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Briefing before Ryloth

Posted on Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 9:50pm by Commander Forest Patton & Lieutenant Commander Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou & Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara & Lieutenant Veya & Lieutenant Connor Hayden & Master Chief Petty Officer Jerrard Peterson

2,530 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mystery at Ryloth
Location: USS Oceanus; Deck 1 - Officers' Briefing Room
Timeline: Transit to Ryloth
Tags: 2396, Character Development, Mission Post


Commander Patton sat at the head of the oddly shaped briefing table, which was arranged with seven chairs: a semicircular front with a holographic projector and additional seats lining the sides. The room was dimly lit to enhance the holographic display, which was currently active, casting a soft blue light over the assembled team.

As the final member of the group settled into their seat, Commander Patton cleared his throat and addressed the room. "Thank you all for joining this strategy meeting. We’re here to discuss our upcoming mission to Ryloth, with a specific focus on potential threats and tactical considerations. Given the nature of our mission and the possible presence of a Romulan agent, I wanted to bring together key members from science, intelligence, and security to ensure we have a comprehensive plan in place."

The new executive officer, Lieutenant Commander Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou sat to the right of the Captain, quietly observing the crew.

He turned to Lieutenant Veya, the new Chief Science Officer. "Lieutenant Veya, you’ve already provided some valuable insights regarding Romulan internal dynamics and their penchant for secrecy. Could you start by summarizing how this understanding might impact our approach?"

The Vulcan science officer's head was tilted slightly to the left as she listed to Commander Patton call the meeting to order. When he called on her to speak first she straightened her features, her eyebrows possibly giving away a modicum of surprise, though her face was otherwise expressionless.

"You may not be aware that I was an officer in the Vulcan Command Fleet before committing my service to Starfleet. Maintaining current information on Romulan affairs was always a priority for High Command, as I am sure you can imagine," Veya began. "I had mentioned to the Captain that there is an inherent mistrust built into Romulan society that could potentially be exploited to our benefit. It is not simply that they do not trust outsiders - there are elements of distrust among one another."

Veya continued seriously, her delivery without affect, "For example, military commanders are always at risk of being overthrown. They are also aware that at any given time there are likely two or more Tal Shiar agents secretly embedded in their ranks, leading them to not trust their own people. Even among the Tal Shiar, there has historically been indications that operatives are not aware of one another and are at times given missions that work against the other's interest," Veya explained. "Furthermore, there are indications that this internal distrust has grown worse since the destruction of Romulus."

Connor knodded, "I've seen this first hand, it seems to a cultural thing on some levels groups tend to not only congregate based not only on familial levels but on regional ways too, but the mistrust issues seem to extend in a more harsh manner toward anyone suspected of being ex Tal Shiar, the mistrust does blur where military service is involved, that on some levels does pass on to some selected starfleet officers in mutual fields, there some ex Tal Shiar that are for the right incentives willing to help Starfleet, something to keep in mind."

"But Starfleet must also be careful when dealing with purported 'Ex Tal Shiar.'" Tazuko pointed out. "My brother Tanaka resigned from Starfleet when he realized he was aiding in a Tal Shiar plot against the Federation. So someone might claim to be 'ex Tal Shiar,' but in truth still be an active agent."

Connor looked over, "I completely agree, it's not like two hundred plus years of distrust are going to disappear easily, any relief missions we're part of are going to be met with suspicion, no matter how substantive."

Veya interjected, "I had raised the Romulans internal issues with a mindset toward a more practical application, as to this particular mission. Whatever the Romulan agent is seeking to gain from his work in the region, it is unlikely that this agent is working alone. If undercover operatives are able to make contact with members of this agents team, I do not believe it would be difficult to fuel the doubt and mistrust that is likely already present in their arrangement. The goal being to cause discord between the agent and those in his or her employ."

"I could reach out to an operative on Freecloud maybe shorten the list of whose working in the sector, but it might have to be an in person meeting." Connor commented.

Forest remained at his seat as he watched his staff go back and forth. He was silent, up until Connor mentioned Freecloud.

"Freecloud? An Operative?" he inquired. "I want to consider all alternatives that leave less risk of trouble. If we can find someone in the grey whose in the know, it could make our entry into this mission less complicated."

