tension was thick as they awaited a response from the Orion ship. Suddenly, the viewscreen flickered, and the image of a grizzled Orion captain appeared.

"This is Captain Varok of the Orion vessel Rage. We are here for salvage operations. We were not aware this was Federation territory. We will withdraw immediately."

Commander Patton's expression hardened. "Captain Varok, your presence here is unauthorized. Withdraw immediately, or we will be forced to take defensive actions."

Varok's eyes narrowed, but he nodded curtly. "Understood, Commander. Rage out."

The screen returned to the view of space as the Orion vessel began to turn away, its engines flaring to life.

"Stand down from yellow alert," Patton ordered, relief evident in his voice. "Maintain sensor lock on that vessel until it is well clear of our position."

Shauna confirmed, “Aye Sir, standing down yellow alert. Keeping sensor lock on the Orion vessel until it’s clear.”


The fighters held their formation as the Orion ship began its retreat. Major Kolchak's voice broke the silence.

=/\= Oceanus, this is Oceanid Six. The Orion vessel is retreating. We will continue our patrol and keep a close watch. Oceanid Six out. =/\=


Forest let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "Good work, everyone. Helm, resume our original course. Let's get our people on the Churchill and provide whatever assistance is necessary."

Phoebe tapped her PADD, setting the new course. "Course set, Commander."

The bridge crew settled back into their stations, the immediate danger averted, but the mission far from over. Commander Patton turned to his team, a determined look in his eyes.

"Let's stay sharp. This is just the beginning."

...To Be Continued...


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Nicole Perkins
Executive Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Rin Natsume
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Athena Callaghan
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Callie Knight
Chief Counselor
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon
Group Commander
USS Oceanus


Major Carsyn Kolchak
Wing Commander
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant JG Jessica Stewart
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Oceanus


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