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A Fool's Errand

Posted on Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 9:51pm by Commodore Gregory Paladin & Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Connor Hayden

1,693 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Location: The ready room
Timeline: (45 minutes after 'Briefing')
Tags: 2396, Character Development


Not many of the crew had gotten to know Connor, to the uninformed observer he might be annoyed, or concerned about something. To others including anyone who was telepathic would notice he might be worried, too others he might have seemed focused, but the conversation he'd just ended with Captain Ortiz was bordering on panic. the turbolift stopped and before the door was fully opened he jumped out the door and crossed the bridge with some degree of panic to the captain's ready room, he jammed the door chime in hard, 'This is gonna be a hard one to explain, and a big mess.'

As the door hissed opened he walked in "Sir I really screwed up."

Commander Forest Patton looked up from the data pad he was reading, his brow furrowing slightly as Lieutenant Connor Hayden entered the room with clear agitation. The intensity in the young officer’s demeanor was unmistakable. Forest set the pad aside, giving Connor his full attention.

"Take a seat, Lieutenant," Patton said calmly, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. His tone was steady, exuding an air of authority tempered with patience. "Tell me exactly what happened."

Connor tried to collect himself as he sat and began "Back when I was at outpost three three seven, one of the operations we had our hands in was some stuff involving arms smuggling in general, but we were focused on the deals being made on Freecloud, I didn't mention all of this because of how classified parts of the operation were set up, one of the operatives contacted Captain Ortiz on the USS Cardiff that Ryloth was a destination for an arms sale that's taken place in the last forty-eight hours, this i where the problem really begins, if we move against any shipments the operative may end up dead, this is where I have to breach normal security protocols, the operative is on the transport with the shipment and used a danger code as part of her mission report that indicated she needs extraction soon as possible, she believes she's in danger."

Commander Forest Patton's expression grew more serious as Connor detailed the situation. The urgency and complexity of the predicament were evident, and Forest recognized the gravity of the matter.

“Lieutenant, this is indeed a critical situation,” Forest said, his tone firm yet composed. “Given the stakes, we need to handle this with utmost precision. I’ll need to confer with Captain Franklin Johnson and Commodore Gregory Paladin before we can finalize our plan of action.”

He paused for a moment, meeting Connor’s gaze with a reassuring look. “Your prompt reporting of this issue is crucial. I want you to be present while I communicate with Captain Johnson and Commodore Paladin. Your firsthand account will be invaluable in ensuring they have all the information needed to make informed decisions.”

Forest gestured towards his desk. “Come with me and sit down. I’ll start by contacting Captain Johnson, who oversees our Task Group, and then reach out to Commodore Paladin, who’s in command of both the Poseidon and Oceanus. Their input will be essential in determining our next steps.”

He moved forward to his desk and sat down behind it. After a moment, he initiated contact with the USS Poseidon. Captain Johnson came on screen and Forest and the Captain conferred quietly. After a moment he turned the monitor around so it was facing the Chief Intelligence Officer.

"Lieutenant Hayden," greeted the Captain, who almost looked too youthful to be in his position, "I'm Captain Franklin Johnson, Task Group Commanding Officer of 51-D Yokai, Theta Fleet. I've been briefly updated by Commander Patton on the situation. I've already approved the preliminary mission to Ryloth, however this new information is new to me. Can you provide me a brief on why I should redirect the Oceanus?"

Connor knew that this was it, "I don't think we need to redirect the ship, the information from Captain Ortiz indicates the operative is in probable danger and the ship she is currently aboard is in bound too Ryloth, I would like to find a way to extract them without compromising the cover we have established, there is another snag."

Franklin looked visibly relieved, though his expression remained curious. "Go on," he prompted.

"Parts of the original operation concerning the arms trade originating out of Freecloud, Ryloth and so on weren't planned through normal security and Intelligence channels due to increasing security concerns." Connor answered then added "there are other players that no one knows the identity of."

"Alright," Franklin replied after a moment. He looked as if he was deep in thought. "Commander Patton?"

Forest was quick to turn the monitor around. "Yes sir?"

"Drop to warp 2 and maintain course, I believe the Commodore will want to investigate this matter further."

"Aye, sir," replied Forest. The feed cut.