Connor smirked, "Going in blind would raise the risks, in this situation information is our ammunition."

"Why could we not gather the information ourselves?" Veya asked. "There was already a plan in place to establish a decoy business at Ryloth. I assumed we would be using our own crew as undercover agents to make this business appear operational. If we also send officers to blend in as buyers, sellers, even common thieves I believe our prospects toward making contact are promising. The proposition that we could turn the agent's team against itself is an additional tool our officers should use - assuming the Captain deems it an appropriate approach." Lieutenant Veya turned to Commander Patton and gave the commanding officer a deferential nod.

Connor decided to show his hand of cards, "The operation on Freecloud was shutdown a few days ago, a byproduct was my transfer and an operative with some first hand knowledge being trapped, I owe it to them, it'll take four to five hours to go in, extract them and get out maybe less."

Forest listened carefully as the conversation progressed, his attention fully focused when Connor brought up the Freecloud operation.

“Lieutenant Hayden,” Patton began thoughtfully, “I can see the value in reaching out to this operative, especially given their firsthand knowledge. However, we need to be cautious. An extraction mission could introduce new risks and might complicate our primary objective.”

He shifted his gaze to Veya, nodding slightly. “Lieutenant Veya's approach—using our own crew to gather intelligence on Ryloth, which was the prior consensus—offers a more controlled environment. Establishing a decoy business and embedding our officers within the local scene seems like a practical and less overt method to achieve our goals. It aligns with Starfleet's preference for minimal exposure.”

After a moment, Forest added, “That said, I’m not ruling out the possibility of an extraction if it becomes necessary. If we can secure valuable intel that gives us an edge, then it’s worth considering. Let’s move forward with Veya’s plan as our primary strategy. Meanwhile, Connor, I’d like you to quietly assess the feasibility of that side operation. If it can be done swiftly and discreetly, we’ll keep it as an option.”

He leaned forward slightly, his tone resolute. “Our priority is the mission, but if this operative can provide us with critical information, we need to be ready to act. Lieutenant Hayden, can you possibly present to me a solid plan for extraction with minimal resource use from the Oceanus?”

The Commander then looked to Veya and the rest that were present. "I'm leaning towards a main operation-side operation approach. Opinions?"

"The previous things we discussed are starting to fall into place" Connor started, "We'll have to divert to the Kisine system to maintain cover, a local intel operative is our contact for our arrival."

Veya raised an eyebrow at the intelligence officer's response. "I believe our tactical officers' opinion may be more informed than anything I could offer. I am willing to work with any team members to provide information from my personal experience that may be useful."

Connor thankfully was saved by the internal comm system =^="Lieutenant Hayden you have a subspace communication incoming from a Captain Ortiz."=^=

"Patch it to my quarters, I'll take it there." pausing too excuse himself "I need to take this." he said exiting the briefing room.

Master Chief Jerrard Peterson had been sitting quietly in the corner, observing the meeting. He was not often invited to these meetings, but it had been thought that his tactical experience and knowledge would be beneficial to the meeting. He now decided to offer his voice, as the intelligence officer left the room. "A two pronged assault would be possible with our man power. It would however leave the Oceanus with a skeleton crew of Security Personnel, so if anything were to happen onboard your response ability, from our teams at least, would be limited. It could be increased by rostering our teams for double shifts, gives us double the staff we would normally have, but even then it would be reduced. Would you agree with this assessment Lieutenant Commander?" He asked, looking towards the Chief Security and Tactical Officer.

"It's always tricky working with a fixed number of personnel." Tazuko agreed. "But, that's where good leadership makes the difference. It won't be easy to convince a skeleton crew to give up rest periods, but I think it can be done. Morale in my department is on the rise after it tanked under Stewart, and I have every intention to maintain that momentum."

Commander Forest considered the input from his officers carefully, his expression serious but thoughtful. "You're right, Master Chief," he began, addressing Peterson directly. "A two-pronged approach does stretch us thin, but if we manage it well, it could be our best option. Our priority has to be the mission, but we can't afford to neglect the security of the Oceanus."