=== Three Hours Later ===

As the USS Oceanus dropped out of warp to accommodate the arrival of Commodore Gregory Paladin, the crew went about their tasks with focused efficiency. The ship came to a stationary position in space, and large Excelsior-class starship loomed off its port-bow. A sleek shuttlecraft approached, its polished hull gleaming under the starlight as it vectored toward the smaller Intrepid-class.

The shuttle landed in the Oceanus's shuttle bay, and soon after, the hatch opened to reveal Commodore Paladin. He stepped out with a commanding presence, his raven-black hair perfectly styled and his light blue eyes reflecting the intensity of his role. Despite his stern appearance, there was a warmth in his demeanor that put those around him at ease.

Paladin's physique was fit and his movements deliberate, exuding both authority and approachability. As he walked through the corridors, his stride was purposeful, and his uniform was impeccably maintained. He carried an air of experience and confidence, honed from years of distinguished service in Starfleet.

He arrived at the Captain's Ready Room and was greeted by Commander Patton. Forest, maintaining his professional composure, extended a hand in welcome. "Commodore Paladin, thank you for joining us on such short notice."

Paladin shook Forest's hand firmly, a friendly smile touching his lips. "Commander Patton, Lieutenant Hayden. It's a pleasure to meet you both. I've been briefed on the situation, but I look forward to discussing it in detail."

With a nod, Paladin took his seat at the Captain's desk, his eyes scanning the room as he prepared for the discussion. His demeanor remained composed, but there was an underlying intensity that spoke to the gravity of the situation.

"Mr. Hayden," Gregory said as Commander Patton sat in his seat. "Ryloth was an operation I approved and vetted with Captain Johnson. We're aware of the illegal smuggling trade going on, however the complexity of it has eluded us. I wanted the Oceanus to investigate. Mr. Patton filled in the gaps and from what I understand, the ship has already been reconfigured to identify as the USS Optimus for this ... clandestine mission. I, again, approved this."

Gregory looked at Connor with a quiet intensity as a brief momentary silence precluded his continuation.

"I have not had the pleasure of meeting Captain Ortiz, however I'm led to believe he has an excellent resume," the Commodore continued. "As such, knowing you're involved with Starfleet Intelligence, I also understand you're very capable at analyzing situations. You say you don't want to redirect the Oceanus. What are your options?"

Connor looked squarely at the Commodore, "Captain Ortiz will follow the Ryloth bound smugglers as long as possible, the agent has to do a check in when they arrive in system, which was set up as part of the mission parameters, if we can arrive an hour ahead of the merchandise drop off I can signal the agent to simply walk away I can meet the agent at a set meeting place and beam them aboard the Oceanus, I know that sounds simple but it's how we've done similar extractions and there is a fall back location if we run into complications."

"Commodore, we have a wide verity of craft that would be suitable for this mission," Forest reminded Gregory.

The slightly older Commodore nodded to his subordinate as he sat back in his chair, thinking. He rubbed his chin.

"This all needs to be done and over with before the Oceanus arrives at Ryloth. Did Lazarus come on board?" he asked.

"Yes sir," Forest replied.

"Good, send him with the Lieutenant," the Commodore ordered. "He's proficient at utilizing whatever resources he has available." Gregory said, looking to Connor. "No doubt you are as well, but this mission requires individuals capable enough to get the job done. Lazarus is a Gorn, an expert engineer, and has unique attributes I'm not privy to discuss. A Type-11 shuttlecraft should be sufficient for the mission. Get in, get done, get out. Let Lazarus work the transporters, he'll get your man."

"I'll start the process of getting the agent out, the rendezvous point is a cafe near starport, once contact is made I'll signal our escape." Connor said.

Gregory nodded, then looked to Forest who quickly replied.

"Sounds good," Forest said, looking from Gregory to Connor. "I'll have Lazarus park the Type-11 nearby or low orbit to allow for easier transport. If you need him on the ground I suggest you two plan on the fly. Otherwise, I believe this meeting is concluded."

The Commodore stood, nodding to both present. "Gentlemen," he said in manner of farewell. He then gave a thumbs-up back to Forest who nodded back. Shortly after the Commodore was gone, transported back to his ship, and the Excelsior-class starship swiftly entering warp back the way it came.

"I'll send the coded message right away, this shouldn't draw any other resources if it goes smoothly and quick." Connor added waiting for the final go ahead.


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor
USS Oceanus


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Connor Hayden
Chief Intelligence officer
USS Poseidon


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