He then turned his attention to Lieutenant Commander Tazuko, nodding in agreement. "Lieutenant Commander, I trust your judgment when it comes to your team's morale and capabilities. If you believe they can handle the strain, then we'll proceed with your plan to roster the teams for double shifts. Make sure they understand the importance of what we're doing—clear communication can go a long way in maintaining morale, especially when the stakes are this high."

Forest paused for a moment, glancing around the room to gauge the reactions of his team. "We'll need to keep a close eye on the situation. If at any point you feel the crew is being pushed too far, I want to know immediately. We can't risk burnout, but I trust you all to manage your teams effectively."

His gaze swept across the room, finally landing back on Veya. "Lieutenant Veya, your willingness to assist with any information is appreciated. I want you to work closely with Lieutenant Commander Tazuko and Master Chief Peterson to ensure our teams are as prepared as possible for this operation. Your experience could prove invaluable in anticipating any unexpected challenges."

Forest leaned back slightly, his tone firm but supportive. "This mission is a team effort. We'll need to be adaptable and ready for anything. If there are any further concerns or suggestions, now is the time to bring them up. Otherwise, let's get to work on refining our plans and making sure we're ready to execute when the time comes."

A moments pause, then, "Anything else?"

"I believe," Alisa started. "That the plan is to disguise the Oceanus as a civilian vessel." She said. "Therefore bridge officers should wear civilian attire and we can use the holographic display to imitate a non-Starfleet bridge. A precaution should anyone from the planet hail us." She stated.

"Agree," Patton said, nodding. He then looked around again. "Anything else?"

Tazuko merely shook her head. She had nothing more to add. Though she would be sure to keep an eye on her department's performance and watch for symptoms of burnout as Commander Patton had instructed.

Jerrard shook his head. "I should be able to assist with the morale of our Security teams. They have come to confide in me if they need someone to talk to, so hopefully if the need arises they will do so, and I will be able to explain to them the importance of this task. The only other thing I'll need is a list of supplies, weapons etcetera that you'll need for the two teams. Anything I have is at your disposal, but the paperwork needs to be in." He said, looking between the CO and Tazuko.

Veya had no reaction to the Commander's question other than to be alert for any responses.

"Very good," the Commander said as he observed the Master Chief, then glanced around the table. "Anything else?"

"One more thing I would like to suggest," Alisa interjected. "I would like to set up a mission control room within the warehouse." She suggested. "I can then keep track of where everyone is and relay live information to both teams. I suggest a handful of Security and Operations officers to assist."

"Approved, XO," Forest said, nodding. He then looked around, waiting for a reply from anyone else.

Another moment of silence.

"Good. Let's review," he said as he activated the tables holographic display again. "We will separate this operation into two teams. Our primary objective," he continued as the display followed his summary, "is to gather intelligence from local sources concerning Romulan Agent activity. We will do this by utilizing the warehouse front provided to us by the government sources. It will also serve as a decoy front that will likely confuse anyone looking into our operation."

"Lieutenant Commander Kujou will provide overwatch for the operation," Forest expanded, "and we'll utilize her at our base for guidance during the operations."

"Next," he continued, "we will utilize our forces on the ground to find and gather intelligence about Romulan agents. We will utilize whatever methods we can to ascertain and figure out just how many of them are here. If possible, we exploit distrust in their ranks. If not, we go the old route and simply follow them around. Romulans are not to be trifled with concerning covert operations, however, so we must be careful and crafty."

"Finally," the Commander said glancing around the room, "we have a secondary and less important objective to ascertain any values of illegal arms trading within the Rylothian sphere of influence. Any information you find is valuable, but secondary to our primary objectives. I'll relay your findings to Commodore Paladin for review, as this is his operation. Please remember we are the USS Optimus for the interim, any and all communication must reflect that."

A momentary pause. "Have I missed anything?"

"Not that I am aware of, Captain. Should I have questions, I will inquire as they arise," Veya responded.

"Very good," Forest said, looking around the table. "Dismissed."


Commander Forest Patton
Commanding Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Connor Hayden
Chief intelligence officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Tazuko Miyahara
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Veya
Chief Science Officer
USS Oceanus


Lieutenant Commander Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou
Executive Officer
USS Oceanus


Master Chief Petty Officer Jerrard Peterson
USS Oceanus


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